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SS7 Tutorial(轉帖)
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發(fā)表于 2008-11-14 11:51:06  只看樓主  QQ
This Tutorial covers the fundamentals of Signaling System Seven (SS7) telecommunication standards. It provides descriptions and examples of SS7 network components, architecture, and basic network operations. It will prepare you with the necessary knowledge to:

Define the components of an SS7 network
Create a diagram of a generic SS7 network setup
Define each layer within an SS7 protocol stack
Differentiate various types of signaling units
Use the fields of a signaling unit to identify its type
Recall categories of a signaling network management function in response to phrases that describe that functions' purpose
Recall criteria for establishing a signaling link and keeping it in service
Determine whether a signaling unit was transmitted and received without error
Predict how MTP Level 3 selects a link for an outbound message from SCCP
Predict how SCCP's class of service will affect delivery of MSUs to remote points
Describe components of TCAP messages
Recall the purpose of messages used by originating and destination points during ISUP call control

Before learning about Signaling System Seven (SS7), which is used throughout the world for today's telecommunications, it is helpful to briefly review the history behind SS7. The following is an overview of how telephone networks operated in the past, and how the SS7 network has changed them. This section of the SS7 Tutorial addresses the advantages and opportunities SS7, with its "out-of-band signaling", has created for the telecommunications industry.


Common Channel Signaling


In the original Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN), switches resided at local phone offices. These switches sent analog signaling information and voice for subscribers over the same physical connection. This basic type of common channel call control (setup and teardown of telephone calls) was all that the technology could support - until the digital era began.
Signal & Voice Split


As the digital age began to emerge and new means of communication grew in popularity, a need for "out-of-band signaling" arose. That meant that the analog connections once used for voice and signaling would now be dedicated to carrying voice only, and separate digital connections would be dedicated to signaling. This required the addition of specialized equipment to relay information to various end points across the network. Therefore, the out-of-band signaling that is characteristic of SS7 provided new connections and signal relay equipment that could handle all signaling messages between end points in the communication network.
Intelligent Networks


As networks became more "intelligent", databases were added to accommodate new types of communication services. With signaling messages (via the relay points), switches could now "talk to" databases, providing a greater array of sophisticated communication services.
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    發(fā)表于 2008-11-14 12:38:35  只看樓主  QQ
    Network Symbols

    Below are the four basic components used in an SS7 network. In network diagrams, these symbols are often used to represent their respective components.


    Component and Link Placement

    The generic network diagram below uses the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) SS7 variant as the point of reference. It illustrates the placement of each network component and all possible link types that may connect points on the network.

    Six types of links may be used in an ANSI SS7 network. Not all six are always used, and not every type can be connected to certain types of points. For example, by design, some software may only be used with A, E, and F links because it is used as an SSP or SCP.


    Note: In other variants of SS7 networks, links are used between signaling points but not differentiated by types - i.e., A links, B links, etc. More detail about SS7 network variants is provided in the Network Architecture section of this module.

    SSP = Service Switching Point

    SSPs are the "brains" of the SS7 network and are usually located at phone switches. Because signaling messages will either originate or terminate within them, SSPs are considered "end points" on a network.

    The core function of an SSP is to process calls that originate, tandem, or terminate at a specific office. For any given call, the SSP may generate signaling messages to transfer call-related information to other SSPs, or may send a query to an SCP database for instructions on routing the call.


    STP = Signal Transfer Point

    Similar to switching points in a Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN), an SS7 network has STPs to relay signaling messages. An STP is a packet switch that acts as a hub to transfer messages to other STPs, SCP databases, or SSPs.

    Since an STP's core function is to route signals, the need for direct connections between end points on a network is eliminated. The STP routes messages by checking routing information attached to each signaling message and sending it (via the proper link) to the desired signaling point.


    SCP = Service Control Point

    An SCP is a database (or a collection of databases) that holds information required to provide services that are more complex than basic call control (e.g., providing a business with an 800 number). SSPs send queries via signaling messages to SCPs that use the databases housed within them. SCPs then send requested data or instructions back to the querying SSPs.


