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【資料名稱】:Fundamentals of WiMAXunderstanding bro

【資料作者】:Arunabha Ghosh, Ph.D.;Rias Muhamed

【資料日期】:Copyright © 2007




Fundamentals of WiMAXunderstanding broadband wireless networking
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Andrews, Jeffrey G.
Fundamentals of WiMAX : understanding broadband wireless networking / Jeffrey G. Andrews, Arunabha Ghosh, Rias
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 0-13-222552-2 (hbk : alk. paper)
1. Wireless communication systems. 2. Broadband communication systems. I. Ghosh, Arunabha. II. Muhamed, Rias. III.
TK5103.2.A56 2007
Copyright © 2007 Pearson Education, Inc.
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ISBN 0-13-222552-2
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First printing, February 2007

Foreword xix
Preface xxi
Acknowledgments xxiii
About the Authors xxvii
Part I Overview of WiMAX 1
Chapter 1 Introduction to Broadband Wireless 3
1.1 Evolution of Broadband Wireless 5
1.1.1 Narrowband Wireless Local-Loop Systems 5
1.1.2 First-Generation Broadband Systems 6
1.1.3 Second-Generation Broadband Systems 8
1.1.4 Emergence of Standards-Based Technology 8
1.2 Fixed Broadband Wireless: Market Drivers and Applications 10
1.3 Mobile Broadband Wireless: Market Drivers and Applications 12
1.4 WiMAX and Other Broadband Wireless Technologies 13
1.4.1 3G Cellular Systems 14
1.4.2 Wi-Fi Systems 15
1.4.3 WiMAX versus 3G and Wi-Fi 16
1.4.4 Other Comparable Systems 17
1.5 Spectrum Options for Broadband Wireless 17
1.6 Business Challenges for Broadband Wireless and WiMAX 21
1.7 Technical Challenges for Broadband Wireless 23
1.7.1 Wireless Radio Channel 24
1.7.2 Spectrum Scarcity 25
1.7.3 Quality of Service 26
1.7.4 Mobility 28
1.7.5 Portability 29
1.7.6 Security 29
1.7.7 Supporting IP in Wireless 30
1.7.8 Summary of Technical Challenges 31
1.8 Summary and Conclusions 32
1.9 Bibliography 32
xii Contents
Chapter 2 Overview of WiMAX 33
2.1 Background on IEEE 802.16 and WiMAX 33
2.2 Salient Features of WiMAX 37
2.3 WiMAX Physical Layer 39
2.3.1 OFDM Basics 39
2.3.2 OFDM Pros and Cons 40
2.3.3 OFDM Parameters in WiMAX 41
2.3.4 Subchannelization: OFDMA 43
2.3.5 Slot and Frame Structure 44
2.3.6 Adaptive Modulation and Coding in WiMAX 46
2.3.7 PHY-Layer Data Rates 46
2.4 MAC-Layer Overview 47
2.4.1 Channel-Access Mechanisms 48
2.4.2 Quality of Service 49
2.4.3 Power-Saving Features 51
2.4.4 Mobility Support 52
2.4.5 Security Functions 53
2.4.6 Multicast and Broadcast Services 54
2.5 Advanced Features for Performance Enhancements 55
2.5.1 Advanced Antenna Systems 55
2.5.2 Hybrid-ARQ 56
2.5.3 Improved Frequency Reuse 56
2.6 Reference Network Architecture 57
2.7 Performance Characterization 59
2.7.1 Throughput and Spectral Efficiency 60
2.7.2 Sample Link Budgets and Coverage Range 60
2.8 Summary and Conclusions 61
2.9 Bibliography 63
Part II Technical Foundations of WiMAX 65
Chapter 3 The Challenge of Broadband Wireless Channels 67
3.1 Communication System Building Blocks 68
3.2 The Broadband Wireless Channel: Pathloss and Shadowing 69
3.2.1 Pathloss 70
3.2.2 Shadowing 74
3.3 Cellular Systems 77
3.3.1 The Cellular Concept 78
Contents xiii
3.3.2 Analysis of Cellular Systems 79
3.3.3 Sectoring 82
3.4 The Broadband Wireless Channel: Fading 84
3.4.1 Delay Spread and Coherence Bandwidth 86
3.4.2 Doppler Spread and Coherence Time 87
3.4.3 Angular Spread and Coherence Distance 90
3.5 Modeling Broadband Fading Channels 91
3.5.1 Statistical Channel Models 91
3.5.2 Statistical Correlation of the Received Signal 95
3.5.3 Empirical Channel Models 99
3.6 Mitigation of Fading 104
3.6.1 Narrowband (Flat) Fading 105
3.6.2 Broadband Fading 107
3.6.3 Spread Spectrum and Rake Receivers 108
3.6.4 Equalization 109
3.6.5 The Multicarrier Concept 110
