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發(fā)表于 2009-03-04 21:41:48  只看樓主 
【資料名稱】:flexi alarm


【資料日期】:October 2008




Table of Contents
1. About this document...................................................................................................................5
1.1 Problem description................................................................................................................................5
2. Open problems targeted for EP2 CD1.0.....................................................................................7
2.1 (NEW) BTS SW background download fails with 7713 alarm.................................................................7
2.2 No (E)GPRS activity after (E)GPRS territory up-/downgrade.................................................................8
2.3 Unnecessary 7608 – “EXxx TRX module temperature high” alarms in ESEA configurations after DTRX HW reset.........................................................................................................................................8
2.4 Unnecessary 7606 – ‘EXxx TRX module has no combiner ERxx DDU or ECxx RTC module present’ alarms when using automatic unlock feature........................................................................................9
2.5 Invalid RSSI values shown on BTS Manager..........................................................................................9
2.6 Not possible to commission BTS with SCF created off-line if Abis Signal Mapping option was selected............................................................................................................................................................10
2.7 Antenna boosting does not work in IDD configuration...........................................................................10
2.8 Abis Loop test inconclusive when Abis traffic on protecting interface...................................................11
3. Open problems targeted for EP2 CD2.0...................................................................................12
3.1 (NEW) Unexpected alarm 7606 – “ERxx DDU module has detected no Tx power at TxA (or TxB) input”........................................................................................................................................................12
3.2 (NEW) Incomplete SIR data if SIR is fetched while SCF upload is ongoing.........................................12
3.3 (NEW) No warning if BTS Trace Tool use attempted with non-compatible BTS SW............................13
3.4 Affected TRX objects not correctly identified during alarm diagnostics.................................................13
4. Open problems targeted for EP3..............................................................................................15
4.1 High interference on TRX if AntA not defined in ERxA..........................................................................15
5. Open problems in Nokia FIFA Flexbus Transmission sub-module.......................................16
6. Corrected problems in EP2 CD0.1............................................................................................17
6.1 Increase in SDCCH drop ratio with BB hopping....................................................................................17
7. Corrected problems in EP2.......................................................................................................18
7.1 Commissioning tests are not executed after “Change settings manually”............................................18
7.2 Unnecessary alarms 7606 - EXxx TRX module Tx power overdriven at DPC and 7607 - EXxx TRX module Tx power is at least 3dB less than expected at DPC...................................................................18
7.3 RSSI measurement results are lost when the alarm is cancelled.........................................................19
7.4 Reset “With RF detection” option shown although cabling defined manually.......................................20
7.5 Unexpected alarm 7607 - Frequency band mismatch between commissioning file and detected hardware in ESEA configuration........................................................................................................20
7.6 Incorrect "In Use" values displayed with Q1 loop protection.................................................................21
7.7 BTS Manager allows conflicting transmission settings to be activated.................................................21
7.8 BTS Manager not working with "Fetch Prot. Setting" during Abis protection configuration..................22
7.9 OMUSIG or Q1 EOC reconfiguration to another Interface is not possible............................................22
7.10 There is a size limitation to the BTS commissioning report...................................................................23
8. Corrected problems in EP1.1 CD2.0.........................................................................................24
8.1 Unnecessary alarms 7606 - EXxx TRX module Tx power overdriven at DPC and 7607 - EXxx TRX module Tx power is at least 3dB less than expected at DPC...................................................................24
8.2 Increase in SDCCH drop ratio with BB hopping....................................................................................24
8.3 VSWR alarms on TCH only antenna lines.............................................................................................25
8.4 RSSI measurement results are lost when the alarm is cancelled.........................................................25
© Nokia Siemens Networks Company Confidential 2 (46)
8.5 Unexpected alarm 7607 - Frequency band mismatch between commissioning file and detected hardware in ESEA configuration........................................................................................................26
8.6 Incorrect "In Use" values displayed with Q1 loop protection.................................................................27
8.7 BTS Manager not working with "Fetch Prot. Setting" during Abis protection configuration..................27
9. Corrected problems in EP1.1 CD1.0.........................................................................................28
9.1 (E)GPRS traffic may stop if Static Time Alignment is changed.............................................................28
9.2 Unnecessary 7607 - "RF cable autodetection found mixed (bypass/2-/4-way) Tx combining in a sector "alarm.................................................................................................................................................28
9.3 Unnecessary 7606 – “EXxx TRX detected no connection to ERxx DDU/ECxx RTC via RF cable autodetection” alarm after BTS SW activation........................................................................................30
9.4 Timeslot offset does not work in synchronized configuration................................................................30
9.5 Antenna numbering in RSSI results is always Ant1-Ant4, even if Antenna IDs are different................31
9.6 Various problems if special characters used in Interface Name...........................................................31
9.7 Q1 loop protection cannot be disabled..................................................................................................32
9.8 Unexpected alarm 7606 when power reset given to split DTRX module..............................................33
9.9 User Access Level Control feature does not work with BTS Manager..................................................33
10. Corrected problems in EP1.1...................................................................................................34
10.1 Unexpected alarm 7607 'EXxx TRX module Tx power is at least 3dB less than expected at DPC' 34
10.2 Changes to cabling details are not recorded to the BTS Commissioning Report.................................34
10.3 Unable to launch Transmission manager if “Send Synch Settings” operation is stopped abruptly............................................................................................................................................................34
10.4 Wrong frequency shown on BTS Manager when sub-band Dual Duplexer module is used.................35
10.5 SW download from Remote BTS Manager does not work....................................................................35
10.6 Unnecessary 7606 ‘ERxx DDU module has detected no Tx power at TxA input’ alarms during Abis breaks......................................................................................................................................................36
10.7 Fetching information from ESMA with BTS Manager may fail..............................................................36
10.8 Q1 state stuck in 'Alarm' state on BSC if the alarm condition gets corrected during BCF reset...........37
10.9 Confusing messages on BTS Manager if BTS_CONF_DATA not accepted during commissioning.................................................................................................................................................37
10.10 Commissioning fails partially on 1+1 cost-optimised configuration due to TRX Test failure.................38
10.11 TRX Test cannot be run for locally blocked TRX in RF hopping sector................................................38
10.12 Performance Monitoring may not detect all error events.......................................................................39
10.13 Simultaneous modification and addition of cross-connections may fail................................................39
10.14 Connection lost after modifying condition type while Abis protection was active..................................40
10.15 Alarm severity is not displayed under External Devices view for Q1 devices.......................................40
10.16 Wrong name displayed for equipment with Q1 address 4080...............................................................41
10.17 Site information report enhancements...................................................................................................41
10.18 Surprising site reset during commissioning...........................................................................................41
10.19 Site information report improvements....................................................................................................42
10.20 Abis protection configuration remains stored after deleting the Abis allocation....................................43
10.21 Changes to TCH abis allocation in BTS Manager cause EDAP to be removed...................................43
10.22 BTS Alarms are not written to the commissioning report after an Append commissioning scenario............................................................................................................................................................44
10.23 Allocation of protected interface seems to differ between Abis windows..............................................44
11. Problems solved without changes in the BTS SW or problems not corrected...................45
11.1 Locally blocked object can be unlocked from BSC................................................................................45

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