【資料名稱】:Mobile WiMAX
【資料作者】:Kwang-Cheng Chen;J. Roberto B. de Marca
【資料日期】:Copyright C 2008
ISBN 978-0-470-51941-7 (cloth)
Contributors xiii
Preface xv
1 Introduction to MobileWiMAX 1
Longsong Lin, and Kwang-Cheng Chen
1.1 IEEE 802.16 1
1.2 IEEE 802.16 MAC 3
1.3 IEEE 802.16e Mobile WiMAX 6
1.4 Mobile WiMAX End-to-End Network Architecture 9
References 10
Part One Physical Layer Transmission 13
2 An Analysis of MIMO Techniques for Mobile WiMAX Systems 15
Bertrand Muquet, Ezio Biglieri, Andrea Goldsmith, and Hikmet Sari
2.1 Introduction 15
2.2 Multiple Antenna Systems 16
2.2.1 Antenna Array Techniques 17
2.2.2 Performance Tradeoffs 18
2.2.3 MIMO Systems 21
2.3 M Multiple Antennas in WiMAX Systems 22
2.3.1 Transmit Diversity 22
2.3.2 Spatial Multiplexing 24
2.3.3 Comparison of MIMO Options 25
2.4 Conclusion 29
References 29
3 Mitigation of Inter-Cell Interference in Mobile WiMAX 31
Jae-Heung Yeom and Yong-Hwan Lee
3.1 Introduction 31
3.2 ICI Mitigation Techniques for OFDMA Systems 33
3.2.1 ICI Avoidance 33
3.2.2 ICI Randomization 34
vi Contents
3.2.3 ICI Cancellation 35
3.2.4 Inter-Sector Cooperation 35
3.3 Combined Use of ICI Mitigations in Mobile WiMAX 36
3.3.1 Combined Use of IA and FH 36
3.3.2 Combined Use of ICI Cancellation and IA 37
3.3.3 Inter-Sector Cooperation Using TDD Reciprocity 38
3.4 New ICI Mitigation Strategy in m-WiMAX 39
3.4.1 Three Steps for ICI Mitigation 39
3.4.2 Performance Evaluation 42
3.5 Conclusion 44
References 47
4 Overview of Rate Adaptation Algorithms and Simulation
Environment Based on MIMO Technology in WiMAX Networks 49
Tsz Ho Chan, Chui Ying Cheung, Maode Ma and Mounir Hamdi
4.1 Introduction 49
4.2 WiMAX Physical and MAC Layer Description 50
4.3 Research Issues on the MIMO-based Rate Adaptation Algorithms 52
4.3.1 Physical Layer Enhancement by MIMO: Spatial Diversity vs
Spatial Multiplexing 55
4.3.2 Closed-loop and Open-loop Link Adaptations in WiMAX 56
4.3.3 Channel Quality Measurement and Channel Characterization 56
4.3.4 Automatic Request (ARQ) at the MAC Layer 58
4.4 Constructing a Practical Rate Adaptation Simulation Model for
Mimo-Based WiMAX Systems 58
4.4.1 Simulation Model Structure and Features 59
4.4.2 Simulation Results and Discussion 61
4.5 Conclusion 64
References 64
5 Phase Noise Estimation in OFDMA Uplink Communications 67
Yi-Ching Liao, Chung-Kei Yu, I-Hsueh Lin and Kwang-Cheng Chen
5.1 Introduction 67
5.2 Modeling of Phase Noise 68
5.3 Phase Noise in OFDM 72
5.4 Phase Noise in OFDMA 78
5.5 Conclusion 86
References 86
Part Two Medium Access Control and Network Architecture 89
6 OptimizingWiMAX MAC Layer Operations to Enhance
Application End-to-End Performance 91
Xiangying Yang, Muthaiah Venkatachalam, and Mohanty Shantidev
6.1 Introduction 91
6.2 Overview of WiMAX MAC features 92
Contents vii
6.2.1 Connection-Based Service Differentiation 92
6.2.2 Scheduling Types and Opportunistic Scheduler 92
6.2.3 Best-Effort Service Class in WiMAX 93
6.2.4 Link Adaptation and ARQ 94
6.3 Asymmetric Link Adaptation for TCP 95
6.3.1 TCP Performance on Wireless Network 95
