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發(fā)表于 2008-01-10 00:52:42  只看樓主 
【文件原名】:Nortel Networks
DMS-NSS Operational Measurements
【摘要或目錄】:1. DMS-NSS Operational Measurements .....................................13
2. MSC Operational Measurements .............................................14
2.1 MSC Operational Measurements - VLR ........................................ 14
2.1.1 VLR (Visitor Location Register) ................................................... 14
2.1.2 VLR2 (Visitor Location Register - 2) ............................................ 15
2.1.3 VLR3 (Visitor Location Register - 3) ............................................ 16
2.1.4 VLR4 (Visitor Location Register - 4) ............................................ 16
2.1.5 VLR5 (Visitor Location Register - 5) ............................................ 17
2.2 MSC Operational Measurements - Messaging A-interface ......... 18
2.2.1 GSMLERRS (GSM Link Interface Errors) ................................... 18
2.2.2 GSMLUSAG (GSM Link Interface Usage) ................................... 18
2.2.3 GMMLTRN (GSM Mobility Management Layer Transactions) .... 19
2.3 MSC Operational Measurements - Messaging MAP Interface .... 21
2.3.1 GMAPCH (MAP Interface - Call Handling Operations) ............... 21
2.3.2 GMAPCH2 (MAP Interface Call Handling Operations - 2) .......... 22
2.3.3 GMAPEMGT (MAP Interface EIR Operations) ............................ 22
2.3.4 GMAPFREC (MAP Interface Fault and Recovery) ...................... 23
2.3.5 GMAPMMGT (MAP Inteface - Mobility Management Operations) ..
2.3.6 GMAPSMGT (MAP Interface - Subscriber Management Operations)
2.3.7 GMAPSMS (MAP Interface - SMS operations) ........................... 24
2.3.8 GMAPSS (MAP Interface Supplementary Service Operations) .. 25
2.3.9 GMAPSS2 (MAP Interface Supplementary Service Operations 2) 26
2.3.10 GMAPTR (MAP Interface Trace Invocation Operations) ............. 26
2.4 MSC Operational Measurements - ISUP Messaging ................... 28
2.4.1 ISUPCKTA (ISUP Circuit Availability) .......................................... 28
2.4.2 ISUPCONN (ISUP Connections) ................................................. 28
2.4.3 ISUPCONG (ISUP Congestion) .................................................. 29
2.4.4 ISUPERRS (ISUP Errors) ............................................................ 29
2.4.5 ISUPCGRP (ISUP Circuit Group Availability) .............................. 30
2.4.6 ISUPUSAG (ISUP Usage) ........................................................... 30
2.5 MSC Operational Measurements - MTP/SCCP/TCAP Messaging ..
2.5.1 C7MTP (CCS7 Message Transfer Part) ...................................... 32
2.5.2 C7MTPRES (CCS7 MTP Restart) ............................................... 32
2.5.3 C7LINK1 (CCS7 Link Performance) ............................................ 33
2.5.4 C7LINK2 (CCS7 Link Usage) ...................................................... 34
2.5.5 C7LINK3 (CCS7 Link Traffic) ...................................................... 35
2.5.6 C7LKSET (CCS7 Linkset Status) ................................................ 36
2.5.7 C7ROUTE (CCS7 Route Management Procedures) .................. 36
2.5.8 C7RTESET (CCS7 Routeset Availability) ................................... 37
2.5.9 C7SCCP (SCCP Usage - Class 0/1) ........................................... 38
2.5.10 C7SCCPX (SCCP Usage Class 0/1 - WhiteBook) ...................... 39
2.5.11 C7SCCPCO (SCCP Usage - Class 2) ......................................... 39
2.5.12 TCAPUSAG (TCAP Usage) ........................................................ 40
2.5.13 TCAPERRS (TCAP Errors) ......................................................... 41
2.6 MSC Operational Measurements - Call Processing .................... 44
2.6.1 MSCCP (MSC Call Processing) .................................................. 44
2.6.2 MSCCP2 (MSC Call Processing - 2) ........................................... 44
2.6.3 MSCCP3 (MSC Call Processing - 3) ........................................... 45
