【資料名稱】:QoS and QoE Management in UMTS Cellular
【資料作者】:David Soldani;Man Li;Renaud Cuny
Preface xiii
Acknowledgements xv
Abbreviations xvii
1 Introduction 1
Noman Muhammad, Davide Chiavelli, David Soldani and Man Li
1.1 QoE value chain 1
1.2 QoS and QoE 3
1.3 QoE and QoS management 5
1.3.1 Network planning 5
1.3.2 QoS provisioning 6
1.3.3 QoE and QoS monitoring 6
1.3.4 Optimisation 7
1.4 Organisation of the book 7
2Mobile Service Applications and Performance in UMTS 9
Renaud Cuny, Man Li and Martin Kristensson
2.1 CS service applications 10
2.1.1 CS telephony 10
2.1.2 CS multimedia telephony 11
2.2 Packet-switched service applications 12
2.2.1 Browsing 12
2.2.2 Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS) 13
2.2.3 Content download 15
2.2.4 Streaming 16
2.2.5 Gaming 17
2.2.6 Business connectivity 18
2.2.7 Push to talk over Cellular (PoC) 20
2.2.8 Video sharing (VS) 22
2.2.9 Voice over IP (VoIP) 24
2.2.10 Presence 25
2.2.11 Instant messaging (IM) 26
2.3 PS service performance in UMTS 26
2.3.1 General application performance 27
2.3.2 WCDMAand service application performance 30
2.3.3 EDGE and service application performance 35
2.3.4 Multiradio environments and application performance 37
2.3.5 Transport Protocol performance in wireless 38
References 39
3 QoS in 3GPP Releases 97/98, 99, 5, 6 and 7 41
Anna Sillanpa¨a¨ and David Soldani
3.1 Where does QoS come from? 41
3.1.1 Application and bearer service categorisation 42
3.1.2 GPRS network architecture 43
3.1.3 A/Gb and Iu mode 45
3.1.4 QoS in transport network 46
3.1.5 ETSI and 3GPP 47
3.1.6 Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) 50
3.1.7 GSM Association (GSMA) 52
3.1.8 ITU-WARC and spectrum allocation 52
3.2 QoS concept and architecture 54
3.2.1 Releases 97 and 98 (R97/98) 55
3.2.2 Release 99 (R99) 57
3.2.3 Release 5 (R5) 68
3.2.4 Release 6 (R6) 74
3.2.5 Release 7 (R7) 87
References 89
4 Packet Data Transfer in UMTS Cellular Networks 91
David Soldani and Paolo Zanier
4.1 Packet data transfer across EGPRS networks 91
4.1.1 User plane protocols 91
4.1.2 Control plane protocols 96
4.1.3 Radio channels and frame structure 97
4.1.4 Mapping of packet data channels 102
4.2 Packet data transfer across WCDMAnetworks 103
4.2.1 User plane protocol stack 104
4.2.2 Control plane protocol stack 107
4.2.3 Radio interface protocol architecture and logical channels 109
4.2.4 Radio Resource Control Protocol states and state
transitions 111
4.2.5 Transport and physical channels 113
4.3 Introduction to high-speed downlink packet access (HSDPA) 124
4.3.1 Concept description 124
vi Contents
4.3.2 Protocol architecture 125
4.3.3 Radio channel structure 126
4.3.4 Adaptive modulation and coding (AMC) and multicode
transmission 127
4.3.5 Link adaptation 128
4.3.6 Fast hybrid ARQ 130
4.3.7 Iub data transfer and flow control 131
4.3.8 MAC-hs packet scheduler 132
4.4 Introduction to high-speed uplink packet access (HSUPA) 133
4.4.1 Physical layer models for HSUPA134
4.4.2 Protocol architecture 135
4.4.3 HARQ protocol 137
4.4.4 Node B controlled scheduling 137
4.4.5 Non-scheduled transmissions 139
References 139
5 QoS Functions in Access Networks 141
David Soldani, Paolo Zanier, Uwe Schwarz, Jaroslav Uher,
Svetlana Chemiakina, Sandro Grech, Massimo Barazzetta and
Mariagrazia Squeo
5.1 QoS management functions in GERAnetw orks 142
5.1.1 Radio interface 142
