ITU-T Rec. G.Sup29 (03/93) Planning of mixed analogue-digital circuits (chains, connections)
ITU-T Rec. G.Sup31 (03/93) Principles of determining an impedance strategy for the local network
ITU-T Rec. G.Sup32 (03/93) Transmission aspects of digital mobile radio systems
ITU-T Rec. G.Sup37 (10/98) ITU-T Recommendation G.763 digital circuit multiplication equipment (DCME)
tutorial and dimensioning
ITU-T Rec. G.Sup38 (10/98) Variable bit rate calculations for ITU-T Recommendation G.767 Digital Circuit
Multiplication Equipment (DCME)
ITU-T Rec. G.100 (03/93) Definitions used in Recommendations on general characteristics of international
telephone connections and circuits
ITU-T Rec. G.101 (08/96) The transmission plan
ITU-T Rec. G.102 (11/80) Transmission performance objectives and Recommendations
ITU-T Rec. G.103 (12/98) Hypothetical reference connections
ITU-T Rec. G.105 (11/88) Hypothetical reference connection for crosstalk studies
ITU-T Rec. G.107 (12/98) The E-Model, a computational model for use in transmission planning
ITU-T Rec. G.111 (03/93) Loudness ratings (LRs) in an international connection
ITU-T Rec. G.113 (02/96) Transmission impairments
ITU-T Rec. G.113 Appendix I (12/98) Provisional planning values for the equipment impairment factor Ie
ITU-T Rec. G.114 (02/96) One-way transmission time
ITU-T Rec. G.115 (02/96) Mean active speech level for announcements and speech synthesis systems
ITU-T Rec. G.117 (02/96) Transmission aspects of unbalance about earth
ITU-T Rec. G.120 (12/98) Transmission characteristics of national networks
ITU-T Rec. G.121 (03/93) Loudness ratings (LRs) of national systems
ITU-T Rec. G.122 (03/93) Influence of national systems on stability talker echo in international connections
ITU-T Rec. G.126 (03/93) Listener echo in telephone networks
ITU-T Rec. G.131 (08/96) Control of talker echo
ITU-T Rec. G.136 (09/99) Application rules for automatic level control devices
ITU-T Rec. G.142 (12/98) Transmission characteristics of exchanges
ITU-T Rec. G.162 (10/68) Characteristics of compandors for telephony
ITU-T Rec. G.164 (11/88) Echo suppressors
ITU-T Rec. G.165 (03/93) Echo cancellers
ITU-T Rec. G.166 (11/88) Characteristics of syllabic compandors for telephony on high capacity long
distance systems
ITU-T Rec. G.167 (03/93) Acoustic echo controllers
ITU-T Rec. G.168 (04/97) Digital network echo cancellers
ITU-T Rec. G.169 (06/99) Automatic level control devices
ITU-T Rec. G.171 (11/88) Transmission plan aspects of privately operated networks
ITU-T Rec. G.172 (11/88) Transmission plan aspects of international conference calls
ITU-T Rec. G.173 (03/93) Transmission planning aspects of the speech service in digital public land mobile
ITU-T Rec. G.174 (06/94) Transmission performance objectives for terrestrial digital wireless systems using
portable terminals to access the PSTN
ITU-T Rec. G.175 (04/97) Transmission planning for private/public network interconnection of voice traffic
ITU-T Rec. G.176 (04/97) Planning guidelines for the integration of ATM technology into networks
supporting voiceband services
ITU-T Rec. G.180 (03/93) Characteristics of N + M type direct transmission restoration systems for use on
digital and analogue sections, links or equipment
ITU-T Rec. G.181 (03/93) Characteristics of 1 + 1 type restoration systems for use on digital transmission
ITU-T Rec. G.191 (11/96) Software tools for speech and audio coding standardization
ITU-T Rec. G.192 (03/96) A common digital parallel interface for speech standardization activities
