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MS Radio Access capability
GPRS Multi Slot Class
The GPRS Multi Slot Class field is coded as the binary representation of the multislot class defined in 3GPP TS 45.002 [32].
ECSD Multi Slot Class
The presence of this field indicates ECSD capability. Whether the MS is capable of 8-PSK modulation in uplink is indicated by the presence of 8-PSK Power Capability field. The Multi Slot Class field is coded as the binary representation of the multislot class defined in 3GPP TS 45.002 [32]. This field is not used by the network and may be excluded by the MS.
Range 1 to 18, all other values are reserved.
EGPRS Multi Slot Class
The presence of this field indicates EGPRS capability. Whether the MS is capable of 8-PSK modulation in uplink is indicated by the presence of 8-PSK Power Capability field. The EGPRS Multi Slot Class field is coded as the binary representation of the multislot class defined in 3GPP TS 45.002 [32].

Annex B (normative):
Multislot capability
B.1MS classes for multislot capability
When an MS supports the use of multiple timeslots it shall belong to a multislot class as defined below:
Table B.1
Multislot classMaximum number of slotsMinimum number of slotsType

a)= 1 with frequency hopping.
= 0 without frequency hopping.
b)= 1 with frequency hopping or change from Rx to Tx.
= 0 without frequency hopping and no change from Rx to Tx.
c)= 1 with frequency hopping or change from Tx to Rx.
= 0 without frequency hopping and no change from Tx to Rx.
to= 31 symbol periods (this can be provided by a TA offset, i.e. a minimum TA value).

Type 1 MS are not required to transmit and receive at the same time.
Type 2 MS are required to be able to transmit and receive at the same time.
For HSCSD, only multislot classes 1 - 18 are recognised. An MS with a higher multislot class number shall indicate a suitable multislot class less than 19 for HSCSD applications (see 3GPP TS 44.018).
Rx describes the maximum number of receive timeslots that the MS can use per TDMA frame. The MS must be able to support all integer values of receive TS from 0 to Rx (depending on the services supported by the MS). The receive TS need not be contiguous. For type 1 MS, the receive TS shall be assigned within window of size Rx, and no transmit TS shall occur between receive TS within a TDMA frame.
Tx describes the maximum number of transmit timeslots that the MS can use per TDMA frame. The MS must be able to support all integer values of transmit TS from 0 to Tx (depending on the services supported by the MS). The transmit TS need not be contiguous. For type 1 MS, the transmit TS shall be assigned within window of size Tx, and no receive TS shall occur between transmit TS within a TDMA frame.
Sum is the total number of uplink (u) and downlink (d) TS that can actually be used by the MS per TDMA frame. The MS must be able to support all combinations of integer values of d <= Rx and u <= Tx TS where 1 <= d + u <= Sum (depending on the services supported by the MS). Sum is not applicable to all classes.
Tta relates to the time needed for the MS to perform adjacent cell signal level measurement and get ready to transmit.
For type 1 MS it is the minimum number of timeslots that will be allowed between the end of the previous transmit or receive TS and the next transmit TS when measurement is to be performed between. It should be noted that, in practice, the minimum time allowed may be reduced by amount of timing advance.
For type 1 MS that supports extended TA, the parameter Tta is increased by 1 if TA > 63 and there is a change from RX to TX.
For type 2 MS it is not applicable.
For circuit switched multislot configurations as defined in subclause, Tta is not applicable.
Ttb relates to the time needed for the MS to get ready to transmit. This minimum requirement will only be used when adjacent cell power measurements are not required by the service selected.
For type 1 MS it is the minimum number of timeslots that will be allowed between the end of the last previous receive TS and the first next transmit TS or between the previous transmit TS and the next transmit TS when the frequency is changed in between. It should be noted that, in practice, the minimum time allowed may be reduced by the amount of the timing advance.
For type 1 MS that supports extended TA, the parameter Ttb = 2 if TA > 63 and there is a change from RX to TX.
For type 2 MS it is the minimum number of timeslots that will be allowed between the end of the last transmit burst in a TDMA frame and the first transmit burst in the next TDMA frame.
Tra relates to the time needed for the MS to perform adjacent cell signal level measurement and get ready to receive.
For type 1 MS it is the minimum number of timeslots that will be allowed between the previous transmit or receive TS and the next receive TS when measurement is to be performed between.
For type 2 MS it is the minimum number of timeslots that will be allowed between the end of the last receive burst in a TDMA frame and the first receive burst in the next TDMA frame.
An MS, except for multislot class 30 – 45, shall be able to decode SCH from a neighbour cell, independent of its relative timing, using an idle frame in combination with Tra from the preceding frame.
Trb relates to the time needed for the MS to get ready to receive. This minimum requirement will only be used when adjacent cell power measurements are not required by the service selected.
For type 1 MS it is the minimum number of timeslots that will be allowed between the previous transmit TS and the next receive TS or between the previous receive TS and the next receive TS when the frequency is changed in between.
For type 2 MS it is the minimum number of timeslots that will be allowed between the end of the last receive burst in a TDMA frame and the first receive burst in the next TDMA frame.
B.2Constraints imposed by the service selected
The service selected will impose certain restrictions on the allowed combinations of transmit and receive timeslots. Such restrictions are not imposed by this annex but should be derived from the description of the services. For example, in the case of circuit switched data the TS numbers used in the uplink will be a subset of those used in the downlink.
The service selected will determine whether or not adjacent cell power measurements are required and therefore whether Tra or Trb is allowed for.
B.3Network requirements for supporting MS multislot classes
The multislot class of the MS will limit the combinations and configurations allowed when supporting multislot communication.
GSM 400 network may support extended cell coverage utilising timing advance values greater than 63. This has an effect that the time for MS to change from RX to TX will be very short for distant MS. It is necessary for the network to decide whether requested or current multislot configuration can be supported by distant MS. If actual TA is great enough it may be necessary for network to downgrade requested resources or it may be necessary for network to downgrade current resources.
It is necessary for the network to decide whether the MS needs to perform adjacent cell power measurement for the type of multislot communication intended and whether the service imposes any other constraints before the full restrictions on TS assignments can be resolved. This is best shown by example:
For a multislot class 5 MS in circuit switched configuration (adjacent cell power measurements required) five basic configurations of channels are possible which can occur in six different positions in the TDMA frame. The service itself may determine that asymmetry must be downlink biased, in which case the last two solutions would not be allowed.

