這個論壇沒有辦法查看發(fā)的帖子的閱讀量嗎 在線,24天前提問
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有幾個月了。 在線,202天前提問
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Public CellNames(99999), CellLac(99999), CellCi(99999), CellBCCH(99999), CellBsic(99999), CellTCHSZ(99999), CellFreq(99999)
Public UnFoundSevCell(99999, 0), SameBcchBsic(99999, 0), SameBcch(99999, 0), AdjcBcch(99999, 0), SameTch(99999, 0), AdjcTch(99999, 0), SevCellNames(99999, 0), AdjCellNames(99999, 0)
Public TchMessage(99999, 0), BcchMessage(99999, 0), MessaggeType(99999, 0)
Sub FindSameFreq()
Set FreqBook = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(1)
Set AdjcBook = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(2)
Set CellNamesDic = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
x = 2
CellOffset = 0
CellNames(CellOffset) = FreqBook.Cells(x, 1)
CellLac(CellOffset) = FreqBook.Cells(x, 3)
CellCi(CellOffset) = FreqBook.Cells(x, 4)
CellBCCH(CellOffset) = FreqBook.Cells(x, 5)
CellBsic(CellOffset) = FreqBook.Cells(x, 6)
FreqTemp = Split(Trim(FreqBook.Cells(x, 7)), " ")
For v = 0 To UBound(FreqTemp)
If CellTCHSZ(CellOffset) = "" And Trim(FreqTemp(v)) <> "" Then
CellTCHSZ(CellOffset) = "[ " & Trim(FreqTemp(v)) & "]"
CellFreq(CellOffset) = Trim(FreqTemp(v))
ElseIf CellTCHSZ(CellOffset) <> "" And Trim(FreqTemp(v)) <> "" Then
CellTCHSZ(CellOffset) = CellTCHSZ(CellOffset) & ",[" & Trim(FreqTemp(v)) & "]" '重新組合頻率
CellFreq(CellOffset) = CellFreq(CellOffset) & ";" & Trim(FreqTemp(v))
End If
Next v
CellNamesDic.Add CellNames(CellOffset), CellOffset
x = x + 1
CellOffset = CellOffset + 1
ct = FreqBook.Cells(x, 1)
Loop Until ct = ""
x = 2
UnOff = 0
Sev_CellNames = AdjcBook.Cells(x, 1)
If CellNamesDic.Exists(Sev_CellNames) = True Then
Sev_CellOffTemp = CellNamesDic.Item(Sev_CellNames) '定位主小區(qū)索引號
Adj_CellNames = Split(Trim(AdjcBook.Cells(x, 2)), " ")
For v = 0 To UBound(Adj_CellNames)
If CellNamesDic.Exists(Adj_CellNames(v)) = True Then
Adjc_CellOffTemp = CellNamesDic.Item(Adj_CellNames(v)) '定位鄰區(qū)對應索引號
If CellBCCH(Sev_CellOffTemp) = CellBCCH(Adjc_CellOffTemp) And CellBsic(Sev_CellOffTemp) = CellBsic(Adjc_CellOffTemp) Then '同頻同色
BcchMessage(Woff, 0) = CellBCCH(Sev_CellOffTemp) & "(" & CellBsic(Sev_CellOffTemp) & ")"
If MessaggeType(Woff, 0) = "" Then MessaggeType(Woff, 0) = "同頻同色" Else MessaggeType(Woff, 0) = MessaggeType(Woff, 0) & " ,同頻同色"
ElseIf CellBCCH(Sev_CellOffTemp) = CellBCCH(Adjc_CellOffTemp) And CellBsic(Sev_CellOffTemp) <> CellBsic(Adjc_CellOffTemp) Then '同頻不同色
BcchMessage(Woff, 0) = CellBCCH(Sev_CellOffTemp)
If MessaggeType(Woff, 0) = "" Then MessaggeType(Woff, 0) = "同主頻" Else MessaggeType(Woff, 0) = MessaggeType(Woff, 0) & " ,同主頻"
ElseIf CLng(CellBCCH(Sev_CellOffTemp)) + 1 = CLng(CellBCCH(Adjc_CellOffTemp)) Then'鄰主頻+1
BcchMessage(Woff, 0) = CellBCCH(Sev_CellOffTemp) & " vs " & CLng(CellBCCH(Sev_CellOffTemp)) + 1
If MessaggeType(Woff, 0) = "" Then MessaggeType(Woff, 0) = "鄰主頻" Else MessaggeType(Woff, 0) = MessaggeType(Woff, 0) & " ,鄰主頻"
ElseIf CLng(CellBCCH(Sev_CellOffTemp)) - 1 = CLng(CellBCCH(Adjc_CellOffTemp)) Then '鄰主頻-1
