MSCBSC 移動(dòng)通信論壇
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[MOTO] 摩托羅拉告警手冊
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注冊 2009-12-31
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目 錄
1.1 手冊組織結(jié)構(gòu)42
1.2 本章主要內(nèi)容44
1.3 告警類型44
1.4 設(shè)備故障信息50
1.5 重新配置信息57
1.7 退服設(shè)備列表61
1.9 OMC-R地圖顯示模式62
第二章 ABSS告警70
2.10.ABSSast XBL link failure70
2.21.ABSS:RXCDR detecting CIC validation failure72
2.32.ABSS:Circuit configuration problem74
第三章 AXCDR告警75
3.10.AXCDR:BSC detecting CIC validation failure75
3.20.AXCDR:Ater preemption failure statistic alarm-PM77
3.3 1.AXCDR:AXCDR ID mismatch with RXCDR network entityID79
4.10.BCUP:Unexpected board type81
4.21.BCUP:Serial bus connectionfailure82
4.38.BCUP:Output failure83
4.49.BCUP:Input failure84
第五章 BSP告警86
5.11.BSP:EEPROM flash failure –No validbootstrapcode-Detected86
5.28.BSP:EEPROMflash object failure88
5.317.BSP:EEPROM flash programming failure90
5.420.BSPAPD controller failure91
5.521.BSP:EEPROM flash programming failure92
5.622.BSP:SWFM indication93
5.730.BSP:Clock A signal loss94
5.831.BSP:Clock B signal loss96
5.1033.BSP:TDMinterfacefailure - Assignedtimeslot Counteroverflow99
5.1134.BSP:TDM interface failure-TDM parity error100
5.1235.BSPAN connection failure101
5.1339 .BSP:Softwarefailure102
5.1440. BSP: Spuriousinterrupt103
5.1547.BSP:Unexpected board type:GPROC2 or GPROC3expected105
5.1648.BSP:Memory location fault106
5.1750. BSP:EEPROMSWflashprogrammingfailure107
5.1851.BSP:EEPROM HWflash programming failure108
5.19231.BSP:TDM interface configuration failure109
5.20232.BSProcessor bus communication failure110
5.21239.BSProcess safe test audit failure111
5.22254.BSPevice failure113
第六章 BBS告警117
6.10 .BBS:Last MTL link failure - Signalling point inaccessible117
6.20.BSSaging request from MSC protocol error - PM120
6.31. BSS: Call processing failure - MSC detected SCCP Down121
6.4 1.BSS: Routing failure - Syntax error detected - PM122
6.52. BSS: Call processing failure - MSC detected BSSAP down123
6.6 2.BSS: Routing failure - Reason unknown - PM124
6.73. BSS: Call processing failure - BSS detected BSSAP down125
6.85.BSS: No MSC acknowledgement for circuit block126
6.96. BSS: No MSC acknowledgement for circuit unblock127
6.10 7. BSS: No MSC acknowledgement for reset circuit129
6.117. BSS: Mobile assignment request from MSC protocol error - PM130
6.128.BSS: Unequipped circuit at the MSC:131
6.13 9.BSS: No MSC acknowledgement for global reset132
6.14 10.BSS: Erroneous layer 3 message received by the BSS133
6.15 11. BSS: Confusion message received from the MSC134
6.16 12.BSS: Unequipped circuit at the BSS135
6.17 17. BSS: Handover request from the MSC protocol error - PM137
6.18 18. BSS: Routing failure - Syntax error detected (SMLC) - PM138
6.19 20.BSS: Paging request from SMLC protocol error- PM140
6.20 21.BSS: Trunk major threshold exceeded141
6.2122.BSS: Trunk critical threshold exceeded142
6.22 23. BSS: Agent Buffer Space Overow - Event Logs May Be Incomplete143
6.23 24. BSS: Agent Buffer Overow - Rlogin Session May Be Incomplete144
6.24 26.BSS: Received page for invalid cell from MSC146
6.2540. BSS: Circuit fault cleared on radio channel147
6.26 42.BSS: Circuit fault detected on Ater channel149
6.27 43.BSS: Circuit fault detected on PCM circuit151
6.2844.BSS: Circuit fault cleared on PCM circuit153
6.29 45.BSS: Circuit fault detected on GPRS circuit155