    Basic SS7 Network Components (Cont.)

    A = Access

    This type of link provides signaling end points (i.e., SSPs and SCPs) with access to an SS7 network. An A link is used to connect an SSP or SCP to STPs throughout the network.


    B = Bridge

    This type of link interconnects STPs throughout a network. Two B links are usually located between STPs. Those B links act as a "bridge" to transfer signaling messages to network points not directly accessible by the originating STP.

    Little difference exists between the function and the purpose of B and D links. Therefore, these links are sometimes referred to as B/D links. (Further explanation of D links is provided in this section.)


    C = Cross

    A C link connects a "mated pair" of STPs. An STP and its mate can perform the same operations. Therefore, if an STP cannot, because of link failures, send a signaling message to another point on the network, the STP can send the message to its mate, which can then send the message to that point.


    D = Diagonal

    The D link connects an end point's (i.e., SSP or SCP) primary STP pair to a secondary STP pair in a diagonal manner. A pair of D links is used to transmit signaling messages between STPs.

    Little difference exists between the function and the purpose of B and D links. Therefore, these links are sometimes referred to as B/D links.


    E = Extended

    An E link is used to provide an SSP with a link to an alternate STP. An E link is used if neither of an SSP's A links were in service to access the primary STPs. E links are only used in cases where the highest level of signaling reliability is desired. In most cases, however, this is not required because of the redundancy already provided by an SS7 network.


    F = Fully associated

    An F link is used to provide a direct connection between signaling endpoints. An F link can potentially be used to connect:

    SSP to SSP
    SCP to SCP
    SSP to SCP
    However, F links are not normally used in networks that employ STPs.


    Network Boards

    An SSP consists of one or more computing elements that use a network board to interface with an SS7 network. The two common types of boards are: v.35 and T1/E1. However, the v.35 board is being used less because of the technological advantages provided by a T1/E1 board.


    Both v.35 and T1/E1 cards are designed within International Telecommunications Union (ITU) standards for high-speed synchronous, bidirectional data exchange. The T1 version of the T1/E1 card and the v.35 card are used in North American networks. The E1 version of the T1/E1 card is used throughout Europe.

    The T1/E1 card requires a cable with a connector similar in appearance to a common telephone connector. The v.35 card requires a cable with a connector similar to a computer printer cable.

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    發(fā)表于 2008-11-14 12:57:17  只看樓主  QQ

    The SS7 network architecture has four major protocols:

    A7 - American National Standards Institute (ANSI)
    C7 - Consultative Committee on International Telegraphy & Telephony (CCITT) / International Telecommunications Union (ITU)
    CH7 - Chinese variant (derived from C7)
    J7 - Japanese variant (derived from C7)
    The A7 protocol is used throughout North America and Canada. The C7, CH7, and J7 protocols are similar in design. The C7 variant is used in Europe and other eastern countries, Latin America, and the Asian/Pacific region; CH7 is used in China, and J7 in Japan.


    C7 Networks

    The below diagram is a basic illustration of a C7 network. Equipment and link redundancy are required in the A7 variant of SS7 networks. For a C7 network, redundancy is not necessarily a requirement, but it can be engineered to be redundant. If redundancy is deemed necessary, an SSP could perform the functionality of an STP, and vice versa. SCPs, however, are segregated and perform only that function.


    A7 Networks

    The most important requirement for an A7 network is redundancy in both equipment and links. This ensures that the network, when coupled with automatic error recovery capabilities, will be highly reliable. A signal will reach its destination to complete a call or a service the majority of the time.


    Redundancy Provides Alternative Routes


    Because of the use of STPs, the A7 network architecture enables signaling to occur between networks and network end points (i.e., SSPs and SCPs), which would otherwise have no direct connection. For example, if a cellular phone on a wireless network must make an 800 call to a wire-based phone, it can do so by accessing an SSP (and the SCP needed to do the local number translation) in an SS7 network.