Figure B.1
For a multislot class 13 MS when adjacent cell power measurements are not required and the service does not constrain the transmit and receive timeslots to use the same timeslot number. Many configurations of channels are possible so long as the 5 constraints of the MS are catered for. [Currently services envisaged only allow for the last example here.]

Figure B.2

B.4 Multislot capabilities for dual carrier mobile stations
For mobile stations supporting downlink dual carrier, the multislot capability applicable to dual carrier operation is dependent on the (DTM) EGPRS (high) multislot class (see subclause B.1), on the Multislot Capability Reduction for Downlink Dual Carrier field (see 3GPP TS 24.008) and, if provided, on the Alternative EFTA multislot class field (see subclause B.5) and on the EFTA Multislot Capability Reduction for Downlink Dual Carrier field (see 3GPP TS 24.008) as signalled by the mobile station as defined in Table B.2. Only mobile stations of multislot classes listed in Table B.2 can support downlink dual carrier.
Table B.2
Signalled multislot classAlternative EFTA multislot class
Maximum Number of downlink timeslotsEquivalent multislot class when
"Multislot Capability Reduction for Downlink Dual Carrier" IE indicates reduction of:
0 or 1 timeslots2 or more timeslots

Note 0 These configurations can only be used for assignment to an MS supporting Enhanced Flexible Timeslot Assignment (see 3GPP TS 24.008).
The values of Rx’, Tx’ and Sum’ and Rx_Sum apply for downlink dual carrier configurations.
If the MS has not indicated support for Enhanced Flexible Timeslot Assignment (see 3GPP TS 24.008), then Rx’, Tx’ and Sum’ correspond to Rx, Tx and Sum for the Equivalent multislot class (see Table B.2) and the values of Tta, Ttb, Tra and Trb of the equivalent multislot class shall then apply as indicated by Table B.2; if no equivalent multislot class is specified then Rx’, Tx’ and Sum’ correspond to Rx, Tx and Sum respectively for the signalled multislot class and the switching times Tta, Ttb, Tra and Trb of the signalled multislot class shall apply.
If the MS has indicated support for Enhanced Flexible Timeslot Assignment (see 3GPP TS 24.008), then Rx’, Tx’ and Sum’, Tta, Ttb, Tra and Trb all correspond to Rx, Tx, Sum, Tta, Ttb, Tra and Trb respectively as defined in subclause B.5.
Possible switching and measurement timings for downlink dual carrier MSs that have a higher equivalent multislot class compared to the signalled multislot class are illustrated in Annex E.
Rx_Sum is given by the Maximum Number of downlink timeslots as specified in Table B.2 minus the number of timeslots indicated in the Multislot Capability Reduction for Downlink Dual Carrier field (see 3GPP TS 24.008).If the resultant Rx_Sum is lower than the value given by the field Sum in Table B.1 for the signalled multislot class (or the equivalent multislot class if different from signalled multislot class) (see Table B.2), then Rx_Sum shall be assumed to be equal to Sum from Table B.1 for that multislot class.
If the MS has indicated support for Enhanced Flexible Timeslot Assignment (see 3GPP TS 24.008), then Rx_Sum_EFTA is given by the Maximum Number of downlink timeslots as specified in Table B.2 minus the number of timeslots indicated in the EFTA Multislot Capability Reduction for Downlink Dual Carrier field (see 3GPP TS 24.008). If the resultant Rx_Sum_EFTA is lower than or equal to the value given by the field Rx in Table B.1 either for the indicated alternative EFTA multislot class, or for the signalled (DTM) EGPRS (high) multislot class if no alternative EFTA multislot class is indicated, then Rx_Sum_EFTA shall be assumed to be equal to Rx + 1 from Table B.1 for that multislot class.
NOTE:The Equivalent multislot class and corresponding switching times (where different from the signalled multislot class) apply only for dual carrier assignments. For assignments which use only one carrier, the signalled multislot class (and corresponding switching times as specified in Table B.1) apply.