ITU-T Rec. G.211 (10/84) Make-up of a carrier link
ITU-T Rec. G.212 (10/84) Hypothetical reference circuits for analogue systems
ITU-T Rec. G.213 (10/84) Interconnection of systems in a main repeater station
ITU-T Rec. G.214 (10/68) Line stability of cable systems
ITU-T Rec. G.215 (11/80) Hypothetical reference circuit of 5000 km for analogue systems
ITU-T Rec. G.221 (11/80) Overall recommendations relating to carrier-transmission systems
ITU-T Rec. G.222 (11/88) Noise objectives for design of carrier-transmission systems of 2500 km
ITU-T Rec. G.223 - Assumptions for the calculation of noise on hypothetical reference circuits for telephony
ITU-T Rec. G.224 - Maximum permissible value for the absolute power level (power referred to one
milliwatt) of a signalling pulse
ITU-T Rec. G.225 (10/68) Recommendations relating to the accuracy of carrier frequencies
ITU-T Rec. G.226 (11/88) Noise on a real link
ITU-T Rec. G.227 - Conventional telephone signal
ITU-T Rec. G.228 (11/88) Measurement of circuit noise in cable systems using a uniform-spectrum random
noise loading
ITU-T Rec. G.229 (10/84) Unwanted modulation and phase jitter
ITU-T Rec. G.230 (11/80) Measuring methods for noise produced by modulating equipment and
through-connection filters
ITU-T Rec. G.231 (11/88) Arrangement of carrier equipment
ITU-T Rec. G.232 (10/84) 12-channel terminal equipments
ITU-T Rec. G.233 (10/84) Recommendations concerning translating equipments
ITU-T Rec. G.241 (10/84) Pilots on groups, supergroups, etc.
ITU-T Rec. G.242 (10/84) Through-connection of groups, supergroups, etc.
ITU-T Rec. G.243 (10/84) Protection of pilots and additional measuring frequencies at points where there
is a through-connection
ITU-T Rec. G.322 (10/84) General characteristics recommended for systems on symmetric pair cables
ITU-T Rec. G.325 (10/84) General characteristics recommended for systems providing 12 telephone carrier
circuits on a symmetric cable pair [(12 + 12) systems]
ITU-T Rec. G.332 (11/80) 12 MHz systems on standardized 2.6/9.5 mm coaxial cable pairs
ITU-T Rec. G.333 (10/84) 60 MHz systems on standardized 2.6/9.5 mm coaxial cable pairs
ITU-T Rec. G.334 (11/80) 18 MHz systems on standardized 2.6/9.5 mm coaxial cable pairs
ITU-T Rec. G.341 (10/84) 1.3 MHz systems on standardized 1.2/4.4 mm coaxial cable pairs
ITU-T Rec. G.343 (10/84) 4 MHz systems on standardized 1.2/4.4 mm coaxial cable pairs
ITU-T Rec. G.344 (10/84) 6 MHz systems on standardized 1.2/4.4 mm coaxial cable pairs
ITU-T Rec. G.345 (10/84) 12 MHz systems on standardized 1.2/4.4 mm coaxial cable pairs
ITU-T Rec. G.346 (11/80) 18 MHz systems on standardized 1.2/4.4 mm coaxial cable pairs
ITU-T Rec. G.352 (11/80) Interconnection of coaxial carrier systems of different designs
ITU-T Rec. G.411 (11/88) Use of radio-relay systems for international telephone circuits
ITU-T Rec. G.421 (11/88) Methods of interconnection
ITU-T Rec. G.422 (10/84) Interconnection at audio-frequencies
ITU-T Rec. G.423 (06/64) Interconnection at the baseband frequencies of frequency-division multiplex
radio-relay systems
ITU-T Rec. G.431 (06/64) Hypothetical reference circuits for frequency-division multiplex radio-relay systems
ITU-T Rec. G.441 (11/88) Permissible circuit noise on frequency-division multiplex radio-relay systems
ITU-T Rec. G.442 (06/64) Radio-relay system design objectives for noise at the far end of a hypothetical
reference circuit with reference to telegraphy transmission