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    發(fā)表于 2008-11-14 13:11:59  只看樓主  QQ

    At each signaling point is some type of computer element that has a network card connecting the point to the network. These network cards are designed to operate in accordance with the SS7 protocol, which defines standards for communication between signaling points.


    The SS7 protocol at signaling points is divided into several parts spread across seven "layers." These layers are collectively known as the SS7 protocol stack. The SS7 protocol stack was modeled after the seven-layer Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model. It can be loosely mapped to the OSI model.


    Only streams of digital bits (i.e., 1s and 0s) can be processed by the SS7 protocol. Therefore, it is often referred to as a "bit-oriented" protocol.


    SS7 Layers

    Dividing the protocol stack into layers and assigning specific responsibilities to specific parts is a main advantage in that changes can be quickly implemented. If a change in technology occurs, only one part of the stack will likely be affected. In this way, it is easier to capitalize on new technology.


    MTP Level 1

    Message Transfer Part Level 1 (MTP L1) is responsible for the physical, electrical, and functional characteristics of the digital signaling links that go out to the network. This encompasses network cards and cables used to interface with the SS7 network.

    Standards used by MTP L1 for a signaling point's electrical interface may be one of the following



    MTP Level 2

    Message Transfer Part Level 2 (MTP L2) is responsible for guaranteeing the delivery of signaling messages between two signaling end points (i.e., SSPs or SCPs). It performs message error detection and correction functions.

    It is advantageous to check messages when they first arrive to determine if they have been received without error; resources should never be wasted on corrupt messages. For this reason, MTP L2, which is located "low" in the stack, is given such a responsibility; problems can be detected and corrected early.


    MTP Level 3

    Message Transfer Part Level 3 (MTP L3) is a message identifier and distributor. MTP L3 is responsible for identifying a signaling message's type, and then distributing it up the stack to the correct user part (i.e., SCCP or ISUP).

    Another responsibility of MTP L3 at an STP is to route an inbound message back out on the proper link to the proper point on the network.

    MTP L3 is also the network manager. It performs functions that provide rules and procedures for opening and maintaining links, and also for placing them back into service after a link or point failure.



    The Signaling Connection Control Part (SCCP) is an enhanced router that provides more complex signaling message distribution capabilities than MTP L3. While MTP L3 can only identify and distribute messages to specific points and user parts, SCCP can route messages to specific applications that reside at signaling points. Because of this capability, SCCP is the transport layer for TCAP services (e.g., wireless roaming).

    Performing a function known as global title translation (GTT), the SCCP router can also route messages to a specific signaling point and application based on digits (e.g., numbers dialed on a phone) present in a signaling message.



    The Integrated Services Digital Network User Part (ISUP) is a call controller. It is responsible for providing necessary signaling for setting up and tearing down calls (e.g., telephoneconversations, faxes) that use multiple switches throughout a network. ISUP is a user of MTP L3, which sends ISUP signaling messages to this user part.

    Note: The predecessors of ISUP were Telephone User Part (TUP) and Data User Part (DUP). ISUP incorporates all of the functionality that was offered by TUP and DUP.



    The Transaction Capabilities Application Part is an application protocol. It defines the signaling messages used by applications to communicate. TCAP is used for database services (e.g., 800 numbers) and a variety of TCAP data transfer capabilities.

    TCAP allows applications that reside in an SSP to use the databases at a remote SCP. TCAP conducts remote procedure calls into the database, queries them, receives responses, and acts on those responses.

    TCAP messages must be delivered to individual applications within the nodes to which they are addressed. As such, TCAP messages use the SCCP for transport.

    AIN: Advanced Intelligent Network is the Telcordia version of IN.
    ANSI 41: Previously known as IS-41, ANSI 41 may also be referred to as TIA/EIA 41. It is the wireless intersystem operations standard used in North America and some parts of Asia.
    GSM MAP: Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) Mobile Application Part (MAP) is the protocol that connects wireless communication systems throughout Europe and numerous other regions of the world.
    CAP: Customized Applications for Mobile Networks Enhanced Logic (CAMEL) Application Part provides Intelligent Network capabilities for GSM.
    INAP: Intelligent Network Application Protocol is a European fixed (as opposed to mobile) wireless network standard.