2.6.4 MSCCPSRV (MSC Call Processing Services) ............................ 46
2.6.5 TRK (Trunk Call Processing and Usage) .................................... 47
2.6.6 OFZ (Offic Summary - Call Processing) ...................................... 48
2.6.7 OFZ2 (Office Summary Call Processing - 2) ............................... 49
2.6.8 OTS (Office Traffic Summary) ..................................................... 50
2.6.9 SOTS (Supplementary Office Traffic Summary) ......................... 51
2.6.10 TRMTCM (Treatment Application - Customer Action) ................. 53
2.6.11 TRMTCM2 (Treament Application - Customer Action - 2) ........... 54
2.6.12 TRMTCU (Treatment Application - Unauthorized Action) ........... 55
2.6.13 TRMTCU2 (Treatment Application - Unauthorized Action - 2) .... 56
2.6.14 TRMTCU3 (Treatment Application - Unauthorized Action - 3) .... 58
2.6.15 TRMTER (Treatment Application - Equipment Related) ............. 58
2.6.16 TRMTFR (Treatment Application - Feature Related) .................. 59
2.6.17 TRMTFR2 (Treatment Application - Feature Related - 2) ........... 61
2.6.18 TRMTFR3 (Treatment Application - Feature Related - 3) ........... 62
2.6.19 TRMTPR (Treatment Application - Protocol Violations) .............. 63
2.6.20 TRMTRS (Treatment Application - Resource Shortage) ............. 64
2.6.21 PETCUT (PCS1900 Cut-Through Calls) ..................................... 65
2.7 MSC Operational Measurements - A-interface Call Processing 66
2.7.1 TRK (For A-Interface) .................................................................. 66
2.7.2 OFZ (For A-Interface) .................................................................. 67
2.8 MSC Operational Measurements - PET7 Call Processing .......... 68
2.8.1 TRK (For PET7) ........................................................................... 68
2.8.2 OFZ (For PET7) ........................................................................... 68
2.8.3 OTS (For PET7) .......................................................................... 69
2.8.4 SOTS (For PET7) ........................................................................ 69
2.9 MSC Operational Measurements - PETMF Call Processing ....... 71
2.9.1 TRK (For PETMF) ....................................................................... 71
2.9.2 OFZ (For PETMF) ....................................................................... 72
2.9.3 OTS (For PETMF) ....................................................................... 73
2.9.4 SOTS (For PETMF) ..................................................................... 73
2.10 MSC Operational Measurements - TUP Call Processing ............ 75
2.10.1 TRK (For TUP) ............................................................................ 75
2.11 MSC Operational Measurements - QSIG/PRI ............................... 76
2.11.1 TRK (ANSI/ETSI-PRI / QSIG) ..................................................... 76
2.11.2 OFZ (For ANSI/ETSI-PRI / QSIG) ............................................... 76
2.11.3 MSCCP2 (For ANSI/ETSI PRI / QSIG) ....................................... 77
2.11.4 RTLTSUM (PRI call processing attempt) .................................... 77
2.12 MSC Operational Measurements - Global R2 Call Processing .. 78
2.12.1 TRK (For Global R2) .................................................................... 78
2.13 MSC Operational Measurements - Supplementary Services ..... 79
2.13.1 MSCCBSS (MSC Call Barring Service) ....................................... 79
2.13.2 MSCCFSS (MSC Call Forwarding Service) ................................ 79
2.13.3 MSCCWTSS (MSC Call Waiting Service) ................................... 79
2.13.4 MSCMPTSS (MSC Multi-Party Service) ...................................... 80
2.13.5 MSCHLDSS (MSC Call Hold Service) ......................................... 80
2.13.6 GSMECT (MSC Explicit Call Transfer) ........................................ 80
2.13.7 GSMMCT (MSC Malicious Call Trace) ........................................ 81