ITU-T Rec. G.451 (11/88) Use of radio links in international telephone circuits
ITU-T Rec. G.511 (02/98) Test methodology for Group 3 facsimile processing equipment in the Public
Switched Telephone Network
ITU-T Rec. G.601 (11/80) Terminology for cables
ITU-T Rec. G.602 (10/84) Reliability and availability of analogue cable transmission systems and associated
ITU-T Rec. G.611 (11/80) Characteristics of symmetric cable pairs for analogue transmission
ITU-T Rec. G.612 (11/80) Characteristics of symmetric cable pairs designed for the transmission of systems
with bit rates of the order of 6 to 34 Mbit/s
ITU-T Rec. G.613 (10/84) Characteristics of symmetric cable pairs usable wholly for the transmission of
digital systems with a bit rate of up to 2 Mbits
ITU-T Rec. G.614 (11/88) Characteristics of symmetric pair star-quad cables designed earlier for analogue
transmission systems and being used now for digital system transmission at bit rates of 6 to 34 Mbit/s
ITU-T Rec. G.621 (11/80) Characteristics of 0.7/2.9 mm coaxial cable pairs
ITU-T Rec. G.622 (11/88) Characteristics of 1.2/4.4 mm coaxial cable pairs
ITU-T Rec. G.623 (11/88) Characteristics of 2.6/9.5 mm coaxial cable pairs
ITU-T Rec. G.631 (10/76) Types of submarine cable to be used for systems with line frequencies of less
than about 45 MHz
ITU-T Rec. G.650 (04/97) Definition and test methods for the relevant parameters of single-mode fibres
ITU-T Rec. G.651 (02/98) Characteristics of a 50/125 μm multimode graded index optical fibre cable
ITU-T Rec. G.652 (04/97) Characteristics of a single-mode optical fibre cable
ITU-T Rec. G.653 (04/97) Characteristics of a dispersion-shifted single-mode optical fibre cable
ITU-T Rec. G.654 (04/97) Characteristics of a cut-off shifted single-mode optical fibre cable
ITU-T Rec. G.655 (10/96) Characteristics of a non-zero dispersion shifted single-mode optical fibre cable
ITU-T Rec. G.661 (10/98) Definition and test methods for the relevant generic parameters of optical
amplifier devices and subsystems
ITU-T Rec. G.662 (10/98) Generic characteristics of optical fibre amplifier devices and subsystems
ITU-T Rec. G.663 (10/96) Application related aspects of optical fibre amplifier devices and sub-systems
ITU-T Rec. G.664 (06/99) Optical safety procedures and requirements for optical transport systems
ITU-T Rec. G.671 (11/96) Transmission characteristics of passive optical components
ITU-T Rec. G.681 (10/96) Functional characteristics of interoffice and long-haul line systems using optical
amplifiers, including optical multiplexing
ITU-T Rec. G.692 (10/98) Optical interfaces for multichannel systems with optical amplifiers
ITU-T Rec. G.701 (03/93) Vocabulary of digital transmission and multiplexing, and pulse code modulation
(PCM) terms
ITU-T Rec. G.702 (11/88) Digital hierarchy bit rates
ITU-T Rec. G.703 (10/98) Physical/electrical characteristics of hierarchical digital interfaces
ITU-T Rec. G.704 (10/98) Synchronous frame structures used at 1544, 6312, 2048, 8448 and 44 736
kbit/s hierarchical levels
ITU-T Rec. G.706 (04/91) Frame alignment and cyclic redundancy check (CRC) procedures relating to basic
frame structures defined in Recommendation G.704
ITU-T Rec. G.707 (03/96) Network node interface for the synchronous digital hierarchy (SDH)
ITU-T Rec. G.708 (06/99) Sub STM-0 network node interface for the synchronous digital hierarchy (SDH)
ITU-T Rec. G.711 (11/88) Pulse code modulation (PCM) of voice frequencies