5.1.2 QoS differentiation in R97/98 EGPRS radio access
networks 145
5.1.3 QoS differentiation in R99 or later EGPRS radio access
networks 148
5.1.4 Handovers and cell reselection in 2G networks 151
5.2 QoS management functions in UTRAnetw orks 158
5.2.1 Admission control 158
5.2.2 Packet (bit rate) scheduler 160
5.2.3 Load control 163
5.2.4 Power control 164
5.2.5 Handover control 164
5.2.6 Capacity gains of service differentiation in UTRAN 177
5.3 HSDPAwi th QoS differentiation 179
5.3.1 Radio access bearer attributes 180
5.3.2 QoS information provided to MAC-hs 180
5.3.3 Setting the HSDPAQoS parameters 183
5.3.4 HSDPApower allocation 183
5.3.5 Channel-type selection and admission control 184
5.3.6 HS-DSCH release for inactivity 186
5.3.7 Overload control with DCH and HS-DSCH users 186
5.3.8 HSDPAha ndover algorithm with QoS differentiation 187
Contents vii
5.3.9 Flow control algorithm in Node B and RNC handling of
Iub congestion 187
5.3.10 Packet scheduler 188
5.4 HSUPAwi th QoS differentiation 190
5.4.1 QoS control 191
5.4.2 HSUPAdy namic resource handling 192
5.4.3 Simulation results 194
5.5 Service performance in UTRA-GERA networks 195
5.5.1 Service control 195
5.5.2 QoS renegotiation 196
5.5.3 Handover/Cell reselection performance for PS services 196
5.5.4 Handover performance for CS services 199
5.5.5 Service performance and terminal capabilities 199
5.5.6 Load balancing between GSM and WCDMA201
5.6 3GPP–WLAN inter-working 201
5.6.1 QoS and QoE aspects in 3GPP–WLAN inter-working 204
References 206
6 QoS Functions in Core and Backbone Networks 209
Renaud Cuny, Heikki Almay, Luis Alberto Pen˜a Sierra and Jani Lakkakorpi
6.1 Circuit-switched QoS 209
6.1.1 Architecture of the circuit-switched core network 209
6.1.2 Circuit-switched services 210
6.1.3 Factors affecting the quality of circuit-switched services 211
6.1.4 Circuit-switched core and the 3GPP QoS concept 211
6.1.5 QoS mechanisms in the circuit-switched core 212
6.2 Packet-switched core QoS 213
6.2.1 Session management 213
6.2.2 Intelligent edge concept (change for QoS control in
packet core) 215
6.2.3 Packet core and high-speed downlink packet access
(HSDPA) 217
6.2.4 Traffic management 218
6.3 Backbone QoS 231
6.3.1 QoS is an end-to-end issue 231
6.3.2 Choice of backbone technology 232
6.3.3 QoS in IP networks 232
6.3.4 QoS in ATM networks 233
6.3.5 QoS in MPLS networks 233
6.3.6 Deriving backbone QoS needs 234
6.3.7 Need for QoS in IP backbones 235
6.3.8 Queuing and scheduling 235
6.3.9 Implementing QoS interworking 236
References 237
viii Contents
7 Service and QoS Aspects in Radio Network Dimensioning and Planning 239
David Soldani, Carolina Rodriguez and Paolo Zanier
7.1 WCDMAradio dimensioning and planning 240
7.1.1 Radio dimensioning aspects of UTRAN FDD 240
7.1.2 Avirtual time simulator for UTRAN FDD 251
7.2 High-speed downlink packet access (HSDPA) dimensioning 267
7.2.1 Relevant radio resource management 267
7.2.2 HSDPApower vs. throughput 270
7.2.3 Dimensioning assumptions, inputs and flows 274
7.2.4 Numerical results 275
7.2.5 Impact on radio link budget 276
7.3 (E)GPRS dimensioning 277
7.3.1 (E)GPRS dimensioning procedure for CS and PS traffic 278
7.3.2 (E)GPRS dimensioning with capacity and bit rate
guarantees 285
7.3.3 (E)GPRS dimensioning with QoS guarantees 286
7.3.4 (E)GPRS dimensioning example 288
References 292
8 QoS Provisioning 293
David Soldani, Man Li and Jaana Laiho