6.3.2 TCP Usage Model in Broadband Wireless Networks 97
6.3.3 Asymmetric Link Adaptation for TCP-Based Applications 98
6.3.4 Optimizing ARQ Setting 99
6.4 Service-Class Specific Scheduling 99
6.4.1 Relevant Scheduling Policies 100
6.4.2 Scheduling Impacts End-to-End TCP Performance 100
6.5 Simulations 101
6.5.1 Simulation Setup 101
6.5.2 Optimizing ARQ Parameter Setting 102
6.5.3 Capacity Improvement with Asymmetric Link Adaptation 102
6.5.4 Performance of TCP-Aware Scheduler 105
6.6 Other MAC Layer Optimization Techniques 106
6.6.1 Adaptive Polling 106
6.6.2 Enhance Contention-Based Bandwidth Request 106
6.6.3 Coupling ARQ-HARQ Operations 106
6.7 Conclusion 108
References 108
7 A Novel Algorithm for Efficient Paging in Mobile WiMAX 111
Mohanty Shantidev, Muthaiah Venkatachalam, and Xiangying Yang
7.1 Introduction 111
7.2 Overview of Idle Mode and Paging Operation in Mobile WiMAX Networks 113
7.2.1 Paging Architecture 113
7.2.2 Paging Overhead 115
7.2.3 Paging Latency 116
7.3 Proposed Paging Algorithm for Mobile WiMAX Networks 117
7.3.1 Overview of the proposed paging algorithm 117
7.3.2 Description of the proposed paging algorithm 117
7.3.3 Operation of the proposed paging algorithm 119
7.4 Performance Evaluation 119
7.5 Conclusion 122
References 122
8 All-IP Network Architecture for MobileWiMAX 125
Nat Natarajan, Prakash Iyer, Muthaiah Venkatachalam,
Anand Bedekar, and Eren Gonen
8.1 Introduction 125
8.2 WiMAX Network Architecture Principles 126
8.2.1 4G System Characteristics 126
viii Contents
8.2.2 Design Principles for the WiMAX Network 126
8.2.3 Adopting a Functional Architecture Model 127
8.3 Network Architecture 128
8.3.1 Network Functional Entities 128
8.3.2 Inter-ASN Reference Points (RPs) 129
8.3.3 ASN Logical Entities 130
8.3.4 Intra-ASN Reference Points 131
8.3.5 Network Access and Service Provider Relationships 132
8.3.6 Comparison with 3G System Architectures 132
8.4 MS Session Control Procedures 134
8.4.1 Powering ON and Network Entry 135
8.4.2 Registered State and Deregistered (Idle State) 135
8.4.3 Idle Mode Mobility 136
8.5 Mobility Management 136
8.6 QoS and Policy Architecture 138
8.7 Network Discovery and Selection 142
8.8 Network Interoperability 143
8.9 Conclusion 144
References 144
Part Three Multi-hop Relay Networks 145
9 Aggregation and Tunneling in IEEE 802.16j Multi-hop Relay Networks 147
Zhifeng Tao, Koon Hoo Teo, and Jinyun Zhang
9.1 Introduction 147
9.2 Background and Motivation 148
9.2.1 The IEEE 802.16/16e Protocol 148
9.2.2 An Overview of the IEEE 802.16j 149
9.2.3 Challenges in IEEE 802.16j 150
9.3 Tunneling and Aggregation 152
9.3.1 Definition of a Tunnel 152
9.3.2 Tunnel MPDU Construction 154
9.3.3 Tunnel-in-Tunnel 156
9.3.4 Traffic Prioritization with Tunneling 157
9.4 Performance Evaluation 158
9.5 Conclusion 162
References 162
10 Resource Scheduling with Directional Antennas for Multi-hop
Relay Networks in a Manhattan-like Environment 165
Shiang-Jiun Lin, Wern-Ho Sheen, I-Kang Fu, and Chia-Chi Huang
10.1 Introduction 165
10.2 System Setup and Propagation Models 169
10.2.1 System Setup 169