ITU-T Rec. G.712 (11/96) Transmission performance characteristics of pulse code modulation channels
ITU-T Rec. G.720 (07/95) Characterization of low-rate digital voice coder performance with non-voice
ITU-T Rec. G.722 (11/88) 7 kHz audio-coding within 64 kbit/s
ITU-T Rec. G.722 Annex A (03/93) Testing signal-to-total distortion ratio for 7 kHz audio-codecs at 64
kbit/s Recommendation G.722 connected back-to-back
ITU-T Rec. G.722 Appendix 2 (03/87) Description of the digital test sequences for the verification of the
G.722 64 kbit/s SB-ADPCM 7 kHz codec
ITU-T Rec. G.722.1 (09/99) Coding at 24 and 32 kbit/s for hands-free operation in systems with low frame
ITU-T Rec. G.723.1 (03/96) Dual rate speech coder for multimedia communications transmitting at 5.3 and
6.3 kbit/s
ITU-T Rec. G.724 (11/88) Characteristics of a 48-channel low bit rate encoding primary multiplex operating
at 1544 kbit/s
ITU-T Rec. G.725 (11/88) System aspects for the use of the 7 kHz audio codec within 64 kbit/s
ITU-T Rec. G.726 (12/90) 40, 32, 24, 16 kbit/s adaptive differential pulse code modulation (ADPCM)
ITU-T Rec. G.726 Annex A (11/94) Extensions of Recommendation G.726 for use with uniform-quantized
input and output
ITU-T Rec. G.726 Appendix 2 (03/91) Test Vectors - Description of the digital test sequences for the
verification of the G.726 40, 32, 24 and 16 kbit/s ADPCM algorithm
ITU-T Rec. G.726 Appendix 3 (05/94) Comparison of ADPCM algorithms
ITU-T Rec. G.727 (12/90) 5-, 4-, 3- and 2-bits/sample embedded adaptive differential pulse code
modulation (ADPCM)
ITU-T Rec. G.727 Annex A (11/94) Extensions of Recommendation G.727 for use with uniform-quantized
input and output
ITU-T Rec. G.727 Appendix 1 (03/91) Description of the digital test sequences for the verification of the
G.727 5 , 4 , 3 and 2 bit/sample embedded ADPCM algorithm
ITU-T Rec. G.727 Appendix 2 (05/94) Comparison of ADPCM algorithms
ITU-T Rec. G.728 (09/92) Coding of speech at 16 kbit/s using low-delay code excited linear prediction
ITU-T Rec. G.728 Annex G (11/94) 16 kbit/s fixed point specification
ITU-T Rec. G.728 Annex H (05/99) Variable bit rate LD-CELP operation mainly for DCME at rates less than
16 kbit/s
ITU-T Rec. G.728 Annex I (05/99) Coding of speech at 16 kbit/s using low-delay code excited linear
prediction - Annex I: Fram
ITU-T Rec. G.728 Appendix 1 (07/95) Programs and test sequences for implementation verification of the
algorithm of the G.728 16 kbit/s LD-CELP speech coder
ITU-T Rec. G.728 Appendix 2 (11/95) Speech performance
ITU-T Rec. G.729 (03/96) Coding of speech at 8 kbit/s using conjugate-structure algebraic-code-excited
ITU-T Rec. G.729 Annex A (11/96) Reduced complexity 8 kbit/s CS-ACELP speech codec
ITU-T Rec. G.729 Annex B (11/96) A silence compression scheme for G.729 optimized for terminals
conforming to Recommendation V.70
ITU-T Rec. G.731 (11/88) Primary PCM multiplex equipment for voice frequencies
ITU-T Rec. G.732 (11/88) Characteristics of primary PCM multiplex equipment operating at 2048 kbit/s
ITU-T Rec. G.733 (11/88) Characteristics of primary PCM multiplex equipment operating at 1544 kbit/s
ITU-T Rec. G.734 (11/88) Characteristics of synchronous digital multiplex equipment operating at 1544
ITU-T Rec. G.735 (11/88) Characteristics of primary PCM multiplex equipment operating at 2048 kbit/s and
offering synchronous digital access at 384 kbit/s and/or 64 kbit/s
ITU-T Rec. G.736 (03/93) Characteristics of a synchronous digital multiplex equipment operating at 2048
