Discuz! info: MySQL Query Error

Time: 2025-2-12 8:51pm
Script: /index.php

SQL: SELECT attach.aid, attach.thumb, attach.attachment, t.tid, t.fid, t.subject FROM [Table]attachments attach LEFT JOIN [Table]threads t ON t.displayorder>=0 AND t.is_show=0 AND t.tid=attach.tid WHERE t.fid not in (26,53,119) AND t.hot = '2' AND (filetype='image/pjpeg' or filetype = 'image/jpeg' or filetype = 'image/gif' or filetype = 'image/bmp' or filetype = 'image/jpg' or filetype = 'image/png') GROUP BY attach.tid ORDER BY attach.dateline DESC LIMIT 6,6
Error: Commands out of sync; you can't run this command now
Errno.: 2014

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