6.30 46.BSS: Circuit fault cleared on GPRS circuit157
6.3147.BSS: Circuit fault detected on PATH channel159
6.32 48.BSS: Circuit fault cleared on PATH channel161
6.3349. BSS: Last LMTL link failure - Signalling point inaccessible163
6.3450. BSS: Call processing failure - SMLC detected SCCP down164
6.3551. BSS: Call processing failure - SMLC detected BSSAP down165
6.36 52.BSS: No SMLC acknowledgement for global reset166
6.37 53. BSS: Erroneous layer 3 message received from SMLC167
6.38 54.BSS: Confusion message received from the SMLC168
6.3955. BSS: Received page for invalid cell from SMLC169
6.40 59.BSS: Last PCU failed170
第七章 BTP告警171
7.21、BTP: EEPROM Flash failure - No valid bootstrap code objectpresent172
7.38.BTP: EEPROM Flash object failure174
7.417.BTP: EEPROM ash programming failure176
7.520. BTP:LAPDcontrollerfailure177
7.621.BTP: EEPROM ash programming failure179
7.830. BTP:ClockAsignalloss181
7.10 32. BTP:TDMinterfacefailure-Assignedtimeslot counterunderow187
7.11 33. BTP:TDMinterfacefailure-Assignedtimeslot counteroverow189
7.11 34BTP: TDM interface failure - TDM parity error191
7.1235 BTP:LANconnectionfailure193
7.13 39. BTP: Software failure195
7.14 40. BTP: Spurious interrupt196
7.15 42. BTP: Site reset occurred due to front panel reset198
7.15 47. BTP: Unexpected board type: GPROC2 or GPROC3 expected199
7.1648. BTP: Memory location is corrupt. Replace GPROC board .200
7.17 50. BTP: EEPROM SW flash programming failure201
7.1851. BTP: EEPROM HW flash programming failure202
7.19231. BTP: TDM interface configuration failure203
7.20232. BTP: Processor bus communication failure204
7.21234. BTP: Active link connection failure205
7.22235. BTP: Standby link connection failure207
7.23236. BTP: Slow flash failure209
7.24237. BTP: Non-volatile memory failure210
7.25239. BTP: Process safe test audit failure211
7.26254. BTP: Device failure213
第八章 CAB告警215
8.125. CAB: External power booster amplifier 1 failure216
8.226. CAB: External power booster amplifier 2 failure217
8.327. CAB: External power booster failure218
8.4 28. CAB: Database configuration and hardware mismatch219
第九章 CAGE告警221
9.120 - 25. CAGE: CLKX slot 2-7 communication failure221
9.226 - 27. CAGE: LANX slot 19-20 communication failure223
9.328 - 30. CAGE: Power supply unit #1-3 - Output failure224
9.431 - 33. CAGE: Power supply unit #1-3 - Not detected225
9.534 - 36 CAGE: Power supply unit #1-3 - Fan failure226
9.637 - 39. CAGE: Power supply unit #1-3 – Over temperature227
9.740. CAGE: Over temperature - Component damage imminent228
9.841 - 42. CAGE: Local KSWX/DSWX slot 0-1 communication failure229
9.943 - 47. CAGE: Remote KSWX/DSWX slot 2-6 communication failure231
9.10 48 - 52. CAGE: Remote KSWX/DSWX slot 24-28 communication failure232
9.11 53 - 55. CAGE: Expansion KSWX/DSWX slot 7- 9 communication failure234
9.12 56 - 58. CAGE: Expansion KSWX/DSWX slot 21-23 communication failure236
9.13 59 - 76. CAGE: DSWX/KSWX mismatch238
11.10. CBUS: Over 50% of boards detected clock failure240
11.22. CBUS: Master CBUS signal provided by slave GCLK242
11.34. CBUS: Local KSWX/DSWX clockfiber failure243
第十二章 CELL 告警244
12.20.CELL: Flow control procedure has started barring normal calls from access classes 0-9245
12.30.CELL: Radio frequency losses while using an SDCCH - PM247
12.41. CELL: Cell radio timeslot capacity loss .248
12.51. CELL: Attempt at allocating an SDCCH failed - PM249
12.62. CELL: Radio subsystem software error - Detected page overflow250