ITU-T Rec. G.737 (11/88) Characteristics of an external access equipment operating at 2048 kbit/s offering
synchronous digital access at 384 kbit/s and/or 64 kbit/s
ITU-T Rec. G.738 (11/88) Characteristics of primary PCM multiplex equipment operating at 2048 kbit/s and
offering synchronous digital access at 320 kbit/s and/or 64 kbit/s
ITU-T Rec. G.739 (11/88) Characteristics of an external access equipment operating at 2048 kbit/s offering
synchronous digital access at 320 kbit/s and/or 64 kbit/s
ITU-T Rec. G.741 (11/88) General considerations on second order multiplex equipments
ITU-T Rec. G.742 (11/88) Second order digital multiplex equipment operating at 8448 kbit/s and using
positive justification
ITU-T Rec. G.743 (11/88) Second order digital multiplex equipment operating at 6312 kbit/s and using
positive justification
ITU-T Rec. G.744 (11/88) Second order PCM multiplex equipment operating at 8448 kbit/s
ITU-T Rec. G.745 (11/88) Second order digital multiplex equipment operating at 8448 kbit/s and using
positive/zero/negative justification
ITU-T Rec. G.746 (10/84) Characteristics of second order PCM multiplex equipment operating at 6312
ITU-T Rec. G.747 (11/88) Second order digital multiplex equipment operating at 6312 kbit/s and
multiplexing three tributaries at 2048 kbit/s
ITU-T Rec. G.751 (11/88) Digital multiplex equipments operating at the third order bit rate of 34 368
kbit/s and the fourth order bit rate of 139 264 kbit/s and using positive justification
ITU-T Rec. G.752 (11/80) Characteristics of digital multiplex equipments based on a second order bit rate
of 6312 kbit/s and using positive justification
ITU-T Rec. G.753 (11/88) Third order digital multiplex equipment operating at 34 368 kbit/s and using
positive/zero/negative justification
ITU-T Rec. G.754 (11/88) Fourth order digital multiplex equipment operating at 139 264 kbit/s and using
positive/zero/negative justification
ITU-T Rec. G.755 (11/88) Digital multiplex equipment operating at 139 264 kbit/s and multiplexing three
tributaries at 44 736 kbit/s
ITU-T Rec. G.761 (11/88) General characteristics of a 60-channel transcoder equipment
ITU-T Rec. G.762 (11/88) General characteristics of a 48-channel transcoder equipment
ITU-T Rec. G.763 (10/98) Digital circuit multiplication equipment using G.726 ADPCM and digital speech
ITU-T Rec. G.764 (12/90) Voice packetization - Packetized voice protocols
ITU-T Rec. G.764 Appendix 1 (11/95) Packetization guide
ITU-T Rec. G.765 (09/92) Packet circuit multiplication equipment
ITU-T Rec. G.765 Appendix 1 (11/95) A guide to PCME
ITU-T Rec. G.766 (11/96) Facsimile demodulation/remodulation for digital circuit multiplication equipment
ITU-T Rec. G.767 (10/98) Digital circuit multiplication equipment using 16 kbit/s LD-CELP, digital speech
interpolation and facsimile demodulation/remodulation
ITU-T Rec. G.772 (03/93) Protected monitoring points provided on digital transmission systems
ITU-T Rec. G.773 (03/93) Protocol suites for Q-interfaces for management of transmission systems
ITU-T Rec. G.774 Cor 1 (11/96)
ITU-T Rec. G.774 (09/92) Synchronous digital hierarchy (SDH) management information model for the
network element view
ITU-T Rec. G.774.01 (11/94) Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH) performance monitoring for the network
element view
ITU-T Rec. G.774.02 (11/94) Synchronous digital hierarchy (SDH) configuration of the payload structure for
the network element view
ITU-T Rec. G.774.03 (11/94) Synchronous digital hierarchy (SDH) management of multiplex-section
