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網(wǎng)絡(luò)優(yōu)化工程師招聘專欄 4G/LTE通信工程師最新職位列表 通信實(shí)習(xí)生/應(yīng)屆生招聘職位

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威望 239 個(gè)
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注冊(cè) 2010-3-31
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2.3Work Plan, Work Items and Study Items8
2.4Change Request database8
4SA1 Features9
4.1Advanced IP Interconnection of Services (IPXS)UID_4700519
4.2System Improvements to Machine-Type Communications (SIMTC) UID_48003011
4.3Unstructured Supplementary Service Data (USSD) simulation service in IMS (USSI)UID_48003117
4.xSIPTO Service Continuity of IP Data Session (SIPTO_SC)UID_490030 (moved to Rel-12)19
4.4QoS Control Based on Subscriber Spending Limits (QoS_SSL)UID_49003120
4.5Optimized Service Charging and Allocation of Resources in IMS whilst Roaming (OSCAR)UID_49003222
4.5.1Inclusion of Media Resource Broker (Stage 2/3) (MRB)UID_53002123
4.6Non Voice Emergency Services (NOVES)UID_50003024
4.7Support for 3GPP Voice Interworking with Enterprise IP-PBX (VINE) UID_51004725
4.8Anonymous Call Rejection in the CS domain (ACR_CS)UID_52002827
5SA2 Features28
5.1Support BroadBand Forum Accesses Interworking (BBAI)UID_46002629
5.2SRVCC aspect of eMPS (eMPS_SRVCC)UID_48003533
5.3Single Radio Video Call Continuity for 3G-CS (vSRVCC) UID_50002634
5.4Network Provided Location Information for IMS (NWK-PL2IMS)UID_48003836
5.5Service Awareness and Privacy Policies (SAPP)UID_50003239
5.6VPLMN Autonomous CSG Roaming (VCSG)UID_50003341
5.7Data Identification in ANDSF (DIDA)UID_51004843
5.8Location-Based Selection of gateways for WLAN (LOBSTER)UID_51005045
5.9Single Radio Voice Call Continuity from UTRAN/GERAN to E-UTRAN/HSPA (rSRVCC)UID_53000146
5.10S2a Mobility based On GTP and WLAN access to EPC (SaMOG)UID_53004648
5.11Roaming Architecture for Voice over IMS with Local Breakout (RAVEL) UID_54002950
5.12IMS Overload Control (IOC) UID_560027 (moved from Rel-12 to Rel-11)51
6SA3 Security Features53
6.1Lawful Interception in the 3GPP Rel-11 (LI11)UID_52003253
6.2EEA3 and EIA3 (new Encryption & Integrity EPS security algorithms)UID_44005554
6.2.1Conformance Test Aspects – ZUC (EEA3 and EIA3)UID_56000954
6.3Specification of Protection against Unsolicited Communication for IMS (SPUCI)UID_48003955
6.4H(e)NB security features for UE mobility scenarios (HNB_mob_Sec) UID_51005357
6.5Generic Bootstrapping Architecture extensions for re-use of SIP Digest credentials (GBA-ext) UID_54001257
7SA4 Features59
7.1Extensions of Acoustic Test Specifications in TS 26.131 and TS 26.132 (Ext_ATS) UID_52003359
7.xCoordination of Video Orientation (CVO) UID_560040 (moved to Rel-12)59
7.2Enhancements to Multimedia: PSS, MMS, and MBMS Enhancements and ...(EMM)UID_53004860
7.2.1Enhancement to FEC for MBMS (EMM-EFEC) UID_53014862
7.2.2Download Delivery Enhancements for MBMS (EMM-DDE) UID_53024863
7.2.3IMS-based PSS and MBMS Streaming Synchronization Enhancements (EMM-IPME) UID_53034865
7.3Mobile 3D Video Coding (M3DV) UID_56004166
8SA5 Features - OAM&P and Charging Management68
8.1IRP framework enhancements to support Management of Converged NetworksUID_51005668
8.2Management for Carrier Aggregation for LTEUID_53004970
8.3Network Management for 3GPP Interworking WLANUID_53005072
8.4IMS Performance Management enhancementsUID_51005774
8.5Enhanced Management of UE based network performance measurementsUID_51005875
8.6CN performance measurements enhancementUID_52003476
8.7UTRAN Self-Organizing Networks (SON) managementUID_51005977
8.8LTE Self-Organizing Networks (SON) coordination managementUID_53005178
8.9Inter-RAT Energy Saving Management(OAM-IRAT-ESM) UID_54003179
8.10Rel-11 Charging Management small EnhancementsUID_51005280