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    發(fā)表于 2008-11-14 13:48:58  只看樓主  QQ

    The SS7 protocol stack consists of various layers. Since these layers must communicate with each other and with layers at other points on the network, a common "language" must be used. The SS7 protocol provides the standard that defines the language by requiring signaling points to communicate through signaling units.

    Signaling units are packets of digital information that follow a specific format. They are composed of various fields, which differ depending on the type of signaling unit and its purpose.


    The 3 types of signaling units are:

    1. Fill In Signal Unit (FISU)

    As their name implies, Fill In Signal Units (FISUs) are used to "fill in" periods of time when no other types of signaling units (i.e., MSU or LSSU) are being sent across a link. FISUs keep a link active so that all signaling points utilizing that link know that the link is operational. This allows immediate notification in the event that a link has failed or has been taken offline, even when the link has not been used for transmitting communication data.

    Another function of a FISU is to act as an acknowledgement for an MSU. When a signaling point receives an MSU, it will send a FISU, which contains a confirmation, back to the originating signaling point. This also assists in detecting link and signaling unit errors.

    FISUs go no further up a stack than MTP Level 2. If a problem occurs over a link, MTP Level 2 will notify MTP Level 3, which, in turn, initiates corrective actions.


    2. Link Status Signal Unit (LSSU)

    The Link Status Signal Unit (LSSU) facilitates information exchanges between adjacent signaling points about the operational status of the links connecting them. MTP Level 3 uses these exchanges to provide the following link status indications:

    Out of Alignment
    Out of Service
    Emergency Status


    3. Message Signal Unit (MSU)

    Message Signal Units (MSUs) are used by SSPs and SCPs to transmit information required to complete a call (i.e., voice or data communication). MSUs that are sent and distributed to levels above MTP Level 3 use the data for the respective application. For example, MTP Level 3 distributes an ISUP MSU to the ISUP layer. ISUP then extracts the data needed for the respective ISUP application.

    Various levels exist above MTP Level 3. An MSU is distributed based on a field contained within it, which identifies the sub-type of the MSU. ISUP MSUs are used for call control; SCCP MSUs are used for network management and call processing; TCAP MSUs are used for database querying.


    In actuality, a TCAP signaling unit does not really exist. MTP Level 3 recognizes an MSU for TCAP as an SCCP message. SCCP then relays the TCAP part of the message to the TCAP router.

    TCAP data can then be used to invoke remote procedures in support of Advanced Intelligent Network (AIN) services (e.g., 800 numbers). Nearly everything in the wireless industry and all high-end services offered in the telecommunications industry today are TCAP applications.


    MSU Fields

    A Message Signaling Unit (MSU) is composed of six (6) fields (plus a "spare"). Each field contains specific data for use by the various levels in an SS7 stack. Data is provided in a digital format (i.e., through patterns of 1s and 0s).


    The order in which these fields are transmitted from one signaling point to another is:


    Every MSU has a flag that indicates the beginning of a new signal unit and the end of a previous one. MTP Level 2 recognizes a flag by its unique bit pattern (0111 1110). The flag's bit pattern is not repeated anywhere else in an MSU.


    Sequencing Control Field

    The Sequencing Control field actually comprises four (4) fields, which are used to ensure that an MSU reaches the destined signaling point:

    Forward Sequence Number (FSN)
    Backward Sequence Number (BSN)
    Forward Indicator Bit (FIB)
    Backward Indicator Bit (BIB)
    MTP Level 2 reads these fields. Without them, a signaling point would not know whether an MSU was lost during transmission. The signaling point would also be unable to communicate with the other point to request re-transmissions.

    Forwarding Sequence Number

    The Forward Sequence Number (FSN) is set by the transmitting signaling point to provide a unique identifier for an MSU. The Backward Sequence Number (BSN) is set by the signaling point that responds to the receipt of an MSU. The BSN is equal to the FSN used in the acknowledged MSU.

