【資料成文時(shí)間】:Computer Communications, Volume 31, Issue 9, 8 June 2008,
【頁(yè)數(shù)】:Pages 1814-1823
【何人(公司)所著】:I-Shyan Hwang, Zen-Der Shyu, Liang-Yu Ke, Chun-Che Chang
【文件原名】:A novel early DBA mechanism with prediction-based fair excessive bandwidth allocation scheme in EPON
【摘要或目錄】:In this paper, we propose a novel Early dynamic bandwidth allocation (E-DBA) mechanism incorporated with a prediction-based fair
excessive bandwidth allocation (PFEBA) scheme in Ethernet passive optical networks (EPONs). The E-DBA mechanism can reduce the
idle period in the traditional DBA mechanism. On the other hand, the PFEBA scheme can provide more accurate prediction to ensure the
fairness of each ONU and improve the overall system performance. The proposed model makes prediction for different traffic classes
according to the variation in traffic for each ONU in the EPON. The PFEBA scheme includes the unstable degree list, predictions made
using linear estimation credit and the fair excessive bandwidth allocation scheme. The simulation results show that the proposed E-DBA
mechanism with PFEBA scheme can improve the system performance of well-known DBA algorithms in terms of wasted bandwidth,
wasted bandwidth improved percentage, downlink data available bandwidth, throughput, average end-to-end delay and average queue
length, especially under high traffic load.
excessive bandwidth allocation scheme in EPON.rar (300.24 KB)