12.72. CELL: Channel request from MS blocked - PM252
12.83. CELL: Last NS-VC failed on page 12-15.254
12.94. CELL: Classmark update from MS protocol error - PM255
12.105. CELL: No cell (BVC) block acknowledgement from the SGSN .256
12.116. CELL: Cipher mode Command from MSC failed - PM257
12.127. CELL: GPRS and baseband hopping configuration failure .258
12.138. CELL: GPRS unavailable - No PRP available259
12.149. CELL: GPRS unavailable - No GDS available260
12.159. CELL: Intra-cell handover failed and recovered - PM261
12.1610. CELL: GPRS unavailable - No cell (BVC) reset ack from the SGSN262
12.1710. CELL: Intra-cell handover failed and mobile lost - PM263
12.1811. CELL: GPRS unavailable - No cell (BVC) unblock ack from the SGSN .264
12.1911. CELL: Intra-BSS handover primary target cell blocked - PM265
12.2012. CELL: GPRS unavailable - No PDCHs available266
12.2113. CELL: GPRS unavailable - No GPRS capable carriers available267
12.2213. CELL: Intra-BSS handover failed and recovered to org channel - PM.…………………………………………………………………………….268
12.2314. CELL: Intra-BSS handover failed and mobile lost - PM270
12.2414. CELL: GPRS unavailable - PBCCH timeslot out of sync272
12.2515. CELL: EGPRS unavailable - No EGPRS carriers available .273
12.2615. CELL: Inter-BSS handover, MS handover failed message received PM .275
12.2716. CELL: EGPRS unavailable - Insufficient GDS available276
12.2817. CELL: GPRS unavailable .277
12.2918. CELL: Handover failure to the MSC due to all possible errors except no channels -PM279
•12.3018. CELL: EGPRS unavailable on page 12-51.280
12.3119. CELL: EGPRS unavailable - No 64K PDCHs available282
12.3219. CELL: Bad handover reference numbers from the MS - PM .283
12.3320. CELL: Number of calls queued - PM284
12.3422. CELL: Mobile assign command to MS blocked (No channel available) - PM286
12.3523. CELL: Mobile assignment failure from MS - PM287
12.3624. CELL: PCH queue page discard - PM289
12.3725. CELL: Attempt at allocating a TCH failed - PM290
12.3828. CELL: TCH pre-emption failure - PM292
14.1 22 CSFP:SWFM indication294
14.2 35 CSFP:LAN connection failure295
14.3 47 CSFP:Unexpected board type: GPROC2 or GPROC3 expected296
14、4 48 CSFP:Memory location is corrupt. Replace GPROC board297
14.5 49. CSFP: Code objects unavailable298
14.6 50. CSFP: EEPROM SW ash programming failure299
14.751. CSFP: EEPROM HW ash programming failure300
14.8 240. CSFP: PCMCIA card removed301
第十六章 DPROC告警304
16.20.DPROC: Processor communication failure305
16.39 DPROCPROC reset detected306
16.4 22 DPROC:SWFM indication308
16、5 39 DPROC:Software failure309
16.6239DPROC: Process safe test audit failure310
第十七章 DRI 告警312
17.1 DRI 告警綜述312
17.22. DRI: Internal message error - Pointer misalignment316
17.8 13. DRI: Channel coder internal message error328
17.10 15. DRI: Initial synchronization of radio and GPRS channel failed.332
17.12 16. DRI: Channel coder internal message error333
17.1317. DRI: Channel coder internal message error335
17.14 18.DRI: Primary message or hardware interrupt error.337
17.15 19. DRI: Channel coder internal message error339
17.18 22. DRI: Radio subsystem software to DRI communication error.345
17.21 25. DRI: TDM interface failure - Assigned timeslot counter overflow.349
17.23 27. DRI: Clock A signal loss352
17.24 28. DRI: Clock B signal loss353
17.25 29. DRI: Processor failure354
17.2630. DRI: Transceiver re-initialized unexpectedly356