3.7 Summary and Conclusions 110
3.8 Bibliography 110
Chapter 4 Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing 113
4.1 Multicarrier Modulation 114
4.2 OFDM Basics 117
4.2.1 Block Transmission with Guard Intervals 117
4.2.2 Circular Convolution and the DFT 117
4.2.3 The Cyclic Prefix 119
4.2.4 Frequency Equalization 122
4.2.5 An OFDM Block Diagram 122
4.3 An Example: OFDM in WiMAX 123
4.4 Timing and Frequency Synchronization 124
4.4.1 Timing Synchronization 126
4.4.2 Frequency Synchronization 127
4.4.3 Obtaining Synchronization in WiMAX 130
4.5 The Peak-to-Average Ratio 131
4.5.1 The PAR Problem 131
4.5.2 Quantifying the PAR 132
4.5.3 Clipping: Living with a High PAR 135
4.5.4 PAR-Reduction Strategies 140
4.6 OFDM’s Computational Complexity Advantage 142
4.7 Simulating OFDM Systems 144
xiv Contents
4.8 Summary and Conclusions 145
4.9 Bibliography 145
Chapter 5 Multiple-Antenna Techniques 149
5.1 The Benefits of Spatial Diversity 150
5.1.1 Array Gain 150
5.1.2 Diversity Gain and Decreased Error Rate 152
5.1.3 Increased Data Rate 153
5.1.4 Increased Coverage or Reduced Transmit Power 154
5.2 Receive Diversity 154
5.2.1 Selection Combining 155
5.2.2 Maximal Ratio Combining 156
5.3 Transmit Diversity 157
5.3.1 Open-Loop Transmit Diversity 158
5.3.2 Nt × Nr Transmit Diversity 160
5.3.3 Closed Loop-Transmit Diversity 164
5.4 Beamforming 169
5.4.1 DOA-Based Beamforming 170
5.4.2 Eigenbeamforming 171
5.5 Spatial Multiplexing 174
5.5.1 Introduction to Spatial Multiplexing 174
5.5.2 Open-Loop MIMO: Spatial Multiplexing
without Channel Feedback 175
5.5.3 Closed-Loop MIMO: The Advantage of Channel
Knowledge 179
5.6 Shortcomings of Classical MIMO Theory 181
5.6.1 Multipath 182
5.6.2 Uncorrelated Antennas 182
5.6.3 Interference-Limited MIMO Systems 183
5.7 Channel Estimation for MIMO-OFDM 184
5.7.1 Preamble and Pilot 185
5.7.2 Time versus Frequency-Domain Channel Estimation 186
5.8 Channel Feedback 189
5.9 Advanced Techniques for MIMO 190
5.9.1 Switching Between Diversity and Multiplexing 190
5.9.2 Multiuser MIMO Systems 190
Chapter 6 Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access 199
6.1 Multiple-Access Strategies for OFDM 200
Contents xv
6.1.1 Random Access versus Multiple Access 201
6.1.2 Frequency Division Multiple Access 202
6.1.3 Time Division Multiple Access—“Round Robin” 202
6.1.4 Code Division Multiple Access 202
6.1.5 Advantages of OFDMA 203
6.2 Multiuser Diversity and Adaptive Modulation 204
6.2.1 Multiuser Diversity 205
6.2.2 Adaptive Modulation and Coding 206
6.3 Resource-Allocation Techniques for OFDMA 209
6.3.1 Maximum Sum Rate Algorithm 210
6.3.2 Maximum Fairness Algorithm 211
6.3.3 Proportional Rate Constraints Algorithm 212
6.3.4 Proportional Fairness Scheduling 213
6.3.5 Performance Comparison 214
6.4 OFDMA in WiMAX: Protocols and Challenges 216
6.4.1 OFDMA Protocols 216
6.4.2 Cellular OFDMA 218
6.4.3 Limited Diversity Gains 219
6.5 Summary and Conclusions 219
6.6 Bibliography 220
Chapter 7 Networking and Services Aspects of Broadband Wireless 223
7.1 Quality of Service 224
7.1.1 QoS Mechanisms in Packet Networks 225
7.1.2 IP QoS Technologies 227
7.2 Multimedia Session Management 233
7.2.1 Session Initiation Protocol 234
7.2.2 Real-Time Transport Protocol 240
7.3 Security 241
7.3.1 Encryption and AES 242
7.3.2 Public Key Infrastructure 245
7.3.3 Authentication and Access Control 247
7.4 Mobility Management 249
7.4.1 Location Management 250
7.4.2 Handoff Management 251
7.4.3 Mobile IP 254
7.5 IP for Wireless: Issues and Potential Solutions 260
7.5.1 TCP in Wireless 260
7.5.2 Header Compression 263
xvi Contents
7.6 Summary and Conclusions 265
7.7 Bibliography 266
Part III Understanding WiMAX and Its Performance 269
Chapter 8 PHY Layer of WiMAX 271
8.1 Channel Coding 272