2.13.8 MSCEXTSS (MSC Extension Service) ........................................ 81
2.13.9 CLISS (MSC Calling Line Identity Service) ................................. 81
2.13.10 COLSS (MSC Connected Line Service) ...................................... 82
2.13.11 CUGSS (MSC Closed User Group Service) ................................ 82
2.13.12 AOCSS (MSC Advice Of Charge Service) .................................. 82
2.13.13 MSCAOCTC (AOC Tarrif Change) .............................................. 82
2.13.14 MSCCNAM (MSC Calling Name Service) ................................... 83
2.13.15 GACODE (MSC Account Code Service) ..................................... 83
2.13.16 GSMUSSD (Unstructured SS Data) ............................................ 84
2.14 MSC Operational Measurements - Short Message Service ........ 85
2.14.1 MSCSMS (MSC A-interface SMS operations) ............................ 85
2.15 MSC Operational Measurements - Data Services ........................ 87
2.15.1 MSCDSRV (Data Service Options) ............................................. 87
2.16 MSC Operational Measurements - Handover ............................... 88
2.16.1 MSCHO (MSC Handover Operations) ......................................... 88
2.16.2 MSCHO2 (MSC Handover Operations - 2) ................................. 88
2.16.3 EXHOCA (Handover Cause) ....................................................... 89
2.17 MSC Operational Measurements - Intelligent Networking .......... 91
2.17.1 MSCLIDBQ (Line Information Database Query) ......................... 91
2.17.2 IN1SUM (PCS1900 IN NSC Database Query) ............................ 91
2.17.3 TFSUM (PCS1900 IN Toll Free Database Query) ...................... 92
2.17.4 TFACGGRP (Auto Call Gapping for PCS1900 Toll-Free Database
Query) ...................................................................................................... 92
2.17.5 EXT (Extension block for IN services) ........................................ 93
2.17.6 OFFBDIN (Off-board IN usage) ................................................... 93
2.17.7 GINAP (GSM IN Application part usage) ..................................... 94
2.17.8 GINAP2 (Extension to GINAP) .................................................... 96
2.17.9 NPSUM (Number Portability PCS1900 Database Query) ........... 96
2.17.10 NPACGGRP (Number Portatability Automatic Call Gapping) ..... 97
2.18 MSC Operational Measurements - Capacity Analysis ................ 98
2.18.1 GMEANTM (GSM Mean/Total Time Measurements) .................. 98
2.18.2 GMEANTM2 (GSM Mean/Total Time Measurements) ................ 99
2.18.3 GTASOM (GSM Traffic Analysis) .............................................. 100
2.18.4 BRSTAT (BRISC CPU Status) .................................................. 100
2.18.5 APOCCS (Application Processor Occupancy) .......................... 101
2.18.6 ENETOCC (ENET Occupancy) ................................................. 101
2.18.7 XPMOCC (XPM Occupancy) ..................................................... 102
2.18.8 NCMCPUST (Non-CM CPU Occupancy) ................................. 103
2.18.9 LMSCPUST (LIM Occupancy) ................................................... 103
2.19 MSC Operational Measurements - Network Management ........ 104
2.19.1 NWMFRRCT (Flexible Rerouting) ............................................. 104
2.19.2 NWMFRRTG (Flexible Rerouting Trunk Group) ........................ 104
2.19.3 NWMTGCNT (NWM Trunk Group Control) ............................... 104
2.19.4 RRTE (NWM Reroute Control) .................................................. 104
2.19.5 TRK (For Network Management Controls) ................................ 105
2.19.6 GCBK (GSM NWM Code Blocking) ........................................... 105
2.19.7 GPRP (GSM NWM Pre-Route Peg) .......................................... 105
2.20 MSC Operational Measurements - Caller Intercept ................... 107
2.20.1 CALLINT (Caller Intercept) ........................................................ 107
