IE/Group Name
| Presence
| Range
| IE type and reference
| Semantics description
Choice Cause
>Radio Network Layer Cause
(RAB pre-empted(1),
Trelocoverall Expiry(2),
Trelocprep Expiry(3),
Treloccomplete Expiry(4),
Tqueuing Expiry(5),
Relocation Triggered(6),
Unable to Establish During Relocation(8),
Unknown Target RNC(9),
Relocation Cancelled(10),
Successful Relocation(11),
Requested Ciphering and/or Integrity Protection Algorithms notSupported(12),
Conflict with already existing Integrity protection and/or Cipheringinformation (13),
Failure in the Radio Interface Procedure(14),
Release due to UTRAN Generated Reason(15),
User Inactivity(16),
Time Critical Relocation(17),
Requested Traffic Class not Available(18),
Invalid RAB Parameters Value(19),
Requested Maximum Bit Rate not Available(20),
Requested Maximum Bit Rate for DL not Available(33),
Requested Maximum Bit Rate for UL not Available(34),
Requested Guaranteed Bit Rate not Available(21),
Requested Guaranteed Bit Rate for DL not Available(35),
Requested Guaranteed Bit Rate for UL not Available(36),
Requested Transfer Delay not Achievable(22),
Invalid RAB Parameters Combination(23),
Condition Violation for SDU Parameters(24),
Condition Violation for Traffic Handling Priority(25),
Condition Violation for Guaranteed Bit Rate(26),
User Plane Versions not Supported(27),
Iu UP Failure(28),
TRELOCalloc Expiry (7),
Relocation Failure in Target CN/RNC or Target System (29),
Invalid RAB ID(30),
No remaining RAB(31),
Interaction with other procedure(32),
RepeatedIntegrity Checking Failure(37),
RequestedRequest Type not supported(38),
Release dueto UE generated signalling connection release(40),
ResourceOptimisation Relocation(41),
RequestedInformation Not Available(42),
Relocationdesirable for radio reasons (43),
Relocation notsupported in Target RNC or Target system(44),
Directed Retry (45),
RadioConnection With UE Lost(46),
RNC unable toestablish all RFCs (47),
Deciphering Keys Not Available(48),
Dedicated Assistance data Not Available(49),
RelocationTarget not allowed(50),
Location Reporting Congestion(51),
Reduce Loadin Serving Cell (52),
NoRadio Resources Available in Target cell (53),
GERANIu-mode failure (54),
AccessRestricted Due to Shared Networks(55),
IncomingRelocation Not Supported Due To PUESBINE Feature(56),
TrafficLoad In The Target Cell Higher Than In The Source Cell(57),
MBMS- No Multicast Service For This UE(58),
MBMS- Unknown UE ID(59),
SuccessfulMBMS Session Start - No Data Bearer Necessary(60),
MBMS- Superseded Due To NNSF(61),
MBMS- UE Linking Already Done(62),
MBMS- UE De-Linking Failure - No Existing UE Linking(63),
TMGI Unknown(64))
| Value range is 1 – 64.
>Transport Layer Cause
Signalling TransportResource Failure(65),
Iu TransportConnection Failed to Establish(66))
| Value range is 65 –80.
>NAS Cause
(User Restriction Start Indication(81),
User Restriction End Indication(82),
Normal Release(83))
| Value range is 81 –96.
>Protocol Cause
(Transfer Syntax Error(97),
Semantic Error (98),
Message not compatible with receiver state (99),
Abstract Syntax Error (Reject) (100),
Abstract Syntax Error (Ignore and Notify) (101),
Abstract Syntax Error (FalselyConstructed Message) (102))
| Value range is 97 –112.
>Miscellaneous Cause
(O&M Intervention(113),
No Resource Available(114),
Unspecified Failure(115),
| Value range is 113 –128.
>Non-standard Cause
| Value range is 129 –256. Cause value 256 shall not be used.
>Radio Network Layer Cause Extension
(IP Multicast Address And APN Not Valid(257),
MBMS De-Registration Rejected Due To Implicit Registration(258),
MBMS - Request Superseded(259),
MBMS De-Registration During Session Not Allowed(260),
MBMS - No Data BearerNecessary(261) ,
Periodic Location Information not Available(262),
GTP Resources Unavailable(263),
TMGI in Use and Overlapping MBMSService Area (264),
MBMS – No cell in MBMS ServiceArea (265),
No Iu CS UPrelocation (266) ,
Successful MBMS Session Start – IPMulticast Bearer established (267)),
CS Fallbacktriggered (268))
| Value range is 257 –512.