8.1.1 Convolutional Coding 273
8.1.2 Turbo Codes 275
8.1.3 Block Turbo Codes and LDPC Codes 278
8.2 Hybrid-ARQ 278
8.3 Interleaving 279
8.4 Symbol Mapping 280
8.5 OFDM Symbol Structure 280
8.6 Subchannel and Subcarrier Permutations 282
8.6.1 Downlink Full Usage of Subcarriers 283
8.6.2 Downlink Partial Usage of Subcarriers 286
8.6.3 Uplink Partial Usage of Subcarriers 287
8.6.4 Tile Usage of Subcarriers 287
8.6.5 Band Adaptive Modulation and Coding 289
8.7 Slot and Frame Structure 290
8.8 Transmit Diversity and MIMO 292
8.8.1 Transmit Diversity and Space/Time Coding 292
8.8.2 Frequency-Hopping Diversity Code 295
8.9 Closed-Loop MIMO 296
8.9.1 Antenna Selection 297
8.9.2 Antenna Grouping 298
8.9.3 Codebook Based Feedback 299
8.9.4 Quantized Channel Feedback 299
8.9.5 Channel Sounding 299
8.10 Ranging 300
8.11 Power Control 302
8.12 Channel-Quality Measurements 303
8.13 Summary and Conclusions 304
8.14 Bibliography 304
Chapter 9 MAC Layer of WiMAX 307
9.1 Convergence Sublayer 309
Contents xvii
9.1.1 Packet Header Suppression 309
9.2 MAC PDU Construction and Transmission 312
9.3 Bandwidth Request and Allocation 316
9.4 Quality of Service 317
9.4.1 Scheduling Services 317
9.4.2 Service Flow and QoS Operations 318
9.5 Network Entry and Initialization 319
9.5.1 Scan and Synchronize Downlink Channel 319
9.5.2 Obtain Uplink Parameters 320
9.5.3 Perform Ranging 320
9.5.4 Negotiate Basic Capabilities 322
9.5.5 Register and Establish IP Connectivity 322
9.5.6 Establish Service Flow 323
9.6 Power-Saving Operations 324
9.6.1 Sleep Mode 325
9.6.2 Idle Mode 327
9.7 Mobility Management 327
9.7.1 Handoff Process and Cell Reselection 329
9.7.2 Macro Diversity Handover and Fast BS Switching 330
9.8 Summary and Conclusions 332
9.9 Bibliography 333
Chapter 10 WiMAX Network Architecture 335
10.1 General Design Principles of the Architecture 336
10.2 Network Reference Model 337
10.2.1 ASN Functions, Decompositions, and Profiles 338
10.2.2 CSN Functions 340
10.2.3 Reference Points 341
10.3 Protocol Layering Across a WiMAX Network 341
10.4 Network Discovery and Selection 344
10.5 IP Address Assignment 344
10.6 Authentication and Security Architecture 345
10.6.1 AAA Architecture Framework 346
10.6.2 Authentication Protocols and Procedure 346
10.6.3 ASN Security Architecture 349
10.7 Quality-of-Service Architecture 349
10.8 Mobility Management 352
10.8.1 ASN-Anchored Mobility 354
xviii Contents
10.8.2 CSN-Anchored Mobility for IPv4 356
10.8.3 CSN Anchored Mobility for IPv6 358
10.9 Radio Resource Management 359
10.10 Paging and Idle-Mode Operation 360
10.11 Summary and Conclusions 362
10.12 Bibliography 362
Chapter 11 Link-Level Performance of WiMAX 365
11.1 Methodology for Link-Level Simulation 366
11.2 AWGN Channel Performance of WiMAX 370
11.3 Fading Channel Performance of WiMAX 373
11.3.1 Channel Estimation and Channel Tracking 381
11.3.2 Type I and Type II Hybrid-ARQ 385
11.4 Benefits of Multiple-Antenna Techniques in WiMAX 387
11.4.1 Transmit and Receive Diversity 387
11.4.2 Open-Loop and Closed-Loop MIMO 389
11.5 Advanced Receiver Structures and Their Benefits
for WiMAX 396
11.6 Summary and Conclusions 398
11.7 Bibliography 399
Chapter 12 System-Level Performance of WiMAX 401
12.1 Wireless Channel Modeling 402
12.2 Methodology for System-Level Simulation 404
12.2.1 Simulator for WiMAX Networks 405
12.2.2 System Configurations 410
12.3 System-Level Simulation Results 412
12.3.1 System-Level Results of Basic Configuration 412
12.3.2 System-Level Results of Enhanced Configurations 416
12.4 Summary and Conclusions 421
12.5 Appendix: Propagation Models 422
12.5.1 Hata Model 422
12.5.2 COST-231 Hata Model 424
12.5.3 Erceg Model 424
12.5.4 Walfish-Ikegami Model 426
12.6 Bibliography 427
Acronyms 429
Index 439

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