10.2.2 Propagation Models and Antenna Pattern 170
Contents ix
10.3 Resource Scheduling Methods 171
10.3.1 Scheduling with Omni-directional Antennas 171
10.3.2 Scheduling with Directional Antennas 172
10.4 Numerical Results 175
10.5 Conclusion 175
References 175
11 Efficient Radio Resource Deployment for MobileWiMAX with
Multi-hop Relays 181
Yong Sun, Yan Q. Bian, Andrew R. Nix, and Joseph P. McGeehan
11.1 Introduction 181
11.2 System Performance and Enhancement 183
11.3 Effective Efficiency of Multi-hop Relaying 188
11.4 Relay Efficiency without Radio Resource Sharing 189
11.5 Relay Efficiency with Radio Resource Sharing 192
11.6 Directional Distributed Relay Architecture 194
11.7 Case Study of Radio Resource Sharing 197
11.8 Conclusion 199
References 200
12 Dimensioning Cellular Multi-hopWiMAX Networks 203
Christian Hoymann and Stephan G¨obbels
12.1 Dimensioning Cellular 802.16 Networks 203
12.1.1 Clustering and Sectorization 203
12.1.2 Mean Interference Generated by a Distant Cell 205
12.1.3 Cellular Scenario 209
12.1.4 Downlink Transmission 211
12.1.5 Uplink Transmission 213
12.2 Dimensioning Cellular Multi-hop 802.16 Networks 216
12.2.1 Cellular Multi-hop Scenarios 216
12.2.2 Mean Interference Generated by Multi-hop (Sub-)Cells 218
12.2.3 Time Division Multiplex of Relay Subcells 219
12.2.4 Space Division Multiplex of Relay Subcells 222
12.2.5 Space Division Multiplex in Combined LOS-NLOS Scenarios 223
12.2.6 Space Division Multiplex with Directive Antennas 225
12.2.7 Summarized Coverage Areas of Cellular Single-hop and
Multi-hop Scenarios 227
12.2.8 Capacity of Cellular 802.16 Networks 228
References 233
Part Four Multimedia Applications, Services, and Deployment 235
13 Cross-Layer End-to-End QoS for Scalable Video over MobileWiMAX 237
Jenq-Neng Hwang, Chih-Wei Huang, and Chih-Wei Chang
13.1 Introduction 237
13.2 Critical End-System Techniques 239
x Contents
13.2.1 Advances in Scalable Video Coding 239
13.2.2 End-to-End Congestion Control 239
13.2.3 Layered Coding and FEC Structure for Error Control 243
13.2.4 Embedded Layered Probing and Join Decision 245
13.3 Mobile WiMAX QoS Provisioning 246
13.3.1 Internet Protocols 246
13.3.2 WiMAX QoS Support 247
13.4 The Integrated Cross-Layer System 250
13.4.1 System Overview 250
13.4.2 Priority Service Flow Mapping 250
13.4.3 Performance 252
13.5 Conclusion 254
References 254
14 WiBro – A 2.3 GHz MobileWiMAX: System Design, Network
Deployment, and Services 257
Hyunpyo Kim, Jaekon Lee, and Byeong Gi Lee
14.1 Introduction 257
14.2 Mobile WiMAX Network 259
14.2.1 Network Configuration 259
14.2.2 System Functions 260
14.3 ACR (ASN-GW) System Design 262
14.3.1 ACR Architecture 262
14.3.2 ACR Functions 263
14.4 RAS (BS) System Design 268
14.4.1 RAS Architecture 269
14.4.2 RAS Functions 270
14.5 Access Network Deployment 273
14.5.1 Radio Network Planning (RNP) 274
14.5.2 Network Implementation and Optimization 277
14.6 Core Network Deployment 279
14.6.1 Core Network Planning 279
14.6.2 Authentication, Authorization and Accounting (AAA) 281
14.6.3 Aggregation Switch (L2 switch) 281