17.2731. DRI: critical resource exhausted357
17.2933. DRI: RF unit HDSL link quality error.360
17.30 34. DRI: RF unit reset.361
17.31 35. DRI: Reset due to recurring fault363
17.32 36. DRI: Front end processor to radio subsystem software communication failure365
17.33 37. DRI: Hard reset367
17.34 38. DRI: BSS internal alarm only - FWFM displayed at EMON368
•17.35 39. DRI: Synchronization loss with MCU369
17.37 48. DRI: Baseband hopping timeslot counter mismatch373
17.3849. DRI: GSM timeslot counter mismatch375
17.39 50. DRI: Spurious GSM timeslot interrupt377
17.4051. DRI: Baseband hopping TDM link error379
17.41 52. DRI: Baseband hopping GSM timeslot misalignment.381
17.4253. DRI: Channel coder 0 failure - Demodulation processor 0 failure384
17.43 54. DRI: Channel coder 0 Failure - Demodulation processor 1 failure.386
17.44 55. DRI: Channel coder 1 failure - Demodulation processor 0 failure.388
17.45 56. DRI: Channel coder 1 failure - Demodulation processor 1 failure390
17.47 58. DRI: Transceiver to DRI communication error394
17.4859. DRI: Transceiver to DRI burst error396
17.5061. DRI: Transceiver to DRI communication error400
17.51 62. DRI: Transceiver to DRI communication error402
17.5263. DRI: Transceiver to DRI communication error404
17.53 64. DRI: Non recoverable error406
17.5465. DRI: Radio subsystem software to DRI communication error - Checksum error.408
17.5566. DRI: Superframe counter error410
17.57 70. DRI: Equalizer control processor failure - Watchdog timer expired.413
17.5871. DRI: Unexpected communications bus interrupt.415
17.6174. DRI: Cell transmit power unachievable.418
17.62 76. DRI: Radio subsystem software to DRI communication error.420
17.6378. DRI: TX VSWR antenna fault422
17.64 80. DRI: Transmitter synthesizer failure423
17.71 87. DRI: Transmitter failure - Output power437
17.7288. DRI: Power amplifier temperature high439
17.7389. DRI: Power amplifier communication failure .441
17.74 90. DRI: Transmitter failure - Output power443
17.75 91. DRI: Power amplifier power low but functioning445
17.76 92. DRI: Power amplifier temperature high but functioning447
17.7793. DRI: Transmitter failure - Output power449
17.78 104 - 111. DRI: Timeslot 0-7 conguration failure451
17.79 112. DRI: Receiver synthesizer failure452
17.80119. DRI: Receiver failure454
17.81120. DRI: Receiver failure456
17.82 121. DRI: Receiver failure458
17.83122. DRI: Receiver failure460
17.84123. DRI: Receiver failure462
17.85125. DRI: Receiver failure464
17.86126. DRI: Receiver failure466
17.88128. DRI: Receiver failure470
17.89144. DRI: Transceiver to DRI communication failure472
17.90146. DRI: Transceiver to DRI communication failure475
17.91 147. DRI: Transceiver to DRI communication failure477
17.92 148. DRI: Transceiver to DRI communication failure479
17.93 149. DRI: Transceiver to DRI communication failure481
17.94 150. DRI: Receive matrix failure483
17.95151. DRI: Transceiver to combiner communication485
17.96152. DRI: Control processor to power amplier communication failure487
17.97153. DRI: Control processor to equalizer communication failure489
17.98155. DRI: Transceiver to DRI communication error491
17.99156. DRI: Control processor message queue overflowed493
17.100157. DRI: Receiver input overflowed495
17.101158. DRI: Receiver input overflowed497
17.102 159. DRI: Equalizer output overflowed499
17.103160. DRI: Equalizer output overflowed501
