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1、高層到低層切換是傘狀切換 同級之間是PBGT切換K:JFD()$本文來自移動通信網(wǎng)gg1fic3.cn,版權(quán)所有
2、ACL=SAME 采用PBGT切換,  AUCL=-47傘狀切換失效, | &#*($(哦*&K:JFD()$#_本文來自移動通信網(wǎng)gg1fic3.cn,版權(quán)所有
These search terms have been highlighted: umbrella handover354afd5a4fK:JFD()$#_本文來自移動通信網(wǎng)gg1fic3.cn,版權(quán)所有
  BSC handovers  mscbsc 移動通信論壇擁有30萬通信專業(yè)人員,超過50萬份GSM/3G等通信技術(shù)資料,是國內(nèi)領(lǐng)先專注于通信技術(shù)和通信人生活的社區(qū)。%u(h+t(N u$]0q"X J$SjouierpK:JFD()本文來自移動通信網(wǎng)gg1fic3.cn,版權(quán)所有
Umbrella handover
mscbsc 移動通信論壇擁有30萬通信專業(yè)人員,超過50萬份GSM/3G等通信技術(shù)資料,是國內(nèi)領(lǐng)先專注于通信技術(shù)和通信人生活的社區(qū)。"t*Y4[&G,X5V)e8|89西70K:JFD(本文來自移動通信網(wǎng)gg1fic3.cn,版權(quán)所有
The umbrella handover procedure enables network-directed traffic control between umbrella cells (macrocells) and microcells. The parameter enable umbrella handover (EUM) indicates whether the umbrella handover procedure is enabled. The umbrella handover is enabled when the value is 'yes'.
Figure Umbrella handover shows the process leading to the handover.s1fads不21fdK:JFD()$#_*(本文來自移動通信網(wǎng)gg1fic3.cn,版權(quán)所有
Figure: Umbrella handover($(哦*&#K:JFD()$本文來自移動通信網(wǎng)gg1fic3.cn,版權(quán)所有
Target cell evaluation
If the umbrella handover is enabled, the BSC evaluates the radio link properties of the adjacent cells to find a target cell for the handover at every handover period umbrella (HPU) interval.
0}+H V#R9}+Q
The measurement results of the adjacent cell must satisfy the following equation (1') before the umbrella handover is possible:

