ITU-T Rec. I.Sup1 (03/98) Generic service descriptions for ten supplementary services defined in I.250 -
Series Recommendations
ITU-T Rec. I.112 (03/93) Vocabulary of terms for ISDNs
ITU-T Rec. I.113 (06/97) Vocabulary of terms for broadband aspects of ISDN
ITU-T Rec. I.114 (03/93) Vocabulary of terms for universal personal telecommunication
ITU-T Rec. I.120 (03/93) Integrated services digital networks (ISDNs)
ITU-T Rec. I.121 (04/91) Broadband aspects of ISDN
ITU-T Rec. I.122 (03/93) Framework for frame mode bearer services
ITU-T Rec. I.130 (11/88) Method for the characterization of telecommunication services supported by an
ISDN and network capabilities of an ISDN
ITU-T Rec. I.140 (03/93) Attribute technique for the characterization of telecommunication services
supported by an ISDN and network capabilities of an ISDN
ITU-T Rec. I.141 (11/88) ISDN network charging capabilities attributes
ITU-T Rec. I.150 (02/99) B-ISDN asynchronous transfer mode functional characteristics
ITU-T Rec. I.200 (11/88) Guidance to the I.200-Series of Recommendations
ITU-T Rec. I.210 (03/93) Principles of telecommunication services supported by an ISDN and the means to
describe them
ITU-T Rec. I.211 (03/93) B-ISDN service aspects
ITU-T Rec. I.220 (11/88) Common dynamic description of basic telecommunication services
ITU-T Rec. I.221 (03/93) Common specific characteristics of services
ITU-T Rec. I.230 (11/88) Definition of bearer service categories
ITU-T Rec. I.231.1 (11/88) Circuit-mode 64 kbit/s unrestricted, 8 kHz structured bearer service
ITU-T Rec. I.231.2 (11/88) Circuit-mode 64 kbit/s, 8 kHz structured bearer service usable for speech
information transfer
ITU-T Rec. I.231.3 (11/88) Circuit-mode 64 kbit/s, 8 kHz structured bearer service usable for 3.1 kHz
audio information transfer
ITU-T Rec. I.231.4 (11/88) Circuit-mode, alternate speech / 64 kbit/s unrestricted, 8 kHz structured bearer
ITU-T Rec. I.231.5 (11/88) Circuit-mode 2 x 64 kbit/s unrestricted, 8 kHz structured bearer service
ITU-T Rec. I.231.6 (07/96) Circuit-mode 384 kbit/s unrestricted, 8 kHz structured bearer service
ITU-T Rec. I.231.7 (07/96) Circuit-mode 1536 kbit/s unrestricted, 8 kHz structured bearer service
ITU-T Rec. I.231.8 (07/96) Circuit-mode 1920 kbit/s unrestricted, 8 kHz structured bearer service
ITU-T Rec. I.231.9 (03/93) Circuit mode 64 kbit/s, 8 kHz structured multi-use bearer service
ITU-T Rec. I.232.1 (11/88) Virtual call and permanent virtual circuit bearer service category
ITU-T Rec. I.232.2 (11/88) Connectionless bearer service category
ITU-T Rec. I.232.3 (03/93) User signalling bearer service category (USBS)
ITU-T Rec. I.233 (10/91) Frame mode bearer services
ITU-T Rec. I.240 (11/88) Definition of teleservices
ITU-T Rec. I.241.1 (11/88) Telephony
ITU-T Rec. I.241.2 (11/88) Teletex
ITU-T Rec. I.241.3 (11/88) Telefax 4
ITU-T Rec. I.241.4 (11/88) Mixed mode
ITU-T Rec. I.241.5 (11/88) Videotex
ITU-T Rec. I.241.6 (11/88) Telex
ITU-T Rec. I.241.7 (03/93) Telephony 7 kHz teleservice
ITU-T Rec. I.241.8 (10/95) Teleaction stage one service description
ITU-T Rec. I.250 (11/88) Definition of supplementary services
ITU-T Rec. I.251.1 (08/92) Direct-dialling-In
ITU-T Rec. I.251.2 (08/92) Multiple Subscriber Number
ITU-T Rec. I.251.3 (08/92) Calling Line Identification Presentation
ITU-T Rec. I.251.4 (08/92) Calling Line Identification Restriction
ITU-T Rec. I.251.5 (02/95) Connected Line Identification Presentation (COLP)
ITU-T Rec. I.251.6 (02/95) Connected Line Identification Restriction (COLR)
ITU-T Rec. I.251.7 (08/92) Malicious call Identification
ITU-T Rec. I.251.8 (08/92) Sub-addressing supplementary service