protection for the network element view
ITU-T Rec. G.774.04 (07/95) Synchronous digital hierarchy (SDH) management of the subnetwork
connection protection for the network element view
ITU-T Rec. G.774.05 (07/95) Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH) management of connection supervision
functionality (HCS/LCS) for the network element view
ITU-T Rec. G.774.6 (04/97) Synchronous digital hierarchy (SDH) unidirectional performance monitoring for
the network element view
ITU-T Rec. G.774.7 (11/96) Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH) management of lower order path trace and
interface labelling for the network element view
ITU-T Rec. G.774.8 (04/97) Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH) management of radio-relay systems for the
network element view
ITU-T Rec. G.774.9 (02/98) Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH) configuration of linear multiplex section
protection for the network element view
ITU-T Rec. G.775 (10/98) Loss of Signal (LOS), Alarm Indication Signal (AIS) and Remote Defect Indication
(RDI) defect detection and clearance criteria for PDH signals
ITU-T Rec. G.776.1 (10/98) Managed objects for signal processing network elements
ITU-T Rec. G.780 (06/99) Vocabulary of terms for synchronous digital hierarchy (SDH) networks and
ITU-T Rec. G.781 (06/99) Synchronization layer functions
ITU-T Rec. G.783 (04/97) Characteristics of synchronous digital hierarchy (SDH) equipment functional blocks
ITU-T Rec. G.784 (06/99) Synchronous digital hierarchy (SDH) management
ITU-T Rec. G.785 (11/96) Characteristics of a flexible multiplexer in a synchronous digital hierarchy
ITU-T Rec. G.791 (11/88) General considerations on transmultiplexing equipments
ITU-T Rec. G.792 (11/88) Characteristics common to all transmultiplexing equipments
ITU-T Rec. G.793 (11/88) Characteristics of 60-channel transmultiplexing equipments
ITU-T Rec. G.794 (11/88) Characteristics of 24-channel transmultiplexing equipments
ITU-T Rec. G.795 (11/88) Characteristics of codecs for FDM assemblies
ITU-T Rec. G.796 Cor 1 (10/98)
ITU-T Rec. G.796 (09/92) Characteristics of a 64 kbit/s cross-connect equipment with 2048 kbit/s access
ITU-T Rec. G.797 (03/96) Characteristics of a flexible multiplexer in a plesiochronous digital hierarchy
ITU-T Rec. G.801 (10/84) Digital transmission models
ITU-T Rec. G.802 (11/88) Interworking between networks based on different digital hierarchies and speech
encoding laws
ITU-T Rec. G.803 (06/97) Architecture of transport networks based on the synchronous digital hierarchy
ITU-T Rec. G.804 (02/98) ATM cell mapping into Plesiochronous Digital Hierarchy (PDH)
ITU-T Rec. G.805 (11/95) Generic functional architecture of transport networks
ITU-T Rec. G.810 (08/96) Definitions and terminology for synchronization networks
ITU-T Rec. G.811 (09/97) Timing characteristics of primary reference clocks
ITU-T Rec. G.812 (06/98) Timing requirements of slave clocks suitable for use as node clocks in
synchronization networks
ITU-T Rec. G.813 (08/96) Timing characteristics of SDH equipment slave clocks (SEC)
ITU-T Rec. G.821 (08/96) Error performance of an international digital connection operating at a bit rate
below the primary rate and forming part of an integrated services digital network
ITU-T Rec. G.822 (11/88) Controlled slip rate objectives on an international digital connection
ITU-T Rec. G.823 (03/93) The control of jitter and wander within digital networks which are based on the