8.11Add solutions for Rc - reference point within the Online Charging System(CH-Rc) UID_47004580
8.12Charging for Policy Enhancements for Sponsored Connectivity and ... (PEST-CH) UID_51006081
8.13Unification of Charging session from SIP AS and SRVCC functions in IMSUID_55001982
8.14Transit Inter Operator Identifier for IMS Interconnection Charging in multi operator... UID_51002983
9CT Features84
9.1User Data Convergence - Data Model (UDC_DM)UID_48001185
9.2Definition of the UICC Application for Hosting Party Module (HPM_UICC)UID_51000486
9.3Usability improvement of II-NNI specification for inter-connection by means of Option Item list (NNI_OI)UID_52000787
9.4enhanced Nodes Restoration for EPC (eNR_EPC)UID_52000888
9.5Reference Location Information (RLI)UID_52000989
9.6IMS Stage-3 IETF Protocol Alignment (IMSProtoc5)UID_52001090
9.7Service Identification for RRC Improvements in GERAN (SIRIG)UID_53000391
9.8IMS Emergency PSAP Callback (Stage 3) (EMC_PC)UID_53001893
9.9SAE Protocol Development (Stage 3) (SAES2)UID_53001995
9.10GCSMSC and GCR Redundancy for VGCS/VBS (Stage 2/3) (RT_VGCS_Red)UID_53002096
9.11Support of RFC 6140 in IMS (GINI)UID_54001598
9.12Enhancements for Multimedia Priority Service (MPS) – Gateway Control Priority (eMPS_Gateway)UID_54001799
9.13Inter-IMS Network to Network Interface (II-NNI) enhancements: SIP timers applicability (Stage 3) (NNI_timers)UID_550007100
9.14AT commands for Universal Resource Identifier (URI) support (ATURI)UID_560005101
9.15PS Additional Number (Stage 3) (PSAN)UID_560006102
9.16Generic IMS User Group Over Sh (GenUG_Sh)UID_560007103
9.17IMS Operator Determined Call Barring (Stage 3) (IODB)UID_570010104
9.18Enhanced T.38 FAX support (Stage 3) (MMTel_T.38_FAX)UID_570011105
10UTRA, LTE Features107
10.1Extending 850 MHz Upper Band (814 – 849 MHz)UID_500020 (open Test)107
10.2Further Self Optimizing Networks (SON) enhancementsUID_530030109
10.3Enhancement of Minimization of Drive Tests for E-UTRAN and UTRANUID_530033111
10.4E-UTRA medium range and MSR medium range/local area BS class requirementsUID_530037111
10.5RF Requirements for Multi-Band and Multi-Standard Radio Base Station (MB-MSR_RF) UID_550015111
10.6Verification of radiated multi-antenna reception performance of UEs in LTE/UMTSUID_550016 (open Perf)112
10.7Further enhancements to H(e)NB mobility - Part 1UID_560013113
10.8Further enhancements to H(e)NB mobility - Part 2UID_560014114
11LTE Features115
11.1Network-Based Positioning Support for LTEUID_430011116
11.2Service continuity improvements for MBMS for LTEUID_480026118
11.3Further Enhanced Non CA-based ICIC for LTEUID_510021119
11.4New Band LTE Downlink FDD 716-728 MHzUID_510028121
11.5LTE RAN Enhancements for Diverse Data ApplicationsUID_510031123
11.6LTE E850 - Lower Band for Region 2 (non-US)UID_510032 (open Test)125
11.xCarrier based HetNet ICIC for LTEUID_510033 (moved to Rel-12)127
11.7LTE for 700 MHz Digital Dividend (LTE_APAC700) UID_520017 (open Test)127
11.8Relays for LTE (part 2)UID_520019 (open Perf)129
11.9Signalling and Procedure for Interference Avoidance for in-device coexistenceUID_530031129
11.10Coordinated Multi-Point Operation for LTEUID_530032130
11.11Network Energy Saving for E-UTRANUID_530036131
11.12Enhanced downlink control channel(s) for LTE AdvancedUID_540025132
11.13Public Safety Broadband High Power UE for Band 14 for Region 2UID_550012132
11.14Improved Minimum Performance Requirements for E-UTRA: Interference RejectionUID_550013132
11.15Additional special subframe configuration for LTE TDDUID_550014133
11.aLTE in the 1670-1675 MHz Band for USUID_550017 (moved to Rel-12)133
11.16LTE Carrier Aggregation EnhancementsUID_510030134
11.17LTE Advanced Carrier Aggregation in Band 38UID_520015136