ITU-T Rec. I.251.9 (07/96) Calling name identification presentation
ITU-T Rec. I.252.1 (11/88) Call offering supplementary services: Call Transfer
ITU-T Rec. I.252.2 (08/92) Call Forwarding Busy
ITU-T Rec. I.252.3 (08/92) Call Forwarding No Reply
ITU-T Rec. I.252.4 (08/92) Call Forwarding Unconditional
ITU-T Rec. I.252.5 (08/92) Call Deflection
ITU-T Rec. I.252.6 (11/88) Line Hunting (LH)
ITU-T Rec. I.252.7 (05/97) Call offering supplementary services: Explicit call transfer
ITU-T Rec. I.253.1 (07/90) Call waiting (CW) supplementary service
ITU-T Rec. I.253.2 (08/92) Call Hold
ITU-T Rec. I.253.3 (07/96) Completion of calls to busy subscribers
ITU-T Rec. I.253.4 (07/96) Completion of calls on no reply
ITU-T Rec. I.254.2 (08/92) Three-Party Supplementary Service
ITU-T Rec. I.254.5 (05/97) Multiparty supplementary services: Meet-me conference
ITU-T Rec. I.255.1 (08/92) Closed User Group
ITU-T Rec. I.255.2 (07/96) Support of Private Numbering Plans
ITU-T Rec. I.255.3 (07/90) Multi-level precedence and preemption service (MLPP)
ITU-T Rec. I.255.4 (07/90) Priority service
ITU-T Rec. I.255.5 (08/92) Outgoing call barring
ITU-T Rec. I.256.3 (08/92) Reverse charging
ITU-T Rec. I.257.1 (10/95) User-to-User Signalling
ITU-T Rec. I.258.1 (10/95) Terminal portability (TP)
ITU-T Rec. I.258.2 (02/95) In-call modification (IM)
ITU-T Rec. I.259.1 (07/96) Screening supplementary services: Address screening (ADS)
ITU-T Rec. I.310 (03/93) ISDN - Network functional principles
ITU-T Rec. I.311 (08/96) B-ISDN general network aspects
ITU-T Rec. I.312 (10/92) Principles of intelligent network architecture
ITU-T Rec. I.313 (09/97) B-ISDN network requirements
ITU-T Rec. I.320 (11/93) ISDN protocol reference model
ITU-T Rec. I.321 (04/91) B-ISDN protocol reference model and its application
ITU-T Rec. I.322 (02/99) Generic protocol reference model for telecommunication networks
ITU-T Rec. I.324 (10/91) ISDN network architecture
ITU-T Rec. I.325 (03/93) Reference configurations for ISDN connection types
ITU-T Rec. I.327 (03/93) B-ISDN functional architecture
ITU-T Rec. I.330 (11/88) ISDN numbering and addressing principles
ITU-T Rec. I.331/E.164 (05/97) The international public telecommunication numbering plan
ITU-T Rec. I.333 (03/93) Terminal selection in ISDN
ITU-T Rec. I.334 (11/88) Principles relating ISDN numbers/sub-addresses to the OSI reference model
network layer addresses
ITU-T Rec. I.340 (11/88) ISDN connection types
ITU-T Rec. I.350 (03/93) General aspects of quality of service and network performance in digital networks,
including ISDNs
ITU-T Rec. I.351 (06/97) Relationships among ISDN performance Recommendations
ITU-T Rec. I.352 (03/93) Network performance objectives for connection processing delays in an ISDN
ITU-T Rec. I.353 (08/96) Reference events for defining ISDN and B-ISDN performance parameters
ITU-T Rec. I.354 (03/93) Network performance objectives for packet-mode communication in an ISDN
ITU-T Rec. I.355 (03/95) ISDN 64 kbit/s connection type availability performance
ITU-T Rec. I.356 (10/96) B-ISDN ATM layer cell transfer performance
ITU-T Rec. I.357 (08/96) B-ISDN semi-permanent connection availability
ITU-T Rec. I.358 (06/98) Call processing performance for switched Virtual Channel Connections (VCCs) in a
ITU-T Rec. I.359 (02/99) Accuracy and dependability of ISDN 64 kbit/s circuit mode connection types
ITU-T Rec. I.361 (02/99) B-ISDN ATM layer specification
ITU-T Rec. I.363 (03/93) B-ISDN ATM Adaptation Layer specification
ITU-T Rec. I.363.1 (08/96) B-ISDN ATM Adaptation Layer specification: Type 1 AAL
ITU-T Rec. I.363.2 (09/97) B-ISDN ATM Adaptation layer specification: Type 2 AAL