8.1 Hierarchy in QoS management 293
8.2 Radio, core and transport QoS provisioning 297
8.2.1 Core network bearer QoS provisioning 299
8.2.2 Provisioning QoS mapping in the network layer 301
8.3 Service and mobile terminal QoS provisioning 301
8.3.1 Service QoS provisioning 301
8.3.2 Mobile terminal QoS provisioning 305
8.4 QoS provisioning tools 308
8.4.1 Configuration management in NMSs 308
8.4.2 Policy-based QoS management 309
8.4.3 Service configurator 310
8.4.4 Mobile terminal provisioning tools 311
8.5 Example of complete service management solution for NMS 311
8.5.1 Centralised monitoring 311
8.5.2 Efficient service creation and deployment 311
8.5.3 Centralised subscription management 313
8.5.4 Centralised device management 313
References 314
9 QoE and QoS Monitoring 315
David Soldani, Davide Chiavelli, Jaana Laiho, Man Li, Noman Muhammad,
Giovanni Giambiasi and Carolina Rodriquez
9.1 QoE and QoS assurance concept 315
9.1.1 Conceptual architecture 316
Contents ix
9.2 QoE monitoring framework 319
9.2.1 Service level approach using statistical samples 320
9.2.2 Network management system approach using QoS
parameters 321
9.2.3 QoE metrics 322
9.3 QoS monitoring framework 328
9.3.1 Performance monitoring based on bearer service attributes 331
9.3.2 QoS monitoring in BSS 332
9.3.3 QoS monitoring in RAN 336
9.3.4 QoS monitoring in packet core and backbone networks 346
9.3.5 QoS service level agreement 354
9.4 Post-processing and statistical methods 358
9.4.1 Data types 358
9.4.2 Probability model and key parameters 359
9.4.3 Distribution types 361
9.4.4 Calculating the confidence interval 363
9.4.5 Statistical confidence on measured data 364
9.5 Mapping between QoE and QoS performance 366
9.6 QoE and QoS monitoring tools 368
9.6.1 Introduction to QoE monitoring tools 369
9.6.2 Introduction to QoS monitoring tools 373
9.7 Example of complete service assurance solution for NMS 374
9.7.1 Centralised performance management 374
9.7.2 Active, service monitoring tools 377
9.7.3 Service quality manager 379
References 383
10 Optimisation 385
David Soldani, Giovanni Giambiasi, Kimmo Valkealahti, Mikko Kylva¨ja¨,
Massimo Barazzetta, Mariagrazia Squeo, Jaroslav Uher, Luca Allegri and
Jaana Laiho
10.1 Service optimisation concept and architecture 386
10.1.1 Conceptual breakdown of service and QoS management 386
10.1.2 Service optimisation framework and process 387
10.1.3 Benefits of intelligent and automated optimisation process 390
10.1.4 Optimisation using OS tools 391
10.2 QoS optimisation in GERAnetwork s 393
10.2.1 QoS optimisation in GPRS radio access networks 393
10.2.2 QoS optimisation in EGPRS radio access networks 399
10.3 QoS optimisation in UTRAnetwork s 401
10.3.1 QoS-sensitive parameters 401
10.3.2 QoS optimisation in WCDMAradio access networks 401
10.3.3 Genetic algorithms in QoS optimisation 406
10.3.4 Simple fuzzy optimisation 411
x Contents
10.4 QoS optimisation in core and backbone networks 416
10.4.1 Parameter optimisation 416
10.4.2 Routing configuration 424
10.4.3 GPRS core network and GPRS backbone troubleshooting 426
10.5 Service application performance improvement 429
10.5.1 Impact of parameter settings 430
10.5.2 Impact of traffic characteristics 433
10.5.3 Impact of flow control 435
10.5.4 Impact of performance enhancing proxies 436
References 438
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