14.6.4 Transmission Line Connection 281
14.7 WiBro Services 281
14.7.1 Service Platform 282
14.7.2 Major Application Services 284
14.7.3 Communicator 288
14.7.4 m-IP Channel Service 289
References 290
15 A New WiMAX Profile for DTV Return Channel and Wireless Access 291
Lu´ıs Geraldo Pedroso Meloni
15.1 Introduction 291
15.2 A Brief History of the SBTVD-T 293
Contents xi
15.3 WiMAX as Return Channel for DTV 294
15.4 WiMAX-700 Advantages and RC Application 295
15.5 Network Architecture 297
15.6 WiMAX-700 Channelling 298
15.7 WiMAX-700 Capacity Simulation for Interactive DTV 300
15.7.1 Simulation Scenarios 302
15.7.2 Configuration Model 305
15.7.3 Simulation Models 306
15.7.4 Analysis of the Results 307
15.7.5 RF Spectrum Use 309
15.8 Conclusion 310
References 311
16 A Packetization Technique for D-Cinema Contents Multicasting
over MetropolitanWireless Networks 313
Paolo Micanti, Giuseppe Baruffa, and Fabrizio Frescura
16.1 Introduction 313
16.2 Technical Specifications for D-Cinema 315
16.2.1 JPEG 2000 Overview 315
16.2.2 Digital Cinema Initiatives System Specifications 317
16.3 Multicast Protocol Overview 317
16.3.1 Packetization Strategy and Header Format 319
16.4 System Architecture 322
16.5 Test Application and Results 324
16.6 Conclusion 325
References 326
17 WiMAX Extension to Isolated Research Data Networks: The
WEIRD System 329
Emiliano Guainella, Eugen Borcoci, Marcos Katz, Pedro Neves,
Marilia Curado, Fausto Andreotti, and Enrico Angori
17.1 Introduction 329
17.2 Novel Application Scenarios for WiMAX 330
17.2.1 Environmental Monitoring 330
17.2.2 Telemedicine 331
17.2.3 Fire Prevention 332
17.3 Key Technologies 333
17.3.1 Physical Layer Issues 333
17.3.2 MAC and Service Flow Management 334
17.3.3 Low Level Hardware Transparency (Adapters) 336
17.3.4 IP-Based Transport 336
17.3.5 Application and Session Signaling 337
17.3.6 Resource-Oriented Signaling 338
17.3.7 AAA Framework 339
17.4 System Architecture 340
17.4.1 Recent Architecture Standards and Trends 340
xii Contents
17.4.2 WEIRD Overall Multi-plane Architecture 341
17.4.3 Functional Description 346
17.5 Validating Results: Four European Testbeds 348
17.6 Conclusion 350
References 351
18 Business Model for a MobileWiMAX Deployment in Belgium 353
Bart Lannoo, Sofie Verbrugge, Jan Van Ooteghem, Bruno Quinart,
Marc Casteleyn, Didier Colle, Mario Pickavet, and Piet Demeester
18.1 Introduction 353
18.2 Technical and Physical Aspects of Mobile WiMAX 354
18.2.1 Network and Equipment 354
18.2.2 Physical Aspects 355
18.3 Technical Model and Planning Tool 356
18.3.1 Link Budget 356
18.3.2 Propagation Model 360
18.3.3 Cell Area 361
18.3.4 Bit Rate per Sector 361
18.3.5 Required Number of Sites and Sectors 362
18.3.6 Planning Tool: Graphical User Interface 362
18.4 Business Model 363
18.4.1 Model Input Parameters 363
18.4.2 Costs 367
18.4.3 Revenues 368
18.5 Economic Results for a Mobile WiMAX Rollout in Belgium 369
18.5.1 Static Analysis 369
18.5.2 Sensitivity Analysis 372
18.6 Conclusion 374
Acknowledgements 375
References 375
Index 377
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