ITU-T Rec. I.363.3 (08/96) B-ISDN ATM Adaptation Layer specification: Type 3/4 AAL
ITU-T Rec. I.363.5 (08/96) B-ISDN ATM Adaptation Layer specification: Type 5 AAL
ITU-T Rec. I.364 (02/99) Support of the broadband connectionless data bearer service by the B-ISDN
ITU-T Rec. I.365.1 (11/93) Frame relaying service specific convergence sublayer (FR-SSCS)
ITU-T Rec. I.365.2 (11/95) Service specific coordination function to provide the connection oriented
network service
ITU-T Rec. I.365.3 (11/95) Service specific coordination function to provide the connection-oriented
transport service
ITU-T Rec. I.365.4 (08/96) B-ISDN ATM adaptation layer sublayers: Service specific convergence sublayer for
HDLC applications
ITU-T Rec. I.366.1 (06/98) Segmentation and Reassembly Service Specific Convergence Sublayer for the AAL
type 2
ITU-T Rec. I.366.2 (02/99) AAL type 2 service specific convergence sublayer for trunking
ITU-T Rec. I.370 (10/91) Congestion management for the ISDN frame relaying bearer service
ITU-T Rec. I.371 (08/96) Traffic control and congestion control in B-ISDN
ITU-T Rec. I.371.1 (06/97) Traffic control and congestion control in B-ISDN: conformance definitions for
ITU-T Rec. I.372 (03/93) Frame relaying bearer service network-to-network interface requirements
ITU-T Rec. I.373 (03/93) Network capabilities to support universal personal telecommunication (UPT)
ITU-T Rec. I.375.1 (06/98) General aspects
ITU-T Rec. I.375.2 (06/98) Network capabilities to support multimedia services: Example of multimedia
retrieval service class - Video-on-demand service using an ATM-based network
ITU-T Rec. I.376 (03/95) ISDN network capabilities for the support of teleaction service
ITU-T Rec. I.380 (02/99) Internet protocol data communication service - IP packet transfer and availability
performance parameters
ITU-T Rec. I.410 (10/84) General aspects and principles relating to Recommendations on ISDN user-network
ITU-T Rec. I.411 (03/93) ISDN user-network interfaces - Reference configurations
ITU-T Rec. I.412 (11/88) ISDN user-network interfaces - Interface structures and access capabilities
ITU-T Rec. I.413 (03/93) B-ISDN user-network interface
ITU-T Rec. I.414 (09/97) Overview of Recommendations on Layer 1 for ISDN and B-ISDN customer accesses
ITU-T Rec. I.420 (10/84) Basic user-network interface
ITU-T Rec. I.421 (10/84) Primary rate user-network interface
ITU-T Rec. I.430 (11/95) Basic user-network interface - Layer 1 specification
ITU-T Rec. I.431 (03/93) Primary rate user-network interface - Layer 1 specification
ITU-T Rec. I.431 Amd 1 (06/97)
ITU-T Rec. I.432.1 (02/99) General characteristics
ITU-T Rec. I.432.2 (02/99) 155 520 kbit/s and 622 080 kbit/s operation
ITU-T Rec. I.432.3 (02/99) 1544 kbit/s and 2048 kbits operation
ITU-T Rec. I.432.4 (02/99) B-ISDN user-network interface - Physical layer specification: 51 840 kbit/s
ITU-T Rec. I.432.5 (06/97) B-ISDN user-network interface - Physical layer specification: 25 600 kbit/s
ITU-T Rec. I.440 (03/93) ISDN user-network interface data link layer - General aspects
ITU-T Rec. I.441 (03/93) ISDN user-network interface - Data link layer specification
ITU-T Rec. I.450 (03/93) ISDN user-network interface layer 3 - General aspects
ITU-T Rec. I.451 (03/93) ISDN user-network interface layer 3 specification for basic call control
ITU-T Rec. I.452 (03/93) Generic procedures for the control of ISDN supplementary services
ITU-T Rec. I.460 (02/99) Multiplexing, rate adaption and support of existing interfaces
ITU-T Rec. I.461 (03/93) Support of X.21, X.21 bis and X.20 bis based Data Terminal Equipments (DTEs)