2.20.2 CIDBOM (Caller Intercept Database) ........................................ 107
2.21 MSC Operational Measurements - Optional Component ......... 108
2.22 MSC Operational Measurements - Operation, Administration and
Maintenance.......................................................................................... 109
2.22.1 BILLING (Partial Bill/Long duration call) .................................... 109
2.22.2 MSCRLT (Release Line Trunk facility) ...................................... 109
2.22.3 CRDBOM (Call Reference Database OM) ................................ 109
2.22.4 FRDCNTL (Fraud Control) ........................................................ 109
2.22.5 GSRVCBAR (MSC Service Barring) ......................................... 110
2.22.6 MSCTRACE (BSS Subscriber Trace) ....................................... 110
2.22.7 ODB (Operator Determined Barring enforcement) .................... 110
2.22.8 MSCCALLR (CM Call Re-establishment) .................................. 111
2.23 MSC/HLR Operational Measurements - Application Context... 112
2.23.1 ETSIMMI (Mobility Management Initiator) ................................. 112
2.23.2 ETSISSI (Supplementary Service Initiator ................................. 112
2.23.3 ETSICHI (Call Handling Initiator) ............................................... 112
2.23.4 ETSISMSI (Short Message Service Initiator) ............................ 113
2.23.5 ETSISMGI (Subscriber Management Initiator) .......................... 113
2.23.6 ETSIFRI (Fault Recovery Initiator) ............................................ 114
2.23.7 ETSIEQI (Equipment Management Initiator) ............................. 114
2.23.8 ETSISII (Subscriber Information Initiator) .................................. 114
2.23.9 ETSIMMR (Mobility Management Responder) .......................... 115
2.23.10 ETSISSR (Supplementary Service Responder) ........................ 115
2.23.11 ETSICHR (Call Handling Responder) ....................................... 115
2.23.12 ETSISMSR (Short Message Service Responder) ..................... 116
2.23.13 ETSISMGR (Subscriber Manangement Responder) ................. 116
2.23.14 ETSIFRR (Fault Recovery Responder) ..................................... 117
2.23.15 ETSIEQR (Equipment Management Responder) ...................... 117
2.23.16 ETSISIR (Subscriber Information Responder) .......................... 118
3. DMS-HLR Operational measurement groups .......................119
3.1 HLR Operational Measurements - Subscriber Provisioning .... 120
3.1.1 GHLRADM (HLR Administration) .............................................. 120
3.1.2 GHLRADM2 (HLR Provisioning 2) ............................................ 120
3.1.3 GHLRADM3 (HLR Provisioning 3) ............................................ 121
3.1.4 GHLRCOS (HLR Class of Service) ........................................... 121
3.1.5 GHLRBS (HLR Basic Services) ................................................. 122
3.1.6 HLRIN (HLR Intelligent Network Index) ..................................... 122
3.1.7 HACCOUNT (HLR Account Code) ............................................ 123
3.1.8 HCUGSUB (HLR CUG Subscription) ........................................ 123
3.1.9 HEQACCS (HLR Equal Access) ............................................... 124
3.1.10 GHLRSIMR (HLR SIM replacement) ......................................... 124
3.1.11 HEXTSUB (HLR Extension Service counts) .............................. 124
3.1.12 HLRCAMEL (HLR CAMEL Provision) ....................................... 125
3.2 HLR Operational Measurements - Messaging MAP Interface .. 126
3.2.1 GHLRCH (HLR Call Handling) .................................................. 126
3.2.2 GHLRMMGT (HLR Mobility Management) ................................ 126
3.2.3 GHLRSMGT (HLR Subscriber Management) 126
3.2.4 HVLRSMGT (HLR Subscriber Management per VLR) .............. 127
3.2.5 HSMG2 (HLR Subscriber Management Phase 2) ..................... 128