17.104162. DRI: Receive matrix branch 2 control link failure503
17.105163. DRI: Transceiver to DRI communication failure504
17.106164. DRI: Transceiver to DRI communication failure506
17.107165. DRI: Transceiver to DRI communication failure508
17.108 166. DRI: Control processor rmware failure510
17.109167. DRI: Control processor conguration mismatch512
17.110168. DRI: Equalizer conguration mismatch514
17.111 169. DRI: Transceiver to DRI communication failure516
17.112170. DRI: M-Cell micro interconnect failure518
17.113171. DRI: Invalid calibration data520
17.114176. DRI: Equalizer timeslot (0-7) failure522
17.115184. DRI: Equalizer rmware failure524
17.116192. DRI: Baseband hopping TDM link error526
17.117193. DRI: Baseband hopping GSM timeslot misalignment528
17.118203. DRI: RF unit power supply unit - Input failure530
17.119204. DRI: RF unit over temperature531
17.120205. DRI: RF unit low voltage disconnect imminent532
17.121206. DRI: RF unit external alarm input533
17.122207. DRI: Internal communication error534
17.123208. DRI: Power amplier temperature535
17.124210. DRI: Hopping DRI failure536
17.125211. DRI: Front end processor failure537
17.126212. DRI: Channel coder failure538
17.127213. DRI: Transceiver processor failure539
17.128214. DRI: Equalizer failure541
17.129215. DRI: Power amplier failure543
17.130216. DRI: Transceiver recovery failure545
17.131218. DRI: Invalid transceiver calibration data546
17.132219. DRI: GPRS not supported by radio547
17.133221. DRI: Invalid in-call modication of destination channel type548
17.134224. DRI: Safe test audit failure550
17.135231. DRI: TDM interface conguration failure552
17.136234. DRI: Active link connection failure554
17.137235. DRI: Standby link connection failure557
17.138236. DRI: Slow ash failure559
17.139237. DRI: Non-volatile memory failure560
17.140 239. DRI: Process safe test audit failure562
17.141243. DRI: Unlocked device not in service564
17.142254. DRI: Device failure565
第十八章 EAS告警566
18.10.EAS: Unexpected board type566
18.21.EAS: Serial bus connection failure567
18.38.EAS:EAS has detected main power failure568
18.431.EAS: Optocoupler 1-16569
第十九章 GBL告警570
19.10.GBL:Link disconnected570
19.21.GBL:NSVC failure572
第二十章 GCLK告警573
20.10. GCLK: Reference distribution module failure573
20.2 2. GCLK: Clock reference failure .575
20.3 3. GCLK: Hardware Fault Detected.577
20.4 4. GCLK: Phase lock lost578
20.5 5. GCLK: 125 μs reference count overflow581
20.6 6. GCLK: 60 ms reference count overflow582
20.7 7. GCLK: 6.12 seconds reference count overflow583
20.8 8. GCLK: Frequency difference in mate GCLK584
20.9 9. GCLK: Hard reset .586
20.10 11. GCLK: Long term average values are unstable .587
20.11 12. GCLK: Unrecognized hardware revision level588
20.12 14. GCLK: Phase lock failure .589
20.13 15. GCLK: Watchdog timer expired592
20.14 16. GCLK: Clock output failure .593
20.1517. GCLK: SYNC shutdown request594
20.1618. GCLK: Not operational .595
20.17 19. GCLK: Warm up failure596
20.18 20. GCLK: Invalid mode599
20.19 21. GCLK: Calibration in progress602
20.20 22. GCLK: Firmware initiated calibration603
20.21 24. GCLK: Bad clock source or OCXO (oscillator) replacement required604
20.22 26. GCLK: GCLK calibration request607
20.23 232. GCLK: Processor bus communication failure608
第二十一章 GDS告警610
21.10.GDS:All channels Out of Sync610
22.1 1.GPROC: EEPROM flash failure - No valid bootstrap code object present.611
