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A CHAP is a list of all possible Selection Type (STs). Each ST is assigned one Resource Type Priority List (RTPL). There are fourteen profiles to choose among by the parameter CHAP. Each profile represents a specific channel allocation strategy. The strategies differ with respect to the behavior of the feature Immediate Assignment on TCH, see further Reference [16], the handling of GSM phase 1 and phase 2 MSs and the allocation of a channel in an OL subcell.54afd5a4fK:JFD()$#本文來自移動通信網(wǎng)gg1fic3.cn,版權所有
The following CHAPs are available:(*$#什21K:JFD()$本文來自移動通信網(wǎng)gg1fic3.cn,版權所有
CHAP 0: Default
This profile is backward compatible. Immediate assignment on TCH is not allowed.
CHAP 1: Immediate Assignment on TCH, SDCCH chosen first)#$@&%#*(K:JFD()$#本文來自移動通信網(wǎng)gg1fic3.cn,版權所有
Immediate assignment on TCH is allowed, but a TCH may only be allocated when there are no idle SDCCHs.
However, Immediate assignment on TCH is not done for Immediate assignment STs that are used for Location Updating or GSM phase 2 MSs sending or receiving SMS (see Reference [16]).
All other traffic cases, that is excluding the Immediate assignment cases, follow the same channel allocation strategy as the default CHAP.89西7K:JFD本文來自移動通信網(wǎng)gg1fic3.cn,版權所有
CHAP 2: Immediate assignment on TCH, TCH chosen first, GSM phase 2 MSs, "Channel Needed" provided by the MSC
At Immediate assignment, a TCH is allocated as a first choice. If there are no idle TCHs, an attempt is made to allocate an SDCCH.%$#(*K:JFD本文來自移動通信網(wǎng)gg1fic3.cn,版權所有
However, Immediate assignment on TCH is not allowed for Immediate assignment STs that are used for location updating or GSM phase 2 MSs sending or receiving SMS.kjhfjK:JFD本文來自移動通信網(wǎng)gg1fic3.cn,版權所有
This profile is for a network with predominately GSM phase 2 MSs as it allows a TCH to be allocated as a first choice for Immediate assignment STs used for GSM phase 1 MSs sending or receiving SMS. The profile can also be suitable for a network with predominately phase 1 type mobiles with little SMS traffic, or if the operator does not mind using TCHs for SMS.j道h$#$#&K:JFD()$#本文來自移動通信網(wǎng)gg1fic3.cn,版權所有
All other traffic cases, that is excluding the Immediate assignment cases, follow the same strategy as the default CHAP.
CHAP 3: Immediate assignment on TCH, GSM phase 2 MSs, "Channel needed" not provided by the MSC
This profile has a channel allocation strategy similar to profile 2, but is intended for a network where the MSC does not provide the information element "Channel needed" (see Table 6). A TCH is allocated as a last choice at Immediate assignment STs used for MS terminated calls since they can not be distinguished from an MS terminated SMS.
CHAP 4: Immediate assignment on TCH, GSM phase 1 MSs, "Channel needed" not provided by the MSC
This profile has an allocation strategy similar to profile 3, but is intended for a network with predominately GSM phase 1 MSs. A TCH is allocated as a last choice for Immediate assignment STs used for MS originated and terminated calls because they can not be distinguished from GSM phase 1 MS originated and terminated SMS.