11.18LTE Advanced Carrier Aggregation in Band 41UID_520016137
11.19LTE Advanced Carrier Aggregation in Band 7UID_530028138
11.aLTE Advanced Carrier Aggregation Intra-Band, Non-Contiguous in Band 25UID_530029 (moved to Rel-12)138
11.bLTE Advanced intra-band non-contiguous Carrier Aggregation in Band 3UID_550011 (moved to Rel-12)138
11.20LTE-Advanced Carrier Aggregation of Band 3 and Band 7UID_480023139
11.21LTE Advanced Carrier Aggregation of Band 4 and Band 17UID_500017 (open Perf)140
11.22LTE Advanced Carrier Aggregation of Band 4 and Band 13UID_500018 (open Perf)141
11.23LTE Advanced Carrier Aggregation of Band 4 and Band 12UID_510022141
11.24LTE Advanced Carrier Aggregation of Band 5 and Band 12UID_510023141
11.25LTE Advanced Carrier Aggregation of Band 7 and Band 20UID_510024142
11.26LTE Advanced Carrier Aggregation of Band 2 and Band 17UID_510025 (open Perf)142
11.27LTE Advanced Carrier Aggregation of Band 4 and Band 5UID_510026142
11.28LTE Advanced Carrier Aggregation of Band 5 and Band 17UID_510027143
11.29LTE Advanced Carrier Aggregation of Band 3 and Band 20UID_530023143
11.30LTE Advanced Carrier Aggregation of Band 8 and Band 20UID_530024143
11.31LTE Advanced Carrier Aggregation of Band 1 and Band 7UID_530025144
11.32LTE Advanced Carrier Aggregation of Band 3 and Band 5UID_530026144
11.33LTE Advanced Carrier Aggregation of Band 4 and Band 7UID_530027144
11.34LTE Advanced Carrier Aggregation of Band 11 and Band 18UID_540020145
11.35LTE Advanced Carrier Aggregation of Band 1 and Band 18UID_540021145
11.36LTE Advanced Carrier Aggregation of Band 1 and Band 19UID_540022145
11.37LTE Advanced Carrier Aggregation of Band 1 and Band 21UID_540023146
11.aLTE Advanced Carrier Aggregation of Band 3 and Band 5 with 2ULUID_550010 (moved to Rel-12)146
11.38LTE Advanced Carrier Aggregation of Band 3 and Band 8UID_550018146
11.39UE Conformance Test Aspects for LTE Advanced Carrier Aggregation ...UID_570006147
12UTRA Features148
12.1UE over the air conf. testing methodology - Laptop mounted equipment free space test UID_450016 (open Test)148
12.2Eight carrier HSDPAUID_500019149
12.3UE demodulation performance requirements under multiple-cell scenario for 1.28Mcps TDDUID_500021150
12.4Uplink Transmit Diversity for HSPAUID_500022151
12.5Introduction of New Configuration for 4C-HSDPAUID_510018154
12.6Non-contiguous 4C-HSDPA operationUID_510019 (open Perf)155
12.7Further Enhancements to CELL_FACHUID_510020156
12.8HSDPA Multiflow Data TransmissionUID_530034157
12.9Four Branch MIMO transmission for HSDPAUID_530035157
12.10MIMO with 64QAM for HSUPAUID_540009157
12.11HSDPA Dual-Band Multi-Carrier combinationsUID_540024157
13GERAN Features158
13.1Full Support of Multi-Operator Core Network by GERAN(Full_MOCN-GERAN) UID_510001158
13.2Medium range/local area requirements for multicarrier BTS (MRLA) UID_540003160
13.3Domain Specific Access Control in GERAN (GDSAC) UID_550023161
13.xIntroduction of ER-GSM band for GSM-R (RT_ERGSM) UID_530002 (moved to Rel-12)161
14SA1 Studies162
14.1Study on IMS based Peer-to-Peer Content Distribution ServicesUID_450047163
14.2Study on Non Voice Emergency Services (FS_NOVES)UID_460024164
14.3Study on Support for 3GPP Voice Interworking with Enterprise IP-PBX (FS_VINE)UID_480033165
14.4Study on IMS Network-Independent Public User Identities (FS_INIPUI)UID_490033166
15SA2 Studies167
15.1Study on IMS Evolution (FS_eIMS)UID_410041167
15.2Study on Policy solutions and enhancements (FS_PP) UID_440047169
15.3Study on IPv6 Migration (FS_IP6M)UID_440048171
15.4Study on SR Voice Call Continuity from UTRAN/GERAN to E-UTRAN/HSPA (FS_rSRVCC)UID_460030172
15.5Study on Roaming Architecture for Voice over IMS with Local Breakout (FS_RAVEL) UID_510044173
16SA3 Studies175
16.1Study on UTRAN key management enhancementsUID_380084175
