1 General description .......................................................... 9
1.1 Hardware description....................................................10
1.1.1 Rack configuration for Alcatel 9100 BTS DC
Indoor ...........................................................11
1.1.2 Rack configuration for Alcatel 9100 BTS FV AA
Outdoor ........................................................12
1.1.3 Rack configuration for Alcatel 9100 BTS FV BA
Outdoor ........................................................13
1.1.4 Rack configuration for Alcatel 9100 BTS AC
Indoor ...........................................................14
1.1.5 Rack configuration for Alcatel 9100 BTS
Evolution DC Indoor.....................................15
1.1.6 Rack configuration for Alcatel 9100 BTS
Evolution AC Indoor .....................................16
1.1.7 Rack configuration for Alcatel 9100 BTS
Evolution Outdoor........................................17
1.1.8 Rack configuration for Alcatel 9100 CPT BTS
1.1.9 Rack configuration for Alcatel 9100 MBS GSM
Outdoor ........................................................19
1.1.10 Rack configuration for Alcatel 9100 MBS GSM
AC Indoor......................................................20
1.1.11 Rack configuration for Alcatel 9100 MBS GSM
DC Indoor .....................................................22
1.2 Restrictions ...................................................................23
1.3 Prerequisites .................................................................23
1.4 Initial state....................................................................23
1.5 Final state.....................................................................23
1.6 Operating principle ......................................................24
1.7 Time Schedule ..............................................................25
1.8 Information required.....................................................26
2 Preliminary checks ..........................................................27
2.1 Before leaving for the site..............................................28
2.2 Before starting (on arrival at the site) .............................28
3 Option: Connection of the GPS antenna.........................29
4 Option: Hardware reconfiguration.................................31
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5 Checking power supply and powering up...................... 33
5.1 Case 1: Alcatel 9100 BTS DC Indoor .......................... 34
5.2 Case 2: Alcatel 9100 BTS FV AA Outdoor .................... 36
5.3 Case 3: Alcatel 9100 BTS FV BA Outdoor .................... 41
5.4 Case 4: Alcatel 9100 BTS AC Indoor............................ 48
5.5 Case 5: Alcatel 9100 BTS Evolution AC Indoor with
battery and Alcatel 9100 MBS GSM AC Indoor with battery53
5.6 Case 6: Alcatel 9100 BTS Evolution AC Indoor without
battery and Alcatel 9100 MBS GSM AC Indoor without
battery ......................................................................... 56
5.7 Case 7: Alcatel 9100 BTS Evolution DC Indoor, Alcatel
9100 MBS GSM DC Indoor and Alcatel 9100 MBS GSM
AC Indoor used as DC.................................................. 57
5.8 Case 8: Alcatel 9100 BTS Evolution Outdoor and Alcatel
9100 CPT BTS Evolution ............................................... 58
5.9 Case 9: Alcatel 9100 MBS GSM Outdoor..................... 62
6 Commissioning tests........................................................ 67
6.1 BTS Software downloading............................................ 68
6.2 Setting antenna mapping.............................................. 70
6.3 BTS initialization ........................................................... 71
6.4 Performing BTS inventory .............................................. 72
6.5 Option: Checking RF cabling ........................................ 72
6.6 Option: Inhibit power down timer ................................. 74
6.7 Setting and checking the external alarms....................... 75
6.7.1 Check and set the alarm mapping................. 75
6.7.2 Test the external alarms ................................. 77
6.8 Checking the status of modules..................................... 77
6.9 Checking the antenna VSWR......................................... 79
6.9.1 Case 1: Antennas are not present ................. 79
6.9.2 Case 2: Antennas are present ....................... 81
6.9.3 Disable not used Tx path(s) (TRE not connected)83
6.10 Abis loop test (only if Abis is cabled to DDF) .................. 84
6.11 End of commissioning .................................................. 85
7 Setting transmission module parameters ...................... 87
8 Connecting to the BSC..................................................... 89
9 Finishing commissioning................................................. 91
Abbreviations ......................................................................... 93
Appendix A List of items required.......................................... 95
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1 List of documents required.....................................................95
2 List of tools required..............................................................96
3 List of software required ........................................................96
Appendix B Workarounds.......................................................97