CHAP 5: OL subcell as last resort for TCH
This profile provides a channel allocation strategy similar to the default profile. Immediate assignment on TCH is not allowed, and only SDCCHs in UL subcell is allowed at immediate assignment. At TCH allocation however, if an UL subcell is preferred, and there is no available idle TCH in the UL subcell, an attempt is made to allocate a TCH from the OL subcell as a last resort (see Reference [20]).*(我)$K:JFD(本文來自移動通信網(wǎng)gg1fic3.cn,版權所有
The purpose of this strategy is to avoid unsuccessful handovers or blocked calls when the UL subcell is congested, but there are available idle channels in the OL subcell. The drawback is that the OL subcell may serve MSs outside its defined serving area, which might lead to excessive interference.?1f3dK:JFD(本文來自移動通信網(wǎng)gg1fic3.cn,版權所有
CHAP 6: Immediate assignment on TCH, SDCCH chosen first, OL subcell as last resortK:JFD()$#本文來自移動通信網(wǎng)gg1fic3.cn,版權所有
This profile combines the Immediate assignment allocation strategy in profile 1 and the OL subcell as last resort strategy in profile 5.545%#(肒:JFD()本文來自移動通信網(wǎng)gg1fic3.cn,版權所有
CHAP 7: Operator's choice1a3ds也f1K:JFD()$#本文來自移動通信網(wǎng)gg1fic3.cn,版權所有
This profile is a copy of the default profile 0. Profile 7 may be used by the operator to introduce an own allocation strategy. Assistance from the Ericsson first line support is needed to define this new CHAP.知1fkjhfK:JFD()$本文來自移動通信網(wǎng)gg1fic3.cn,版權所有
CHAP 8: BCCH in Overlaid Subcell1f3dsaf1K:JFD()$本文來自移動通信網(wǎng)gg1fic3.cn,版權所有
This profile provides a channel allocation strategy similar to profile 5. However, at Immediate Assignment, OL subcell will be prioritized before UL subcell. For more information see Reference &%#*(我)$#@3K:JFD()$#_*(本文來自移動通信網(wǎng)gg1fic3.cn,版權所有
CHAP 9: Inter cell handover and Assignment to other cell, restricted to UL subcell.
This profile provides a channel allocation strategy similar to the default profile. However, at Inter cell handover and Assignment to other cell the channel allocation is restricted to UL subcell even if the preferred subcell is the OL.5%#(么$K:JFD()本文來自移動通信網(wǎng)gg1fic3.cn,版權所有
The purpose of this strategy is to prevent direct handovers to the OL subcell. For more information see Reference [20].瞗12dsfdsK:JFD()$#本文來自移動通信網(wǎng)gg1fic3.cn,版權所有
CHAP 10: Inter cell handover and Assignment to other cell, OL subcell as last resort.s3a21fd3K:JFD()$本文來自移動通信網(wǎng)gg1fic3.cn,版權所有
This profile provides a channel allocation strategy similar to profile 5. However, at Inter cell handover and Assignment to other cell, UL subcell will be prioritized before OL subcell even if the preferred subcell is the OL.
The purpose of this strategy is to always prioritize direct handovers to the UL subcell. For more information see Reference [20].oK:JFD()$#_*(本文來自移動通信網(wǎng)gg1fic3.cn,版權所有
CHAP 11: BCCH in Overlaid Subcell, Immediate Assignment on TCH, SDCCH chosen first
This profile combines the Immediate assignment allocation strategy in profile 1 and the OL subcell strategy in profile 8. However, for the Immediate Assignment only the OL subcell is allowed.4*$#(*)#$@&%K:JFD()$#_*(本文來自移動通信網(wǎng)gg1fic3.cn,版權所有
CHAP 12: BCCH in Overlaid Subcell, Immediate Assignment on TCH, TCH chosen first
This profile combines the Immediate assignment allocation strategy in profile 2 and the OL subcell strategy in profile 8. However, for the Immediate Assignment only the OL subcell is allowed.jlurewioK:JFD()$本文來自移動通信網(wǎng)gg1fic3.cn,版權所有
CHAP 13: Immediate assignment on TCH, TCH chosen first, OL subcell as last resort321%$#(*$#什K:JFD()$#_*(本文來自移動通信網(wǎng)gg1fic3.cn,版權所有
This profile combines the Immediate assignment allocation strategy in profile 2 and the OL subcell as last resort strategy in profile 5.(哦*&#%kcK:JFD()$#本文來自移動通信網(wǎng)gg1fic3.cn,版權所有

回答者: d-f     回答時間:2009-02-17 17:29    

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