The meaning of the different cause values is described in the followingtable. In general, "not supported" cause values indicate that therelated capability is missing. On the other hand, "not available"cause values indicate that the related capability is present, but insufficientresources were available to perform the requested action.
Radio Network Layercause
| Meaning
Deciphering Keys NotAvailable
| The action failedbecause RNC is not able to provide requested deciphering keys.
Conflict with alreadyexisting Integrity protection and/or Ciphering information
| The action was notperformed due to that the requested security mode configuration was inconflict with the already existing security mode configuration.
Condition ViolationFor Guaranteed Bit Rate
| The action was notperformed due to condition violation for guaranteed bit rate.
Condition ViolationFor SDU Parameters
| The action was notperformed due to condition violation for SDU parameters.
Condition ViolationFor Traffic Handling Priority
| The action was notperformed due to condition violation for traffic handling priority.
Dedicated Assistancedata Not Available
| The action failedbecause RNC is not able to successfully deliver the requested dedicatedassistance data to the UE.
Directed Retry
| The reason for actionis Directed Retry
Failure In The RadioInterface Procedure
| Radio interfaceprocedure has failed.
Incoming RelocationNot Supported Due To PUESBINE Feature
| The incoming relocationcannot be accepted by the target RNC because of the PUESBINE feature.
Interaction With OtherProcedure
| Relocation wascancelled due to interaction with other procedure.
Invalid RAB ID
| The action failedbecause the RAB ID is unknown in the RNC.
Invalid RAB ParametersCombination
| The action failed dueto invalid RAB parameters combination.
Invalid RAB ParametersValue
| The action failed dueto invalid RAB parameters value.
Iu UP Failure
| The action failed dueto Iu UP failure.
No remaining RAB
| The reason for theaction is no remaining RAB.
RAB Pre-empted
| The reason for theaction is that RAB is pre-empted.
Radio Connection WithUE Lost
| The action isrequested due to losing radio connection to the UE
Release Due To UEGenerated Signalling Connection Release
| Release requested dueto UE generated signalling connection release.
Release Due To UTRANGenerated Reason
| Release is initiateddue to UTRAN generated reason.
Relocation Cancelled
| The reason for theaction is relocation cancellation.
Relocation Desirablefor Radio Reasons
| The reason forrequesting relocation is radio related.
Relocation Failure InTarget CN/RNC Or Target System
| Relocation failed dueto a failure in target CN/RNC or target system.
Relocation NotSupported In Target RNC Or Target System
| Relocation failedbecause relocation was not supported in target RNC or target system.
Relocation Target notallowed
| Relocation to theindicated target cell is not allowed for the UE in question.
Relocation Triggered
| The action failed dueto relocation.
Repeated IntegrityChecking Failure
| The action isrequested due to repeated failure in integrity checking.
Request Superseded
| The action failedbecause there was a second request on the same RAB.
Requested CipheringAnd/Or Integrity Protection Algorithms Not Supported
| The UTRAN or the UE isunable to support the requested ciphering and/or integrity protectionalgorithms.
Requested GuaranteedBit Rate For DL Not Available
| The action failedbecause requested guaranteed bit rate for DL is not available.
Requested GuaranteedBit Rate For UL Not Available
| The action failedbecause requested guaranteed bit rate for UL is not available.
Requested GuaranteedBit Rate Not Available
| The action failedbecause requested guaranteed bit rate is not available.
Requested InformationNot Available
| The action failedbecause requested information is not available.
Requested Maximum BitRate For DL Not Available
| The action failedbecause requested maximum bit rate for DL is not available.
Requested Maximum BitRate For UL Not Available
| The action failedbecause requested maximum bit rate for UL is not available.
Requested Maximum BitRate Not Available
| The action failedbecause requested maximum bit rate is not available.
Requested Request TypeNot Supported
| The RNC is notsupporting the requested location request type either because it doesn’tsupport the requested event or it doesn’t support the requested report area.
Location ReportingCongestion
| Theaction was not performed due to an inability to support location reportingcaused by overload.
Requested TrafficClass Not Available
| The action failedbecause requested traffic class is not available.
