Intellectual Property Rights5
2Traffic distributions6
2.2Non uniform7
3Cell coverage7
3.1Location probability7
3.2Ec/No threshold7
3.3RF budgets7
3.4Cell ranges8
3.4.1Large cells8
3.4.2Small cells9
4Channel re use10
4.1C/Ic threshold10
4.2Trade off between Ec/No and C/Ic10
4.3Adjacent channel suppressions11
4.4Antenna patterns11
4.5Antenna heights11
4.6Path loss balance11
4.7Cell dimensioning11
4.8Channel allocation12
4.9Frequency hopping12
4.10Cells with extra long propagation delay12
5Propagation models12
5.1Terrain obstacles12
5.2Environment factors13
5.3Field strength measurements13
5.4Cell adjustments13
Annex A.1:(class 4) Example of RF budget for GSM MS handheld RF output peak power 2 W15
Annex A.2:(class 2) Example of RF budget for GSM MS RF output peak power 8 W17
Annex A.3:(DCS1800 classes 1&2): Example of RF budget for DCS 1800 MS RF output peak power 1 W & 250 mW18
Annex A.4:Example of RF budget for GSM 900 Class4 (peak power 2 W) in a small cell19
Annex B:Propagation loss formulas for mobile radiocommunications20
B.1Hata Model [4], [8]20
B.1.3Rural (Quasi open)20
B.1.4Rural (Open Area)20
B.2COST 231 Hata Model [7]20
B.3COST 231 Walfish Ikegami Model [7]21
B.3.1Without free line of sight between base and mobile (small cells)21
B.3.1.1Lo free space loss21
B.3.1.2Lrts roof top to street diffraction and scatter loss21
B.3.1.3Lmsd multiscreen diffraction loss21
B.3.2With a free line of sight between base and mobile (Street Canyon)22
Annex C:Path Loss vs Cell Radius23
Annex D:Planning Guidelines for Repeaters27
D.2Definition of Terms27
D.3Gain Requirements28
D.4Spurious/Intermodulation Products28
D.5Output Power/Automatic Level Control (ALC)29
D.6Local oscillator sideband noise attenuation29
D.7Delay Requirements29
D.8Wideband Noise30
D.9Outdoor Rural Repeater Example30
D.9.1Rural repeater example for GSM 90030
D.9.1.1Intermodulation products/ALC setting30
D.9.1.2Wideband noise31
D.10Indoor Low Power Repeater Example31
D.10.1Indoor repeater example for DCS 180031
D.10.1.1Intermodulation products/ALC setting.32
D.10.1.2Wideband noise32
D.11Example for a Repeater System using Frequency Shift32
D.11.1Example for GSM 90032
D.11.1.1Intermodulation products/ALC setting and levelling criteria33
D.11.1.2Wideband noise34
D.11.1.3Multipath environment34
Annex E:Document change history35
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