Dim OtherCodeResult As String
Select Case EventCode
Case 6, 12, 13, 21, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34
Select Case CauseCode
Case "0 ": OtherCodeResult = "Radio interface message failure"
Case "1 ": OtherCodeResult = "Radio interface failure"
Case "10": OtherCodeResult = "Radio interface failure reversion to old channel"
Case "11": OtherCodeResult = "Handover successful"
Case "12": OtherCodeResult = "Better cell"
Case "13": OtherCodeResult = "Directed retry"
Case "2 ": OtherCodeResult = "Uplink quality"
Case "3 ": OtherCodeResult = "Uplink strength"
Case "32": OtherCodeResult = "Equipment failure"
Case "33": OtherCodeResult = "No radio resource available"
Case "34": OtherCodeResult = "Requested terrestrial resource unavailable"
Case "35": OtherCodeResult = "CCCH overload"
Case "36": OtherCodeResult = "Processor overload"
Case "37": OtherCodeResult = "BSC not equipped"
Case "38": OtherCodeResult = "MS not equipped "
Case "39": OtherCodeResult = "Invalid cell"
Case "4 ": OtherCodeResult = "Downlink quality"
Case "40": OtherCodeResult = "Traffic load"
Case "48": OtherCodeResult = "Requested transcoding/rate adaptation unavailable"
Case "5 ": OtherCodeResult = "Downlink strength"
Case "6 ": OtherCodeResult = "Distance"
Case "60": OtherCodeResult = "Assignment to a worse cell"
Case "61": OtherCodeResult = "Assignment to a better cell"
Case "64": OtherCodeResult = "Ciphering algorithm not supported"
Case "7 ": OtherCodeResult = "Operation and maintenance intervention"
Case "8 ": OtherCodeResult = "Response to MSC invocation"
Case "80": OtherCodeResult = "Terrestrial circuit already allocated"
Case "81": OtherCodeResult = "Invalid message contents"
Case "82": OtherCodeResult = "Information element or field missing"
Case "83": OtherCodeResult = "Incorrect value"
Case "84": OtherCodeResult = "Unknown message type"
Case "85": OtherCodeResult = "Unknown information element"
Case "9 ": OtherCodeResult = "Call control"
Case "96": OtherCodeResult = "Protocol error between BSC and MSC"
End Select
Case 17, 66
Select Case CauseCode
Case "0": OtherCodeResult = "Radio interface failure"
Case "1": OtherCodeResult = "Radio link failure"
Case "100": OtherCodeResult = "Mandatory information element error"
Case "101": OtherCodeResult = "Optional information element error"
Case "102": OtherCodeResult = "Information element non existent"
Case "103": OtherCodeResult = "Information element length error"
Case "104": OtherCodeResult = "Invalid information element contents"
Case "111": OtherCodeResult = "Protocol error unspecified"
Case "127": OtherCodeResult = "Interworking, unspecified"
Case "15 ": OtherCodeResult = "Normal event, unspecified"
Case "2": OtherCodeResult = "Handover access failure"
Case "32 ": OtherCodeResult = "Equipment failure"
Case "33 ": OtherCodeResult = "Radio resource not available"
Case "34 ": OtherCodeResult = "Terrestrial channel failure"
Case "35 ": OtherCodeResult = "CCCH overload"
Case "36 ": OtherCodeResult = "ACCH overload"
Case "37 ": OtherCodeResult = "Processor overload"
Case "39 ": OtherCodeResult = "BTS not equipped"
Case "40 ": OtherCodeResult = "Remote transcoder failure"
Case "47 ": OtherCodeResult = "Resource not available, unspecified"
Case "48 ": OtherCodeResult = "Requested transcoding/rate adaptation not available"
Case "63 ": OtherCodeResult = "Service or option not available unspecified"
Case "64 ": OtherCodeResult = "Encryption algorithm not implemented"
Case "7": OtherCodeResult = "Operation and maintenance intervention"
Case "79 ": OtherCodeResult = "Service or option not implemented unspecified"
Case "80 ": OtherCodeResult = "Radio channel already activated/allocated"
Case "95 ": OtherCodeResult = "Invalid message, unspecified"
Case "96 ": OtherCodeResult = "Message discriminator error"
Case "97 ": OtherCodeResult = "Message type error"
Case "98 ": OtherCodeResult = "Message sequence error"