Rx’ describes the maximum number of receive timeslots that the MS can use per radio frequency channel per TDMA frame. The MS must be able to support all integer values of receive TS from 0 to Rx’ (depending on the services supported by the MS) on each radio frequency channel. The receive TS need not be contiguous. For type 1 MS, all the receive TS (on both radio frequency channels) shall be allocated within a window of size Rx’, and no transmit TS shall occur between receive TS within a TDMA frame.
Tx’ describes the maximum number of transmit timeslots that the MS can use per TDMA frame.The MS must be able to support all integer values of transmit TS from 0 to Tx’ (depending on the services supported by the MS). The transmit TS need not be contiguous. For type 1 MS, the transmit TS shall be allocated within window of size Tx’, and no receive TS shall occur between transmit TS within a TDMA frame.
NOTE:All transmit timeslots are allocated on the same uplink radio frequency channel within a radio block period.
Sum’ is the total number of uplink TS and downlink TS (on either radio frequency channel) that can be used by the MS per TDMA frame. The MS must be able to support all combinations of integer values of 1 <= d1 <= Rx’, 1 <= d2 <= Rx’ and u <= Tx’ TS where 1 <= d1 + u <= Sum’ and 1 <= d2 + u <= Sum’ (depending on the services supported by the MS).
Rx_Sum is the total number of downlink TS (on both radio frequency channels) that can be received by the MS per TDMA frame when not using Enhanced Flexible Timeslot Assignment, EFTA. The MS must be able to support all combinations of integer values of d1 and d2 where 1 <= d1 +d2 <= Rx_Sum (depending on the services supported by the MS).
Rx_Sum_EFTA is the total number of downlink TS (on both radio frequency channels) that can be received by the MS per TDMA frame when using Enhanced Flexible Timeslot Assignment, EFTA. The MS must be able to support all combinations of integer values of d1 and d2 where 1 <= d1 +d2 <= Rx_Sum_EFTA (depending on the services supported by the MS).
NOTE:Both d1 and d2 need to be different from 0 in order for Sum’, Rx_Sum and Rx_Sum_EFTA to apply.

B.5 Multislot capabilities when EFTA is used
For mobile stations supporting Enhanced Flexible Timeslot Assignment, EFTA, the multislot capability parameters applicable to EFTA operation in a single carrier configuration are dependent on the signalled (DTM) EGPRS (high) multislot class (see subclause B.1) and on the Alternative EFTA multislot class field (see 3GPP TS 24.008) as follows:
If the signalled multislot-class is 30-39, the multislot capability parameters shall be derived as follows:
-If no Alternative EFTA multislot class is given then Rx, Tx, Tta and Tra of the signalled multislot class shall apply whereas Ttb and Trb of multislot classes 19-29 shall apply.
-If an Alternative EFTA multislot class is given then Tta and Tra of the signalled multislot class shall apply whereas Rx, Tx, Ttb and Trb of the Alternative EFTA multislot class shall apply.

If the signalled multislot-class is 40-45, the multislot capability parameters shall be derived as follows:
-If no Alternative EFTA multislot class is given then Rx, Tx, Tta, Trb and Tra of the signalled multislot class shall apply whereas Ttb of multislot classes 19-29 shall apply.
-If an Alternative EFTA multislot class is given then Tta, Trb and Tra of the signalled multislot class shall apply whereas Rx, Tx, Sum, Ttb of the Alternative EFTA multislot class shall apply.

The multislot capability parameter Sum shall be set to NA, since it is never applicable to EFTA operation.
Only mobile stations with (DTM) EGPRS (high) multislot classes 30-45 can support EFTA.
The above rules for deriving the multislot capability parameters applicable to EFTA operation as described above are illustrated in Table B.3 below.
Table B.3
Signalled multislot classAlternative EFTA multislot classRxTxSumTtaTtbTraTrb

sig = Parameter value should be taken from the signalled multislot class

b) and c) are as defined in subclause B.1.
The multislot capability parameters applicable to EFTA operation in a downlink dual carrier configuration are in addition dependent on the EFTA Multislot Capability Reduction for Downlink Dual Carrier field (see subclause B.4).

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