BcchMessage(Woff, 0) = CellBCCH(Sev_CellOffTemp) & " vs " & CLng(CellBCCH(Sev_CellOffTemp)) - 1
If MessaggeType(Woff, 0) = "" Then MessaggeType(Woff, 0) = "鄰主頻" Else MessaggeType(Woff, 0) = MessaggeType(Woff, 0) & " ,鄰主頻"
End If
SCell_Freq = Split(CellFreq(Sev_CellOffTemp), ";")
For Sv = 0 To UBound(SCell_Freq)
FreqCheckTemp = "[" & CLng(SCell_Freq(Sv)) & "]"
If InStr(1, CellTCHSZ(Adjc_CellOffTemp), "[" & CLng(SCell_Freq(Sv)) & "]") > 0 Then '同TCH
If TchMessage(Woff, 0) = "" Then TchMessage(Woff, 0) = SCell_Freq(Sv) Else TchMessage(Woff, 0) = TchMessage(Woff, 0) & " ," & SCell_Freq(Sv)
If MessaggeType(Woff, 0) = "" Then
MessaggeType(Woff, 0) = "同TCH頻"
ElseIf InStr(1, "同TCH頻", MessaggeType(Woff, 0)) > 1 And MessaggeType(Woff, 0) <> "" Then
MessaggeType(Woff, 0) = MessaggeType(Woff, 0) & " ,同TCH頻"
End If
ElseIf (InStr(1, CellTCHSZ(Adjc_CellOffTemp), "[" & CLng(SCell_Freq(Sv)) + 1 & "]") > 0) Then'鄰TCH +
If TchMessage(Woff, 0) = "" Then TchMessage(Woff, 0) = SCell_Freq(Sv) & " vs " & SCell_Freq(Sv) + 1 _
Else TchMessage(Woff, 0) = TchMessage(Woff, 0) & " ," & SCell_Freq(Sv) & " vs " & SCell_Freq(Sv) + 1
If MessaggeType(Woff, 0) = "" Then
MessaggeType(Woff, 0) = "鄰TCH頻"
ElseIf InStr(1, "鄰TCH頻", MessaggeType(Woff, 0)) > 1 And MessaggeType(Woff, 0) <> "" Then
MessaggeType(Woff, 0) = MessaggeType(Woff, 0) & " ,鄰TCH頻"
End If
'If MessaggeType(Woff, 0) = "" Then MessaggeType(Woff, 0) = "鄰TCH頻" Else MessaggeType(Woff, 0) = MessaggeType(Woff, 0) & " ,鄰TCH頻"
ElseIf (InStr(1, CellTCHSZ(Adjc_CellOffTemp), "[" & CLng(SCell_Freq(Sv)) - 1 & "]") > 0) Then'鄰TCH_
If TchMessage(Woff, 0) = "" Then TchMessage(Woff, 0) = SCell_Freq(Sv) & " vs " & SCell_Freq(Sv) - 1 _
Else TchMessage(Woff, 0) = TchMessage(Woff, 0) & " ," & SCell_Freq(Sv) & " vs " & SCell_Freq(Sv) - 1
If MessaggeType(Woff, 0) = "" Then
MessaggeType(Woff, 0) = "鄰TCH頻"
ElseIf InStr(1, "鄰TCH頻", MessaggeType(Woff, 0)) > 1 And MessaggeType(Woff, 0) <> "" Then
MessaggeType(Woff, 0) = MessaggeType(Woff, 0) & " ,鄰TCH頻"
End If
'If MessaggeType(Woff, 0) = "" Then MessaggeType(Woff, 0) = "鄰TCH頻" Else MessaggeType(Woff, 0) = MessaggeType(Woff, 0) & " ,鄰TCH頻"
End If
Next Sv
If BcchMessage(Woff, 0) <> "" Or TchMessage(Woff, 0) <> "" Then ' <> "" Or SameBcchBsic(Woff, 0) <> "" Or SameBcch(Woff, 0) <> "" Or AdjcBcch(Woff, 0) <> "" Then
SevCellNames(Woff, 0) = Sev_CellNames
AdjCellNames(Woff, 0) = Adj_CellNames(v)
Woff = Woff + 1
End If
End If
Next v
ElseIf CellNamesDic.Exists(Sev_CellNames) = False Then
UnFoundSevCell(UnOff, 0) = Sev_CellNames
UnOff = UnOff + 1
End If
x = x + 1
ct = AdjcBook.Cells(x, 1)
Loop Until ct = ""
Set LogBook = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(3)
LogBook.Cells(2, 1).Resize(Woff) = SevCellNames'主小區(qū)
LogBook.Cells(2, 2).Resize(Woff) = AdjCellNames'鄰小區(qū)
LogBook.Cells(2, 3).Resize(Woff) = "Y"
LogBook.Cells(2, 4).Resize(Woff) = ""
LogBook.Cells(2, 5).Resize(Woff) = MessaggeType
LogBook.Cells(2, 6).Resize(Woff) = BcchMessage
LogBook.Cells(2, 7).Resize(Woff) = TchMessage
End Sub
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