Case "99 ": OtherCodeResult = "General information element error"
End Select
Case 0, 1
Select Case CauseCode
Case "0": OtherCodeResult = "No valid cause"
Case "7": OtherCodeResult = "Subcell change"
End Select
Case 42
Select Case CauseCode
Case "0": OtherCodeResult = "TRACE INVOCATION message"
Case "1": OtherCodeResult = "BSS INVOKE TRACE message"
End Select
Case 46
Select Case CauseCode
Case "0 ": OtherCodeResult = "assignment to a worse cell"
Case "1 ": OtherCodeResult = "assignment to a better cell"
Case "12": OtherCodeResult = "better cell"
Case "13": OtherCodeResult = "direct retry"
Case "2 ": OtherCodeResult = "uplink quality"
Case "4 ": OtherCodeResult = "downlink quality"
Case "41": OtherCodeResult = "preemted connection"
Case "6 ": OtherCodeResult = "distance"
Case "7 ": OtherCodeResult = "operation and maintenence intervention"
End Select
Case 50, 51
Select Case CauseCode
Case "0": OtherCodeResult = "no valid cause"
Case "1": OtherCodeResult = "half rate packed"
Case "7": OtherCodeResult = "subcell change"
Case "8": OtherCodeResult = "subcell load distribution"
End Select
Case 55, 74
Select Case CauseCode
Case "0": OtherCodeResult = "automatic blocking from SNT"
Case "1": OtherCodeResult = "automatic blocking from DIP"
Case "2": OtherCodeResult = "control blocking"
Case "3": OtherCodeResult = "manual blocking"
Case "4": OtherCodeResult = "other fault/blocking"
End Select
Case 62
Select Case CauseCode
Case "0": OtherCodeResult = "no valid cause"
Case "1": OtherCodeResult = "preemption of PVI connection"
Case "2": OtherCodeResult = "preemption of multislot connection, downgrading"
End Select
Case 3, 7
Select Case CauseCode
Case "0": OtherCodeResult = "No valid cause"
Case "4": OtherCodeResult = "preemption"
End Select
Case 14, 70
Select Case CauseCode
Case "0 ": OtherCodeResult = "the SCCP user, normal condition"
Case "1 ": OtherCodeResult = "the SCCP user, end user congestion"
Case "10": OtherCodeResult = "the network service provider, network failure"
Case "11": OtherCodeResult = "the network service provider, network congestion"
Case "12": OtherCodeResult = "the network service provider, expiration of reset timer (not used)"
Case "13": OtherCodeResult = "the network service provider, expiration of receive inactivity timer"
Case "14": OtherCodeResult = "reason unspecified"
Case "15": OtherCodeResult = "reason unspecified"
Case "2 ": OtherCodeResult = "the SCCP user, end user failure"
Case "3 ": OtherCodeResult = "the SCCP user, SCCP user (LSS) originated"
Case "4 ": OtherCodeResult = "the network service provider, remote procedure error"
Case "5 ": OtherCodeResult = "the network service provider, inconsistent connection data"
Case "6 ": OtherCodeResult = "the SCCP user, access failure"
Case "7 ": OtherCodeResult = "the SCCP user, access congestion"
Case "8 ": OtherCodeResult = "the network service provider, subsystem failure"
Case "9 ": OtherCodeResult = "the SCCP user, subsystem congestion"
End Select
Case 15, 71, 72
Select Case CauseCode
Case "0": OtherCodeResult = "the device is blocked from SNT"
Case "1": OtherCodeResult = "the device is blocked from DIP"
Case "2": OtherCodeResult = "the device is blocked from CM"
End Select
Case 18, 67
Select Case CauseCode
Case "0 ": OtherCodeResult = "TRXC failure"
Case "12": OtherCodeResult = "Manual intervention, load"
Case "14": OtherCodeResult = "Manual intervention, function change"
Case "20": OtherCodeResult = "BTS fault report class 1"
Case "23": OtherCodeResult = "LAPD link fault"
Case "25": OtherCodeResult = "LAPD link disturbance"
Case "26": OtherCodeResult = "TRA or transmission device fault"
Case "31": OtherCodeResult = "Operational recovery failed"
Case "35": OtherCodeResult = "The BPC is being created or is about to be deleted"
Case "36": OtherCodeResult = "Reconfiguration of BTS equipment 1"
Case "38": OtherCodeResult = "Activity blocking execution"