16.2Study on Single Sign On (SSO) Application Security for IMS - based on SIP DigestUID_480048176
17SA4 Studies178
17.1Study on Mobile 3D Video Coding (FS_M3DVC) UID_520036178
18SA5 Studies179
18.xStudy on version handlingUID_470050 (moved to Rel-12)179
18.1Study on Management of Converged NetworksUID_480047179
18.2Study on UDC information model handling and provisioning: Example Use CasesUID_490039181
18.3Study on OAM aspects of inter-RAT Energy SavingUID_510045182
19CT Studies183
19.1Study on impacts on UE-Core Network signalling from Energy SavingUID_480015183
19.2Study on EPC Nodes RestorationUID_490014184
20GERAN Studies185
20.1Study on Signal Precoding enhancements for EGPRS2 DLUID_480003185
20.xStudy on GERAN improvements for Machine-Type CommunicationsUID_460001(moved to Rel-12)186
20.yStudy on Solutions for GSM/EDGE BTS Energy SavingUID_490006(moved to Rel-12)186
20.zStudy on VAMOS enhancementsUID_520001(moved to Rel-12)186
20.wStudy on GERAN enhancements for Mobile Data ApplicationsUID_520002(moved to Rel-12)186
21LTE Studies187
21.1Study on Coordinated Multi-Point operation for LTEUID_470014187
21.2Study on Signalling and procedure for interference avoidance for in-device coexistenceUID_480028189
21.wStudy on Inclusion of RF Pattern Matching as a positioning method in the E-UTRAN UID_500016(moved to Rel-12)190
21.xStudy on Provision of low-cost MTC UEs based on LTEUID_530052(moved to Rel-12)190
21.yStudy on Mobile Relay for E-UTRAUID_530054(moved to Rel-12)190
21.zStudy on LTE-HRPD (High Rate Packet Data in 3GPP2) inter-RAT SONUID_550020(moved to Rel-12)190
21.3Study on HetNet mobility improvements for LTEUID_510034191
21.4Study on further Downlink MIMO enhancements for LTE-AdvancedUID_510037192
21.5Study on Further Enhancements to LTE TDD for DL-UL Interference Management and Traffic AdaptationUID_510039194
21.6Study on LTE Coverage EnhancementsUID_530053195
21.7Study on Enhanced performance requirement for LTE UEUID_530055196
21.8Study on Measurements of radio performances for LTE terminals - TRP and TRS test methodologyUID_550022197
22UTRA, LTE Studies198
22.1Study on Measurement of Radiated Performance for MIMO and multi-antenna reception for HSPA and LTE terminalsUID_430020198
22.2Study on Extending 850 MHzUID_440016199
22.3Study on RAN improvements for Machine-Type CommunicationsUID_450015200
22.4Study on UE Application Layer Data Throughput PerformanceUID_500002201
22.xStudy on RF and EMC requirements for active Antenna Array System (AAS) Base StationUID_530056(moved to Rel-12)202
22.yStudy on Passive InterModulation (PIM) handling for for UTRA and LTE Base StationsUID_550021(moved to Rel-12)202
22.5Study on further enhancements for HNB and HeNBUID_510036203
22.6Study on Interference analysis between 800~900 MHz bandsUID_510038204
22.7Study on UMTS/LTE in 900 MHz band (Japan, Korea)UID_520018205
23UTRA Studies206
23.1Study on Uplink MIMOUID_500014206
23.2Study on HSDPA Multipoint TransmissionUID_500015207
23.3Study on UE Over The Air (OTA) test method with Head and Hand PhantomsUID_530057208
23.4Study on HSPA feedback and signalling efficiency enhancements for LCR TDDUID_540026208
24Rel-11 Completed Features and Studies210
25Rel-11 Deleted Features and Studies215
TSG#57 completed Rel-11 Studies216
TSG#57 completed Rel-11 Features (non-RAN)216
TSG#57 completed Rel-11 Features RAN / GERAN220
TSG#57 New Rel-11 Features (non-RAN)222
TSG#57 New Rel-11 IETF dependency222
TSG#57 New Rel-11 Testing222
TSG#57 Rel-11 WI Exceptions approved till Dec 2012223
32 RAN Core Exceptions223
2 SA4 and 8 SA5Exceptions224
23 CTExceptions224
4 GERANExceptions225
Annex A:Change history226

2012-11-20 17:05:07  下載次數(shù): 14
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