    The Forward Indicator Bit (FIB) and the Backward Indicator Bit (BIB) are used to indicate a lost MSU(s). The transmitting signaling point sets the FIB, which remains constant. If the signaling point that receives the MSU returns an acknowledgement with a BIB that does not match the utilized FIB, the transmitting signaling point will know it must re-transmit an MSU(s).


    More detail on the Sequencing Control field is provided in the "Message Errors" section of this module.

    Length Indicator Field

    MTP L2 uses the Length Indicator (LI) field to determine the type of signaling unit being received (i.e., LSSU, FISU, or MSU). MTP L2 must identify the type of signaling unit it is receiving to determine whether any further action should be taken in response.


    Service Information Octet Field

    When MTP Level 2 identifies an MSU, it passes the MSU to MTP Level 3. MTP Level 3 must identify the MSU type, using the Service Information Octet (SIO) field to determine whether the MSU is for the SCCP, ISUP, or MTP at that signaling point.


    Signaling Information Field

    The Signaling Information Field (SIF) tells MTP L3 whether an MSU is destined for that signaling point or another. The SIF also carries the data that will be used by MTP, ISUP, SCCP, or TCAP to perform various procedures and functions.


    Some components of the SIF are the same, regardless of whether an MSU is for MTP, ISUP, SCCP, or TCAP. Others, however, are only used in certain types of MSUs.

    Note: TCAP is a user of SCCP; therefore, TCAP information is transmitted in the SIF of an SCCP message.

    Destination Point Code (DPC) Field

    When MTP Level 3 receives an MSU, it must know whether the message is destined for that signaling point. The Destination Point Code (DPC) is used to determine this. If the number in this field matches the point code of the local signaling point, then MTP Level 3 will know that it is for local use.


    MTP Level 3 must also know the MSU's origin so that responses can be sent to that originating signaling point. The Origination Point Code (OPC) provides this information and contains the point code of the signaling end point (i.e., SSP or SCP) that generated the MSU.

    Note: More detail on how point codes are used to route messages is provided in the "Inbound Messages" section of this module.

    Signaling Link Selection (SLS) and Signaling Link Code (SLC) Fields

    When an MSU must be sent to another signaling point, MTP Level 3 must inform MTP Level 2 of the link on which to send the MSU. This information is carried in the Signaling Link Selection (SLS) for SCCP and ISUP messages, and in the Signaling Link Code (SLC) field for MTP messages. This significant difference between the SLS and the SLC is that the SLS is a "virtual" link number and the SLC is a "physical" link number.


    Note: SLS, SLC, and the relationship between them are discussed further in the "Link Selection" section of this module.

    Message Type Field

    Whether an MSU is for ISUP or for SCCP, the Message Type field provides the respective router with a unique identification for the MSU. However, for ISUP MSUs, this field also tells the ISUP router what type of ISUP message it is (e.g., Release Message used during a call tear down).

    For SCCP, the Message Type field includes information that the SCCP router needs to determine the structure of the rest of the message.


    MTP Management Information Field

    When it arrives at a signaling point for MTP, the MSU uses information in the MTP Management Information field to perform its network management functions. This field provides data on actions and procedures that must be executed by MTP to:

    Initialize and monitor signaling links
    Perform auto recovery of links
    Maintain routing schemes to remote signaling points
    Note: Network Management responsibilities are discussed in greater detail in the "Network Management" section of this module.


    Circuit Identification Code (CIC) Field

    ISUP's function is call control, which means controlling voice circuits and identifying which circuit to use when setting up and tearing down a call. ISUP gathers this information from the Circuit Identification Code (CIC) field. This field carries the code for the voice/data circuit that will be used for a call between two SSPs.


    Message Information Field

    In addition to basic call setup and teardown, ISUP provides supplementary services (e.g., forwarding of a call to a secondary number). The Message Information field in an ISUP MSU provides data needed for the ISUP application to perform these services.


