t1sTime supervision, Aligned or Ready, in seconds
t2sTime supervision, Not Aligned, in seconds
t3msTime supervision, Aligned, in milliseconds
t4emsTime, in milleseconds, for an emergency proving period in milliseconds
t4nsTime, in seconds, for a normal proving period in seconds
t5msTime supervision, sending Status Indication "B", "busy" (SIB), in milliseconds
t6sTime supervision, Remote Congestion, in seconds
t7msTime supervision, Excessive delay of acknowledgment, in milliseconds
t8Time supervision, Monitoring interval, in milliseconds
tinAlignment error rate monitor threshold for normal proving period
tieAlignment error rate monitor threshold for emergency proving period
mMaximum number of consecutive proving periods during an initial alignment attempt
teThreshold count for the errored interval monitor The number of intervals where signal units have been received in error that will cause an error rate high indication
deConstant for decreasing the counter for the errored interval monitor
ueThe constant for increasing the counter for the errored interval monitor
maxsifMaximum number of Signalling Information Field (SIF) octets in a Message Signal Unit (MSU)