by an Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN)
ITU-T Rec. I.462 (11/95) Support of packet mode terminal equipment by an ISDN
ITU-T Rec. I.463 (10/96) Support by an ISDN of data terminal equipments with V-Series type interfaces
ITU-T Rec. I.464 (02/99) Multiplexing, rate adaption and support of existing interfaces for restricted
64 kbit/s transfer capability
ITU-T Rec. I.465 (10/96) Support by an ISDN of data terminal equipment with V-Series type interfaces with
provision for statistical multiplexing
ITU-T Rec. I.470 (11/88) Relationship of terminal functions to ISDN
ITU-T Rec. I.500 (03/93) General structure of the ISDN interworking Recommendations
ITU-T Rec. I.501 (03/93) Service interworking
ITU-T Rec. I.510 (03/93) Definitions and general principles for ISDN interworking
ITU-T Rec. I.511 (11/88) ISDN-to-ISDN layer 1 internetwork interface
ITU-T Rec. I.515 (03/93) Parameter exchange for ISDN interworking
ITU-T Rec. I.520 (03/93) General arrangements for network interworking between ISDNs
ITU-T Rec. I.525 (08/96) Interworking between networks operating at bit rates less than 64 kbit/s with 64
kbit/s-based ISDN and B-ISDN
ITU-T Rec. I.530 (03/93) Network interworking between an ISDN and a public switched telephone network
ITU-T Rec. I.540 (10/96) General arrangements for interworking between Circuit-Switched Public Data
Networks (CSPDNs) and Integrated Service Digital Networks (ISDNs) for the provision of data transmission
ITU-T Rec. I.550 (10/96) General arrangements for interworking between Packet Switched Public Data
Networks (PSPDNs) and Integrated Services Digital Networks (ISDNs) for the provision of data transmission
ITU-T Rec. I.555 (09/97) Frame Relaying Bearer Service interworking
ITU-T Rec. I.560 (03/93) Technical requirements to be met in providing the international telex service
within an integrated services digital network
ITU-T Rec. I.570 (03/93) Public/private ISDN interworking
ITU-T Rec. I.571 (08/96) Connection of VSAT based private networks to the public ISDN
ITU-T Rec. I.580 (11/95) General arrangements for interworking between B-ISDN and 64 kbit/s based ISDN
ITU-T Rec. I.581 (09/97) General arrangements for B-ISDN interworking
ITU-T Rec. I.601 (11/88) General maintenance principles of ISDN subscriber access and subscriber
ITU-T Rec. I.610 (02/99) B-ISDN operation and maintenance principles and functions
ITU-T Rec. I.620 (10/96) Frame relay operation and maintenance principles and functions
ITU-T Rec. I.630 (02/99) ATM protection switching
ITU-T Rec. I.731 (03/96) Types and general characteristics of ATM equipment
ITU-T Rec. I.732 (03/96) Functional characteristics of ATM equipment
ITU-T Rec. I.741 (06/99) Interworking and interconnection between ATM and switched telephone networks
for the transmission of speech, voiceband data and audio signals
ITU-T Rec. I.751 (03/96) Asynchronous tranfer mode management of the network element view
ITU-T Rec. I.231.10 (08/92) Circuit-mode multiple-rate unrestricted 8 kHz structured bearer service
ITU-T Rec. I.233.1 Annex F (07/96) Frame relay multicast
ITU-T Rec. I.251.10 (07/96) Calling name identification restriction
ITU-T Rec. I.254.1 (11/88) Conference calling (CONF)
ITU-T Rec. I.254.1 Part B -
ITU-T Rec. I.254.1 Part C -
ITU-T Rec. I.254.1 Part D -
ITU-T Rec. I.256.2a (03/93) Advice of charge: charging information at call set-up time (AOC-S)
ITU-T Rec. I.256.2b (03/93) Advice of charge: charging information during the call (AOC-D)
ITU-T Rec. I.256.2c (03/93) Advice of charge: charging information at the end of the call (AOc-E)
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