    Mandatory Fixed/Variable Part

    The Mandatory Fixed/Variable Part of an SCCP MSU varies widely, depending upon the purpose of the message. In a basic sense, this field provides parameters that the SCCP router will use.


    User Data Field

    The User Data field of an SCCP MSU provides actual data needed by SCCP users. For example, it is data from this field that SCCP sends to the TCAP router. The target TCAP application uses this data.


    Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) Field

    The fact that a message is received does not necessarily mean that it has avoided corruption during transmission. MTP Level 2 uses the Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) field to verify that the message passed across the link error-free.


    Before a message is sent, the transmitting signaling point calculates a check sum value from the message fields, and then inserts this value in the CRC field. Upon receiving the MSU, the destination point performs the same calculation and expects to produce the same value found in the CRC field. If the calculated result is different, the received message is considered corrupt. It is discarded and a re-transmission is requested.

    Note: This field is also sometimes called the "Check Sum" or "Check Bit."

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    Before signaling units can be transmitted over a link, the link must be aligned. Once LSSUs and FISUs can be successfully sent between two signaling points over a link, alignment has been achieved and MSUs can be sent.


    If a link is being brought into service for the first time, or if it is being re-activated after a failure, MTP Level 2 conducts an Initial Alignment Procedure (IAP). This procedure has 2 variations, normal and emergency, but the basic order of events and criteria for link alignment are the same.

    During an IAP, a link's goal is to "prove" itself reliable. The IAP begins when a link between two signaling points is assumed to be ready for "proving." The signaling point starts sending LSSUs to the other signaling point. It then waits for confirmations or retransmission requests.

    If no confirmations or retransmission requests are received, the signaling point will generate an "Out of Alignment" LSSU (This might happen if a problem exists with the physical connection of the link.). If signaling units are received from the other point, the link will be monitored to determine whether it can be put into service.


    Alignment Error Rate Monitor

    During the IAP, the Alignment Error Rate Monitor (AERM) is responsible for determining whether a link has proven itself. The AERM tracks the number of messages sent without error over the link being established. If too many errors occur, the link will not be placed into service.


    Signaling Unit Error Rate Monitor

    Once a link is aligned and placed into service, MTP Level 2 will continue to monitor it with the Signaling Unit Error Rate Monitor (SUERM). If too many message errors occur over a link, it will be considered "out of alignment" and will be taken out of service.

    Since errors are expected to occur, the SUERM employs an error counter that is incremented or decremented. If a message error occurs, the counter is incremented. To decrement the counter, 256 messages must be received without error. If the counter reaches its threshold (e.g., "3"), MTP Level 2 will notify MTP Level 3 and the link will be taken out of service.


    SUERM Example

    To illustrate how the SUERM operates:

    Signaling point A is sending messages to signaling point B over Link A. An error message suddenly occurs. The SUERM counter maintained by MTP L2 is then incremented to 1. Now it monitors for the 256 messages to be transmitted without another error.

    However, another error occurs within the next 256 messages, so the counter is incremented to 2. Another error occurs and the counter reaches 3. Link A is now taken out of service until it is re-aligned.


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    發(fā)表于 2008-11-14 14:17:37  只看樓主  QQ

    When a signaling point receives a message, the message must either be distributed up the stack or, in the case of an STP, routed outbound to another signaling point. When handling an inbound message, MTP Level 2 will read the LI field to determine message type. If the message is an MSU, it is sent upward to MTP Level 3. MTP Level 3 then reads the SIO and SIF fields to determine for which service the MSU will be used and whether it resides at that signaling point.


    Length Indicator Field

    Each type has a different "length." Signaling unit length is the number of octets (i.e., 8-bit bytes) between the Length Indicator (LI) and Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) fields. This length value is carried in the LI field of a signaling unit.

    When a signaling unit arrives, MTP Level 2 checks the value in the LI field to determine its type. For example, if the value in the LI field is either "1" or "2," MTP Level 2 knows the signaling unit is an LSSU.