22.28. GPROC: EEPROM flash object failure612
22.317. GPROC: EEPROM flash programming failure613
22.4 19. GPROC: RSL links congestion………………………………………………614
22.520. GPROC: LAPD controller failure615
22.621. GPROC: EEPROM flash programming failure……………………………616
22.7 22. GPROC: SWFM indication…………………………………………………617
22.923. GPROC: SYNC lost phase lock to master GCLK ……………………………,618
22.1024. GPROC: Bad clock source or SYNC OCXO(oscillator) replacement required619
22.1125. GPROC: SYNC warm up failure.620
22.1226. GPROC: SYNC calibration request.621
22.13 27. GPROC: SYNC shutdown request.622
22.1428. GPROC: SYNC clock output failure.623
22.1529. GPROC: SYNC watchdog timer expired.624
22.1630. GPROC: Clock A signal loss.625
22.1731. GPROC: Clock B signal loss.626
22.1832. GPROC: TDM interface failure - Assigned timeslot counter underflow.627
22.1933. GPROC: TDM interface failure - Assigned timeslot counter overflow628
22.20 34. GPROC: TDM interface failure - TDM parity error.629
22.2135. GPROC: LAN connection failure.630
22.22 39. GPROC: Software failure.631
22.23 40. GPROC: Spurious interrupt.632
22.2442. GPROC: Site reset occurred due to front panel reset633
22.2543. GPROC: SYNC not operational.634
22.2644. GPROC: Firmware initiated SYNC calibration.636
22.2745. GPROC: SYNC phase lock failure.637
22.2846. GPROC: SYNC invalid mode638
22.2947. GPROC: Unexpected board type: GPROC2 or GPROC3 expected639
22.3048. GPROC: Memory location is corrupt. Replace GPROC board640
22.3150. GPROC: EEPROM SW flash programming failure641
22.3251. GPROC: EEPROM SW flash programming failure.642
22.33231. GPROC: TDM interface configuration failure643
22.34232. GPROC: Processor bus communication failure.644
22.35239. GPROC: Process safe test audit failure.645
22.36254. GPROC: Device failure646
第二十三章GSL 告警647
23.10. GSL: Invalid received frames - PM647
23.21. GSL: FRMR frames - PM648
23.32.GSL: Expiration of N2 - PM649
23.310. GSL: Link disconnected650
23.411. GSL: LAPD protocol error653
23.513. GSL: LAPD protocol error threshold exceeded655
23.515. GSL: Too many LAPD protocol errors657
第二十四章 IAS告警658
24.10. IAS: Unexpected board type658
24.21. IAS: Serial bus connection failure659
24.38. IAS: Power supply unit 0 failure661
24.49. IAS: Power supply unit 1 failure663
24.510. IAS: Power supply unit 2 failure665
24.611. IAS: Power supply unit 3 failure667
24.713 – 15. IAS: Preselector 1A-3A fuse failure669
•24.816. IAS: Matrix control main fuse failure670
24.917. IAS: Matrix control redundant fuse failure671
24.1018. IAS: Internal combiner main fuse failure672
24.1119. IAS: Internal combiner redundant fuse failure673
24.1220. IAS: External combiner main fuse failure674
24.13 21. IAS: External combiner redundant fuse failure675
24.1422. IAS: Multicoupler main fuse failure676
24.1523. IAS: Multicoupler redundant fuse failure677
24.1624 -26. IAS: BCU lower cage fan #0 - #2 fusefailure678
24.1727 -29. IAS: BCU upper cage fan #3 - #5 fuse failure.679
24.1830. IAS: Spare fuse failure.680
24.1931. IAS: DRAM battery backup fuse failure681
24.2032. IAS: IAS +27 V power fuse failure682
24.2133 - 34. IAS: Battery backup fuse #1 - #2 failure683
24.2235 - 37. IAS: Lower cage fan #0 - #2 failure685
24.2338 - 40. IAS: Upper cage fan #3 - #5 failure686
24.2441. IAS: Multicoupler failure687

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    感謝lz分享 不知道我能不能下

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