3.2.6 SRINODE (HLR Send Routing Information - Per GMSC) ......... 129
3.2.7 HLRMAPT (HLR MAP Traffic) ................................................... 129
3.3 HLR Operational Measurements - MTP/SCCP/TCAP ................ 130
3.4 HLR Operational Measurements - Authentication Center ........ 131
3.4.1 AUCSTATS (Authentication Statistics) ...................................... 131
3.5 HLR Operational Measurements - Supplementary Services .... 132
3.5.1 GHLRSSCB (HLR Call Barring) ................................................ 132
3.5.2 GHLRSSCF (HLR Call Forwarding ........................................... 133
3.5.3 GHLRSSCW (HLR Call Waiting) ............................................... 134
3.5.4 GHLRSSPW (HLR Barring Password) ...................................... 134
3.5.5 HCISSOPS (HLR Per-VLR Supplementary Service Operation) 134
3.5.6 HSSERROR (HLR Supplementary Service Error) .................... 135
3.5.7 HCUGSRI (HLR CUG Send Routing Information) ..................... 136
3.5.8 HLREXTT (HLR Extension Service Traffic Analysis) ................ 137
3.5.9 HLRHB (HLR Hot Billing) ........................................................... 137
3.6 HLR Operational Measurements - Network Services ................ 138
3.6.1 HREGSUB (HLR Regional Subscription provision) ................... 138
3.6.2 HLRORT (HLR Optimal Routing Traffic) ................................... 138
3.6.3 HLRTRACE (HLR Subscriber Trace) ........................................ 138
3.6.4 HSTRACET (HLR Subscriber Trace Traffic) ............................. 138
3.7 HLR Operational Measurements - ODB ...................................... 140
3.7.1 GHLRODB (HLR Operator Determined Barring) ....................... 140
3.7.2 HODBMISC (Miscelleanous ODB) ............................................ 140
3.7.3 GHLRODBT (HLR Operator Determined Barring Traffic) .......... 141
3.8 HLR Operational Measurements - Short Message Service ...... 142
3.8.1 GHLRSMS (HLR Short Message Service Procedures) ............. 142
3.8.2 HSMSOPS (HLR SMS Operations - Per SMS-SC) ................... 142
3.8.3 HSMSERR (HLR SMS Error - Per SMS-SC) ............................ 143
3.8.4 HSMQLOAD (HLR SMS Que Load) .......................................... 144
3.8.5 HMWDSC (HLR Message Waiting Data) .................................. 144
3.8.6 HSUBSMWD (HLR Message Waiting Data Count) ................... 144
3.9 HLR Operational Measurements - Intelligent Networking ........ 146
3.9.1 HLRINT (HLR IN Traffic Summary ............................................ 146
3.9.2 HLRCAMLT (HLR CAMEL Traffic Analysis) .............................. 146
3.9.3 HCMLMIST (HLR Any Time Interogation contents) .................. 147
3.9.4 HCMLMRT (HLR CAMEL Requestor Traffic) ............................ 147
3.9.5 HCMLMPT (HLR CAMEL Provider Traffic) ............................... 147
3.9.6 HLRMISCH (HLR Miscellaneous Call Handling) ....................... 148
3.10 HLR Operational Measurements - Capacity Analysis ............... 149
3.10.1 GHLRFREC (HLR Fault and Recovery) .................................... 149
3.10.2 GHLRROAM (HLR Roaming Subscriber) .................................. 149
3.10.3 HISTAT (HLR Subscriber Status) .............................................. 149
3.10.4 HACTIVE (HLR Subscriber Activity) .......................................... 150
3.10.5 HLROVLD (HLR Overload) ....................................................... 150
3.10.6 HOPTMMGT (HLR Optimial MM - Supercharger) ..................... 151
3.10.7 HBOOSTER (HLR Booster Requests) ..................................... 151
3.10.8 HSUBPRTN (HLR Subscriber Partition Provision) .................... 152
4. General DMS Operational Measurement ...............................153
4.1 Nodal Operational Measurements .............................................. 153
4.1.1 CPU (Central Processing Unit Maintenance Summary) ............ 153
4.1.2 CM (Computing Module) ........................................................... 153