Case "39": OtherCodeResult = "Blocking execution"
Case "40": OtherCodeResult = "Deblocking execution"
Case "43": OtherCodeResult = "TAS system error"
Case "44": OtherCodeResult = "Reconfiguration of BTS equipment 2"
Case "52": OtherCodeResult = "Manual intervention, new SW started"
Case "9 ": OtherCodeResult = "Manual intervention, blocking"
End Select
Case 19, 68
Select Case CauseCode
Case "1 ": OtherCodeResult = "too many measurement generations missing"
Case "2 ": OtherCodeResult = "too high timing advance"
Case "3 ": OtherCodeResult = "too many measurement generations missing and too high timing advance"
Case "4 ": OtherCodeResult = "preemption"
Case "47": OtherCodeResult = "TRH changeover failure"
End Select
Case 20
Select Case CauseCode
Case "0": OtherCodeResult = "MS lost"
Case "1": OtherCodeResult = "operation of GS path failed"
Case "2": OtherCodeResult = "equipment failure"
Case "3": OtherCodeResult = "channel reactivation failure"
Case "4": OtherCodeResult = "ater timeout"
End Select
Case 25
Select Case CauseCode
Case "0": OtherCodeResult = "call from MS (normal)"
Case "1": OtherCodeResult = "call from MS (emergency)"
Case "2": OtherCodeResult = "page response"
Case "3": OtherCodeResult = "incoming inter BSC handover"
Case "4": OtherCodeResult = "incoming intra BSC handover"
Case "5": OtherCodeResult = "assignment to another cell"
End Select
Case 16, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 65
Select Case CauseCode
Case "0 ": OtherCodeResult = "reserved"
Case "1 ": OtherCodeResult = "T200 expired (N200+1) times, abnormal release"
Case "10": OtherCodeResult = "I-frame with incorrect use of M-bit, frame discarded by BTS"
Case "11": OtherCodeResult = "I-frame with incorrect length, frame discarded by BTS"
Case "12": OtherCodeResult = "frame not implemented, frame discarded by BTS"
Case "13": OtherCodeResult = "Not impl. (SABM command in multiplex frame established state)"
Case "14": OtherCodeResult = "SABM frame with information not allowed in this state, frame discarded by BTS"
Case "2 ": OtherCodeResult = "Not impl. (re-establishment request)"
Case "3 ": OtherCodeResult = "unsolicited UA response, protocol violation"
Case "4 ": OtherCodeResult = "unsolicited DM response, protocol violation"
Case "5 ": OtherCodeResult = "unsolicited DM response in multiple-frame established state, abnormal release"
Case "6 ": OtherCodeResult = "unsolicited supervisory response, protocol voilation"
Case "7 ": OtherCodeResult = "sequence error, abnormal release"
Case "8 ": OtherCodeResult = "U-frame with incorrect parameters, frame discarded by BTS"
Case "9 ": OtherCodeResult = "S-frame with incorrect parameters, frame discarded by BTS"
End Select
Case 2, 5, 9, 22, 45, 49, 52, 58, 61, 64
Select Case CauseCode
Case "0": OtherCodeResult = "Normal event"
Case "1": OtherCodeResult = "Abnormal release, unspecified"
Case "10 ": OtherCodeResult = "Frequency not implemented"
Case "100": OtherCodeResult = "Conditional IE error"
Case "101": OtherCodeResult = "No cell allocation available"
Case "111": OtherCodeResult = "Protocol error unspecified"
Case "2": OtherCodeResult = "Abnormal release, channel unacceptable"
Case "3": OtherCodeResult = "Abnormal release, timer expired"
Case "4": OtherCodeResult = "Abnormal release, no activity on the radio path"
Case "5": OtherCodeResult = "Pre-emptive release "
Case "65 ": OtherCodeResult = "Call already cleared"
Case "7": OtherCodeResult = "Subcell change"
Case "8": OtherCodeResult = "Handover impossible, timing advance out of range"
Case "9": OtherCodeResult = "Channel mode unacceptable"
Case "95 ": OtherCodeResult = "Semantically incorrect message"
Case "96 ": OtherCodeResult = "Invalid mandatory information"
Case "97 ": OtherCodeResult = "Message type non-existent or not implemented"
Case "98 ": OtherCodeResult = "Message type not compatible with protocol state"
End Select
End Select
InquireOtherCauseCode = OtherCodeResult