2048 kbit/s hierarchy
ITU-T Rec. G.824 (03/93) The control of jitter and wander within digital networks which are based on the
1544 kbit/s hierarchy
ITU-T Rec. G.825 (03/93) The control of jitter and wander within digital networks which are based on the
synchronous digital hierarchy (SDH)
ITU-T Rec. G.826 (02/99) Error performance parameters and objectives for international, constant bit rate
digital paths at or above the primary rate
ITU-T Rec. G.827 (08/96) Availability parameters and objectives for path elements of international constant
bit-rate digital paths at or above the primary rate
ITU-T Rec. G.831 (08/96) Management capabilities of transport networks based on the Synchronous Digital
Hierarchy (SDH)
ITU-T Rec. G.832 (10/98) Transport of SDH elements on PDH networks - Frame and multiplexing
ITU-T Rec. G.841 (10/98) Types and characteristics of SDH network protection architectures
ITU-T Rec. G.842 (04/97) Interworking of SDH network protection architectures
ITU-T Rec. G.851.1 (11/96) Management of the transport network - Application of the RM-ODP framework
ITU-T Rec. G.852.10 (03/99) Enterprise viewpoint for pre-provisioned link connection management
ITU-T Rec. G.852.12 (03/99) Enterprise viewpoint for pre-provisioned link management
ITU-T Rec. G.852.1 (11/96) Management of the transport network - Enterprise viewpoint for simple
subnetwork connection management
ITU-T Rec. G.852.2 (03/99) Enterprise viewpoint description of transport network resource model
ITU-T Rec. G.852.3 (03/99) Enterprise viewpoint for topology management
ITU-T Rec. G.852.6 (03/99) Enterprise viewpoint for trail management
ITU-T Rec. G.852.8 (03/99) Enterprise viewpoint for pre-provisioned adaptation management
ITU-T Rec. G.853.10 (03/99) Information viewpoint for pre-provisioned link connection management
ITU-T Rec. G.853.1 (03/99) Common elements of the information viewpoint for the management of a
transport network
ITU-T Rec. G.853.2 (11/96) Subnetwork connection management information viewpoint
ITU-T Rec. G.853.3 (03/99) Information viewpoint for topology management
ITU-T Rec. G.853.6 (03/99) Information viewpoint for trail management
ITU-T Rec. G.853.8 (03/99) Information viewpoint for pre-provisioned adaptation management
ITU-T Rec. G.854.10 (03/99) Computational viewpoint for pre-provisioned link connection management
ITU-T Rec. G.854.12 (03/99) Computational viewpoint for pre-provisioned link management
ITU-T Rec. G.854.1 (11/96) Management of the transport network - Computational interfaces for basic
transport network model
ITU-T Rec. G.854.3 (03/99) Computational viewpoint for topology management
ITU-T Rec. G.854.6 (03/99) Computational viewpoint for trail management
ITU-T Rec. G.854.8 (03/99) Computational viewpoint for pre-provisioned adaptation management
ITU-T Rec. G.855.1 (03/99) GDMO engineering viewpoint for the generic network level model
ITU-T Rec. G.861 (08/96) Principles and guidelines for the integration of satellite and radio systems in
SDH transport networks
ITU-T Rec. G.872 (02/99) Architecture of optical transport networks
ITU-T Rec. G.901 (11/88) General considerations on digital sections and digital line systems
ITU-T Rec. G.902 (11/95) Framework Recommendation on functional access networks (AN) - Architecture
and functions, access types, management and service node aspects
ITU-T Rec. G.911 (04/97) Parameters and calculation methodologies for reliability and availability of fibre
optic systems