AV_RXLEV_NCELL(n) > HoLevelUmbrella(n)oK:JFD()$本文來自移動通信網(wǎng)gg1fic3.cn,版權(quán)所有
The parameter handover period umbrella(n) is the level which the signal level AV_RXLEV_NCELL(n) of the adjacent cell (n) must exceed before the umbrella handover to the adjacent cell (n) is possible.
MSCBSC 移動通信論壇%k ?(s2K*`0D6I)g7ns4fads13東oK:JFD()$#_*本文來自移動通信網(wǎng)gg1fic3.cn,版權(quán)所有
移動通信,通信工程師的家園,通信人才,求職招聘,網(wǎng)絡(luò)優(yōu)化,通信工程,出差住宿,通信企業(yè)黑名單"G:@/N8i6f'B.P([/^5F0{ wfkjhfjouK:JFD()$本文來自移動通信網(wǎng)gg1fic3.cn,版權(quán)所有
Apart from the radio link properties (equation 1'), the umbrella HO takes into account also the power class of the MS so that only those adjacent cells which fit the MS are selected to be the target cells, that is, the BSC selects macrocells for vehicle and portable MSs and microcells for handhelds. The BSC uses two thresholds to realise this property:
|  國內(nèi)領(lǐng)先的通信技術(shù)論壇8T6L8h)V*F*{
MACROCELL_THRESHOLD (parameters GSM macrocell threshold and DCS macrocell threshold, set for the BSC) andd知1fkjhfjouK:JFD()$#_*(本文來自移動通信網(wǎng)gg1fic3.cn,版權(quán)所有
MICROCELL_THRESHOLD (parameters GSM microcell threshold and DCS microcell threshold, set for the BSC).
MSCBSC 移動通信論壇3a;z1F9t$}:w:s8h
mscbsc 移動通信論壇擁有30萬通信專業(yè)人員,超過50萬份GSM/3G等通信技術(shù)資料,是國內(nèi)領(lǐng)先專注于通信技術(shù)和通信人生活的社區(qū)。1x!d+E1? i2@"{%T C,F(*$#什21f3K:JFD()$#_本文來自移動通信網(wǎng)gg1fic3.cn,版權(quán)所有
The parameter GSM macrocell threshold (GMAC) indicates the size of a GSM 900 or GSM 800 macrocell by the maximum transmission power of the MS. The parameter GSM microcell threshold (GMIC) indicates the size of a GSM 900 or GSM 800 microcell by the maximum transmission power of the MS.3ds也f12dsfK:JFD()$#_*本文來自移動通信網(wǎng)gg1fic3.cn,版權(quán)所有
The parameter DCS macrocell threshold indicates the size of a GSM 1800 or GSM 1900 macrocell by the maximum transmission power of the MS. The parameter DCS microcell threshold indicates the size of a GSM 1800 or GSM 1900 microcell by the maximum transmission power of the MS.
cnc.mscbsc.com:V1W,Q"s Z6s/q/V#D;s8e342K:JFD本文來自移動通信網(wǎng)gg1fic3.cn,版權(quán)所有
The maximum RF power (SEG-specific parameter MS txpwr max gsm(n) (PMAX1) or parameter MS txpwr max gsm1x00(n) (PMAX2), depending on the frequency band) an MS is permitted to use on a traffic channel in the adjacent cell (n) determines the size of the adjacent cell (n) with the thresholds MACROCELL_THRESHOLD and MICROCELL_THRESHOLD as follows:MSCBSC 移動通信論壇)O:y"P9s#z
If the parameter value is greater than or equal to MACROCELL_THRESHOLD, the adjacent cell is considered a macrocell.
mscbsc 移動通信論壇擁有30萬通信專業(yè)人員,超過50萬份GSM/3G等通信技術(shù)資料,是國內(nèi)領(lǐng)先專注于通信技術(shù)和通信人生活的社區(qū)。,h,I2Q+r"N9o:_#K3L(*)#$@&%#*(K:JFD()$#_*本文來自移動通信網(wǎng)gg1fic3.cn,版權(quán)所有
If the parameter value is smaller than or equal to MICROCELL_THRESHOLD, the adjacent cell is considered a microcell.4321%$#(*$K:JFD()$#_本文來自移動通信網(wǎng)gg1fic3.cn,版權(quán)所有
MSCBSC 移動通信論壇+F;N6[4~9v,m1}#(么$*@#(_@K:JFD()$#_*本文來自移動通信網(wǎng)gg1fic3.cn,版權(quán)所有
If the parameter value is smaller than MACROCELL_THRESHOLD and greater than MICROCELL_THRESHOLD, the adjacent cell is considered a middle size cell.
6Q+a8v g&I8S%$#(*$#蔏:JFD()$本文來自移動通信網(wǎng)gg1fic3.cn,版權(quán)所有
cnc.mscbsc.com"q3K v&_1~#f
When selecting the target cells, the BSC takes into account the following conditions in addition to the radio link properties (equation 1'):
If the maximum power capability of the MS is greater than or equal to MACROCELL_THRESHOLD, the adjacent cell must be considered a macrocell for the HO to be allowed.mscbsc 移動通信論壇擁有30萬通信專業(yè)人員,超過50萬份GSM/3G等通信技術(shù)資料,是國內(nèi)領(lǐng)先專注于通信技術(shù)和通信人生活的社區(qū)。"Y!i!~+U/e&r2P8A