    The 3 types of signaling units and their corresponding LI values are:

    Fill In Signal Unit (FISU) = 0
    Link Status Signal Unit (LSSU) = 1 or 2
    Message Signal Unit (MSU) = 3 through 63

    Service Information Octet Field

    If it identifies a signaling unit as an MSU, MTP Level 2 sends the unit to MTP Level 3. It is at this level that MSU service type is determined (i.e., MTP, SCCP, TUP, or ISUP).

    MTP Level 3 uses the value in the SIO field to determine which level of the stack will be using the MSU. For example, if the value in the SIO field is "5," then the MSU is for ISUP.


    Values for the different MSU service types are:

    0, 1, 2 = MTP
    3 = SCCP
    4 = TUP (no longer widely used)
    5 = ISUP

    Signaling Information Field

    If MTP Level 2 identifies a signaling unit as an MSU, it sends the unit to MTP Level 3. MTP Level 3 checks the destination point code (DPC), located in the MSU's SIF. If the DPC matches the point code of the local signal point, the message is distributed to the appropriate layer in the stack. If the DPC does not match, the MSU is routed out on the appropriate link to the destined signaling point.


    More About Point Codes

    All types of signaling units carry an Origination Point Code (OPC) and a Destination Point Code (DPC). Simply defined, point codes are unique identification numbers for signaling points. When it places its OPC in a message, a signaling point functions as a "return address"; the DPC functions as the "mailing address."

    Point code format in an ANSI network is different from that used in a CITTU network.

    Formats are as follows:

    NNNN (CITTU) - e.g., 1234

    Digits in a CITTU point code tell MTP Level 3 the following about a signaling point's location:

    Signaling point ID
    NNN-NNN-NNN (ANSI) - e.g., 123-456-789

    Digits in an ANSI point code tell MTP Level 3 the following about the location of a signaling point:

    Network ID number
    Network Cluster number
    Network Member number


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    發(fā)表于 2008-11-14 14:25:39  只看樓主  QQ

    To maximize the use of all available equipment, it is important to distribute the transmission of outbound MSUs over all of a signaling point's links. MTP Level 3 is responsible for routing outbound messages over available links, and determines on which link a given MSU will be sent.

    When SCCP sends an outbound MSU to MTP Level 3, the link that MTP Level 3 selects depends on the value located in the Signaling Information Field (SIF).


    When it receives an outbound MSU from SCCP, MTP Level 3 checks the Signaling Link Selection (SLS) field, which is contained in the SIF. MTP Level 3 then checks a "map" of available links that contains both a Signaling Link Code (SLC) for each link and a cross-reference for all possible SLS values. Based on this map, MTP Level 3 selects a link for sending the outbound MSU.


    A primary purpose of the SLS field, then, is to help MTP Level 3 equally distribute message traffic among a signaling point's links. Theoretically, if a user part sends messages to SCCP at regular intervals, and SCCP increments the SLS value each time, then the traffic load should be evenly distributed among the links.

    Note: In some cases, SCCP will not increment an SLS value for an MSU. Instead, SCCP uses the existing one found in the SLS field. This depends on the class of service designated for an MSU. Because multiple user parts existing at a signaling point are all sending MSUs to SCCP, the distribution of MSUs over the available links is not significantly affected. (More detail on SCCP's classes of service is provided in the "SCCP Services " section of this tutorial.)

    Link Selection Example

    When it receives an MSU from a TCAP user, SCCP checks the class of service. If the class of service allows SCCP to change the SLS, SCCP increments the value from the last one used. For example, if the last value used was 5, SCCP sets the SLS value to 6. The MSU is then sent to MTP Level 3, which refers to its map of SLS -SLC values while checking the SLS field. Since the value is 6, MTP Level 3 determines that link 2 will be used to send the outbound MSU.


    The SLS-SLC map used by MTP Level 3 changes according to link availability. If a link becomes unavailable (e.g., for servicing), MTP Level 2 notifies MTP Level 3. In response, MTP Level 3 redraws the SLS-SLC map to take the unavailable link out of rotation for outbound messages.