Requested TransferDelay Not Achievable
| The action failedbecause requested transfer delay is not achievable.
Resource OptimisationRelocation
| The reason forrequesting relocation is resource optimisation.
Successful Relocation
| The reason for theaction is completion of successful relocation.
Time CriticalRelocation
| Relocation isrequested for time critical reason i.e. this cause value is reserved torepresent all critical cases where the connection is likely to be dropped ifrelocation is not performed.
| Theaction failed due to expiryof the timer TQUEUING.
| Relocation ResourceAllocation procedure failed due to expiry of the timer TRELOCalloc.
| The reason for theaction is expiry of timer TRELOCcomplete.
| The reason for theaction is expiry of timer TRELOCoverall.
| Relocation Preparationprocedure is cancelled when timer TRELOCprep expires.
Unable To EstablishDuring Relocation
| RAB failed toestablish during relocation because it cannot be supported in the target RNC or the RAB didnot exist in the source RNC.
Unknown Target RNC
| Relocation rejectedbecause the target RNC is not known to the CN.
User Inactivity
| The action isrequested due to user inactivity on one or several non real time RABs e.g. inorder to optimise radio resource.
User Plane VersionsNot Supported
| The action failedbecause requested user plane versions were not supported.
RNC unable toestablish all RFCs
| RNC couldn’t establishall RAB subflow combinations indicated within the RAB Parameters IE.
Reduce Load in ServingCell
| Load on serving cell needsto be reduced.
No Radio ResourcesAvailable in Target Cell
| Load on target cell istoo high.
GERAN Iu-mode failure
| The RABestablishment/modification/relocation failed because the GERAN BSC cannotprovide an appropriate RAB due to limited capabilities within GERAN.
Access Restricted Dueto Shared Networks
| Access is notpermitted in the cell due to Shared Networks.
Traffic Load In The Target Cell Higher Than In The Source Cell
| Relocation to reduceload in the source cell is rejected, as the target cell’s traffic load ishigher than that in the source cell.
MBMS - No Multicast Service For This UE
| The request for theMulticase Service list of one UE was not fulfilled because the UE does nothave any active multicast service.
MBMS - Unknown UE ID
| The request for theMulticase Service list of one UE was not fulfilled because the CN does notknow the UE.
Successful MBMS Session Start - No Data Bearer Necessary
| The MBMS Session Startprocedure was successfully performed, but the RNC does not have any interestedUE.
MBMS - Superseded Due To NNSF
| The MBMS Session Startprocedure was rejected because of successful operation towards another CNnode.
MBMS - UE Linking Already Done
| The UE linking failed,because the UE has already been linked to the given Multicast service.
MBMS - UE De-Linking Failure - No Existing UE Linking
| The UE de-linkingfailed, because the UE had not been linked to the given Multicast service.
TMGI Unknown
| The requested MBMSaction failed because the indicated TMGI is unknown.
Successful MBMS Session Start – IP Multicast Bearer established
| The RNC was able tojoin the indicated IP Multicast Group.
Radio Network Layercause extension
| Meaning
IP Multicast Address And APN Not Valid
| The MBMS registrationfailed because the IP Multicast Address and APN are not valid.
MBMS De-Registration Rejected Due To Implicit Registration
| The MBMSDe-registration was rejected because of implicit registration.
MBMS - Request Superseded
| The MBMS Registrationor De-registration was superseded due to another ongoing procedure.
MBMS De-Registration During Session Not Allowed
| The MBMSDe-registration is not allowed during the MBMS session.
MBMS - No Data Bearer Necessary
| The RNC no longer haveany UEs interested in the MBMS data bearer.
Periodic Location Information not Available
| No UE positionestimate was available when the periodic report was triggered.
GTP Resources Unavailable
| The RNC initiates RABRelease Request procedure with this error cause value if it received a GTP-Uerror indication.
TMGI in Use and overlapping MBMS Service Area
| The RNC has an MBMSSession up and running with that TMGI, a parallel MBMS session with the sameTMGI in another overlapping MBMS Service Area is not allowed.
MBMS - No Cell in MBMS Service Area
| The RNC does not haveany cell of the indicated MBMS Service Area.
No Iu CS UP relocation
| The relocation is triggered by CS call and the sourceRNC has no Iu CS user plane.
CS Fallback triggered
| The relocation was triggered for CS Fallbackreason at the source side.