If the maximum power capability of the MS is smaller than or equal to MICROCELL_THRESHOLD, the adjacent cell must be considered a microcell for the HO to be allowed.MSCBSC 移動通信論壇2F3f/B1I-p6p"hzcv545%K:JFD()本文來自移動通信網(wǎng)gg1fic3.cn,版權(quán)所有
If the maximum power capability of the MS is smaller than MACROCELL_THRESHOLD and greater than MICROCELL_THRESHOLD, the adjacent cell must be considered middle size cell for the HO to be allowed.
If the MACROCELL_THRESHOLD is selected so that it equals the lowest MS power level or the MICROCELL_THRESHOLD is selected so that it equals the highest MS power level, it is possible to pass this property and evaluate the target cells only according to radio link properties.$#(*)#$@&K:JFD()$#本文來自移動通信網(wǎng)gg1fic3.cn,版權(quán)所有
When the BSC has selected the target cells for the umbrella handover, the cells are ranked according to the priority levels.
Combined umbrella and power budget handover
The target cell evaluation for the power budget handover is different from the standard procedure (described in section Power budget handover) if the umbrella handover and the power budget handover are active simultaneously in the same cell (parameters enable umbrella handover (EUM) and enable power budget handover (EPB)). In this case the power budget handover also takes into account the size/layer of the adjacent cell in addition to the radio link properties (equations 1 and 2). For more information, see Target cell evaluation according to radio criteria.
MSCBSC 移動通信論壇3e7?6t9}*P-p1G1f"U
The umbrella handover has priority over the power budget handover.  
|  國內(nèi)領(lǐng)先的通信技術(shù)論壇9J9E1A;M(R'`j道h$#$#&)K:JFD()$#_本文來自移動通信網(wǎng)gg1fic3.cn,版權(quán)所有
Note dsaf12zcK:JFD()$本文來自移動通信網(wǎng)gg1fic3.cn,版權(quán)所有
The parameter adjacent cell layer is related to the traffic control based on the MS speed which is an application software in the BSC. If this option is not enabled, the use of the parameter adjacent cell layer is disabled as a default value. Note that it is possible to define the umbrella handover either by using microcell or macrocell thresholds, or the parameter adjacent cell layer. The latter can only be seen when Fast Moving MS is activated. For more information, seeHandover because of fast/slow-moving MS.  mscbsc 移動通信論壇擁有30萬通信專業(yè)人員,超過50萬份GSM/3G等通信技術(shù)資料,是國內(nèi)領(lǐng)先專注于通信技術(shù)和通信人生活的社區(qū)。!q3`#s5t&R3ds也f12K:JFD()$本文來自移動通信網(wǎng)gg1fic3.cn,版權(quán)所有
The size/layer of the adjacent cell must be equal to the size/layer of the serving cell for the handover to be allowed, that is, the BSC performs power budget handovers only between cells of the same size/layer (the power class of the MS does not affect the evaluation procedure) when the umbrella handover is employed. For example, if the serving cell is considered a microcell, the adjacent cell must also be considered a microcell for the power budget handover to be allowed.
The BSC is able to determine the size/layer of a cell by two alternative methods. The method is selected with the parameter adjacent cell layer (ACL). The BSC determines the size/layer of a cell as follows:
If the use of the parameter adjacent cell layer is disabled, that is, the layer of the adjacent cell has not been defined:
The maximum RF power an MS is permitted to use on a traffic channel in the cell determines the size of the serving/adjacent cell as described before. |  國內(nèi)領(lǐng)先的通信技術(shù)論壇*L9v k;S4C(l$p%e4Y0a#@3221K:JFD(本文來自移動通信網(wǎng)gg1fic3.cn,版權(quán)所有
|  國內(nèi)領(lǐng)先的通信技術(shù)論壇'H:`)B4S%m1i
If the cell layer has been defined for the adjacent cell by the parameter adjacent cell layer:
移動通信,通信工程師的家園,通信人才,求職招聘,網(wǎng)絡(luò)優(yōu)化,通信工程,出差住宿,通信企業(yè)黑名單;m [+j#H4w6M5t1S;[s1fd知1fK:JFD()$本文來自移動通信網(wǎng)gg1fic3.cn,版權(quán)所有

The parameter adjacent cell layer determines the layer of the adjacent cell from the point of view of the serving cell. The layer of an adjacent cell can be either:434321%K:JFD()本文來自移動通信網(wǎng)gg1fic3.cn,版權(quán)所有
same as the layer of the serving cell
upper than the layer of the serving cell
lower than the layer of the serving cellds不21fK:JFD()本文來自移動通信網(wǎng)gg1fic3.cn,版權(quán)所有
The adjacent cells which meet both of the required radio link properties and the required cell size/layer are ranked according to the priority levels as usual.
8b9U9i*H0^+f Zf12zcvK:JFD(本文來自移動通信網(wǎng)gg1fic3.cn,版權(quán)所有
MSCBSC 移動通信論壇)r p+W#p"U$k?&#%kcvmmvcK:JFD()$#_*(本文來自移動通信網(wǎng)gg1fic3.cn,版權(quán)所有
For more information, see Combined umbrella and power budget handover in Dual Band Network Operation.

回答者: xhy1331     回答時間:2011-11-28 15:02    

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