【資料名稱】:北電1xEV-DO 4.0 Rev.A Feature description
北電1xEV-DO 4.0 Rev.A Feature description and Training
•To provide sophisticated users with a detailed description of 1xEV-DO Release A (4.0 and beyond) functionality.
•The goal of 1xEV-DO Release A, is to provide the infrastructure to enable advanced multi-media applications.
Recommended Audience
•RF/System Engineers
•Network Performance Engineers
•Users should be familiar with 1xEV-DO rev 0
–Airvana Training Module 1:
•Rev A PhyMac
–Forward Link Enhancements
–Reverse Link Enhancements
ower Control
•Handoff Robustness
•Enhanced Multi-Media Application Enablers
–Data over Signaling (DOS)
–Enhanced Idle State Protocol (reduced paging cycle)
•Signaling and Multi-Revision, Multi-Carrier Operation (MCMRO)
–Multiple Handset Personality Management
–Inter Carrier Hard Handoff
•Distance Based Paging
Nortel/Airvana Technology Road Map
•R2.0 Initial Release of Rev 0.
•R2.1, R2.2 Complete Basic Functionality
–Address key performance issues through Forward Patching Strategy
•R3.0 Performance Improvement (A13 DHO, ISSHO, A10 Minimization, 1xEV-DO Repage, TCA Robustness)
•3.2 DOM-A Hardware Rev 0 Software
•R4.0 1xEV-DO Release A Phy/Mac + Advanced Multimedia Applications
•R 5.0 Clustering/IP-RAN, VOIP Enablers