ITU-T Rec. G.921 (11/88) Digital sections based on the 2048 kbit/s hierarchy
ITU-T Rec. G.931 (11/88) Digital line sections at 3152 kbit/s
ITU-T Rec. G.941 (11/88) Digital line systems provided by FDM transmission bearers
ITU-T Rec. G.950 (11/88) General considerations on digital line systems
ITU-T Rec. G.951 (11/88) Digital line systems based on the 1544 kbit/s hierarchy on symmetric pair cables
ITU-T Rec. G.952 (11/88) Digital line systems based on the 2048 kbit/s hierarchy on symmetric pair cables
ITU-T Rec. G.953 (11/88) Digital line systems based on the 1544 kbit/s hierarchy on coaxial pair cables
ITU-T Rec. G.954 (11/88) Digital line systems based on the 2048 kbit/s hierarchy on coaxial pair cables
ITU-T Rec. G.955 (11/96) Digital line systems based on the 1544 kbit/s and the 2048 kbit/s hierarchy on
optical fibre cables
ITU-T Rec. G.957 (06/99) Optical interfaces for equipments and systems relating to the synchronous digital
ITU-T Rec. G.958 (11/94) Digital line systems based on the synchronous digital hierarchy for use on
optical fibre cables
ITU-T Rec. G.960 (03/93) Access digital section for ISDN basic rate access
ITU-T Rec. G.961 (03/93) Digital transmission system on metallic local lines for ISDN basic rate access
ITU-T Rec. G.962 (03/93) Access digital section for ISDN primary rate at 2048 kbit/s
ITU-T Rec. G.962 Amd 1 (06/97) Maintenance channel
ITU-T Rec. G.963 (03/93) Access digital section for ISDN primary rate at 1544 kbit/s
ITU-T Rec. G.964 (07/94) V-Interfaces at the digital local exchange (LE) - V5.1-interface (based on 2048
kbit/s) for the support of access network (AN)
ITU-T Rec. G.965 (03/95) V-Interfaces at the digital local exchange (LE) - V5.2 Interface (based on 2048
kbit/s) for the support of access network (AN)
ITU-T Rec. G.966 (02/99) Access digital section for B-ISDN
ITU-T Rec. G.967 - V-interfaces at the service node (SN)
ITU-T Rec. G.967.2 (02/99) VB5.2 reference point specification
ITU-T Rec. G.971 (11/96) General features of optical fibre submarine cable systems
ITU-T Rec. G.972 (04/97) Definition of terms relevant to optical fibre submarine cable systems
ITU-T Rec. G.973 (11/96) Characteristics of repeaterless optical fibre submarine cable systems
ITU-T Rec. G.974 (03/93) Characteristics of regenerative optical fibre submarine cable systems
ITU-T Rec. G.975 (11/96) Forward error correction for submarine systems
ITU-T Rec. G.976 (04/97) Test methods applicable to optical fibre submarine cable systems
ITU-T Rec. G.981 (01/94) PDH optical line systems for the local network
ITU-T Rec. G.982 (11/96) Optical access networks to support services up to the ISDN primary rate or
equivalent bit rates
ITU-T Rec. G.983.1 (06/99) Corrigendum 1
ITU-T Rec. G.991.1 (10/98) High bit rate Digital Subscriber Line (HDSL) transceivers
ITU-T Rec. G.994.1 (06/99) Handshake procedures for digital subscriber line (DSL) transceivers
ITU-T Rec. G.995.1 (06/99) Overview of digital subscriber line (DSL) Recommendations
ITU-T Rec. G.996.1 (07/99) Test procedures for Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) Transceivers
ITU-T Rec. G.997.1 (06/99) Physical layer management for digital subscriber line (DSL) transceivers
ITU-T Rec. G.723.1 Annex A (11/96) Silence compression scheme
ITU-T Rec. G.723.1 Annex B (11/96) Alternative specification based on floating point arithmetic
ITU-T Rec. G.723.1 Annex C (11/96) Scalable channel coding scheme for wireless applications
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