4.1.3 MS (Message Switch Summary) ............................................... 154
4.1.4 MSCHAIN (MS Chain Card summary) ...................................... 155
4.1.5 MSCHLNK (MS Channelized Link) ............................................ 156
4.1.6 MSFBUS (MS Frame Transport Bus) ........................................ 156
4.1.7 MSFBUSTP (MS Frame Transport Bus Taps) .......................... 157
4.1.8 FBTRAFF (FBUS Platform Traffic) ............................................ 157
4.1.9 ASUFBUS (ASU Frame Transport Bus) .................................... 158
4.1.10 ASUMEMUT (ASU Memory Utilization) ..................................... 159
4.1.11 ENETMAT (ENET Matrix Card) ................................................. 160
4.1.12 ENETPLNK (ENET P-Side Link) ............................................... 161
4.1.13 ENETSYS (ENET System Cards) ............................................. 161
4.1.14 NMTCLINK (Node (NIU) Link Maitenance ................................. 162
4.1.15 NMTCNODE (Node (NIU) Performance) ................................... 163
4.1.16 NMTCTYPE (Node (All NIU) Performance) ............................... 164
4.1.17 NMTCUNIT (Node (NIU Unit) Performance) ............................. 165
4.1.18 NIUMEMUT (NIU Memory Utilization) ....................................... 166
4.1.19 NIUFBUS (NIS FBUS) ............................................................... 166
4.1.20 PM (Peripheral Module Maintenance) ....................................... 167
4.1.21 PM1 (Peripheral Module Maintenance single unit) .................... 168
4.1.22 PM2 (Peripheral Module Maintenance dual unit) ...................... 169
4.1.23 PMTYP (Peripheral Module Type Maintenance) ....................... 170
4.1.24 DS1CARR (DS1 Carrier) ........................................................... 171
4.1.25 PCMCARR (PCM30 Carrier) ..................................................... 172
4.1.26 PMOVLD (PM Overload) ........................................................... 173
4.1.27 XPMOVLD (XPM Overload) ...................................................... 174
4.1.28 APSYS (Application Processor System) ................................... 174
4.1.29 FPDABM (File Processor Dual Access Buffer Memory) ............ 175
4.1.30 FPDEVICE (File Processor Storage Device) ............................. 176
4.1.31 FPSCSI (FP SCSI Bus) ............................................................. 177
4.1.32 FTAM (File Transfer .................................................................. 178
4.1.33 EIUETHER (EIU Ethernet) ........................................................ 178
4.1.34 ROAPPL (Remote Operation Service Application ..................... 179
4.1.35 ROMISC (Remote Operation Miscelleanous Office Wide) ........ 179
4.1.36 IOC (Input - Output Controller) .................................................. 180
4.1.37 IOSYS (Input/Output System) ................................................... 180
4.1.38 LMSMEM (Local Message Switch Memory) .............................. 181
4.1.39 LOGS (Log Reports) .................................................................. 181
4.1.40 STORE (CM Storage) ................................................................ 181
4.1.41 CF3P (3 port Conference usage) .............................................. 182
4.1.42 CF6P (6 port Conference usage) .............................................. 183
4.1.43 ANN (Announcements) .............................................................. 183
4.1.44 TONES (Tones) ......................................................................... 184
4.1.45 CP (Call Processing Resources) ............................................... 184
4.1.46 CP2 (Call Processing Resources 2) .......................................... 185
4.1.47 SYSPERF (System Performance) ............................................. 187
5. MSC/HLR Operational Meausrements - Extension ...............188
5.1 EXTension block usage on the DMS-MSC and DMS-HLR ........ 188

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