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    發(fā)表于 2008-11-14 14:37:46  只看樓主  QQ
    The core responsibilities of MTP Level 2 are to ensure that signaling units arrive at the signaling points they are destined for, and are read correctly. The following actions are performed by MTP Level 2 to meet these responsibilities.


    Zero-Bit Insertion
    The bit pattern for a signaling unit's flag is 0111 1110. While this pattern is not repeated in the actual data within a signaling unit, several series of 1 bits may be misinterpreted as flags. Therefore, a preventive measure is taken to ensure that a signaling point can discern data from flags. This preventive measure is known as "zero-bit insertion," or "bit stuffing."


    Before a signaling unit is sent from a signaling point, MTP Level 2 will view the sequence of bits within it. After every sequence of five 1-bits, a 0-bit will be inserted. For example, if the sequence 11111111... occurs, the sequence will be 111110111... after zero-bit insertion.
    Upon receiving an inbound signaling unit and removing the flag, bit sequence and removes the zeros that occur after every sequence of 1-bits.
    Basic Error Recovery
    When a signaling point receives an MSU, it will send a "positive acknowledgement" (in the form of a FISU) to the originating point, indicating that the MSU was received without error. This acknowledgement relies on the use of the following fields in the initial MSU and acknowledgement FISU:
    Forward Sequence Number (FSN)
    Backward Sequence Number (BSN)
    Forward Indicator Bit (FIB)
    Backward Indicator Bit (BIB)


    Note: An acknowledgement may also be sent in the form of an MSU. It does not have to be an FISU.
    When it receives an MSU, MTP Level 2 will examine the FSN. The value in this field identifies the MSU and should be the next sequential number from the previous MSU (received from the originating signaling point). For example, if an MSU was previously received and its FSN value was 82, the FSN of the next MSU should be 83.


    As long as the FSN values continue in sequence, no error notification will be generated for lost MSUs. If this is the case, the receiving signaling point sends a FISU back to the originating point. Its BSN value will be equal to the FSN value found in the last received MSU.
    What happens if the FSNs are out of sequence? How does the receiving signaling point tell the originating point that MSUs are missing? Does it simply solve the issue if no positive acknowledgement is received?
    In such cases, FIB and BIB fields are important. In each MSU sent to a signaling point will be an FIB value of "1" or "0." In the FISU returned by the receiving point, the BIB will match the FIB, as long as the MSUs' FSNs are in sequence.


    For example, if the FSN in the last MSU received was 82, and the next is 85, then the receiving point knows MSUs 83 and 84 were lost. MTP Level 2 then determines the FIB value, which is set to 0. The receiving point returns an FISU with a BSN of 82 (not 85) and a BIB value of 1. When it receives the FISU, the originating point will view it as a "negative acknowledgement" since the BIB value has been "flipped." Only a receiving signaling point will change the FIB/BIB value, as this is the means by which basic error recovery is initiated.
    When it receives a negative acknowledgement (indicated by an FIB/BIB mismatch between an MSU and its corresponding FISU), a signaling point takes reactive recovery measures. It views the BSN value in the FISU and retransmits the lost MSUs. In the current example, it means that MSUs 83, 84, and 85 would be re-transmitted.


    This re-transmission of messages is the "basic error recovery." Once a recovery has been successful, the originating signaling point continues to use the last BIB value the receiving point has set as its FIB value.
    Preventive Cyclic Retransmission
    Preventive Cyclic Retransmission is a proactive error recovery method. It is often used when long delays are expected (e.g., when transmitting over a satellite link) between MSU transmission and acknowledgement receipt. Its purpose is to increase MSU delivery reliability.


    With this type of recovery method, a signaling point cyclically retransmits MSUs that it has sent to another point but for which it still awaits acknowledgement FISUs. For example, if the MSUs with FSNs 46 through 48 were transmitted, then they are now transmitted, in sequence, until acknowledgement is received. If it receives the same MSU multiple times, the receiving point simply discards redundant messages.

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