
相關(guān)專題: ITU 國際標(biāo)準(zhǔn)







ITU-T Rec. M.10 (10/92) Scope and application of Recommendations for maintenance of telecommunication
networks and services
ITU-T Rec. M.15 (11/88) Maintenance considerations for new systems
ITU-T Rec. M.20 (10/92) Maintenance philosophy for telecommunications networks
ITU-T Rec. M.21 (10/92) Maintenance philosophy for telecommunication services
ITU-T Rec. M.32 (11/88) Principles for using alarm information for maintenance of international
transmission systems and equipment
ITU-T Rec. M.34 (11/88) Performance monitoring on international transmission systems and equipment
ITU-T Rec. M.35 (11/88) Principles concerning line-up and maintenance limits
ITU-T Rec. M.50 (11/88) Use of telecommunication terms for maintenance
ITU-T Rec. M.60 (03/93) Maintenance terminology and definitions
ITU-T Rec. M.70 (11/88) Guiding principles on the general maintenance organization for telephone-type
international circuits
ITU-T Rec. M.75 (10/92) Technical service
ITU-T Rec. M.80 (11/88) Control stations
ITU-T Rec. M.85 (10/92) Fault report points
ITU-T Rec. M.90 (11/88) Sub-control stations
ITU-T Rec. M.100 (11/88) Service circuits
ITU-T Rec. M.110 (11/88) Circuit testing
ITU-T Rec. M.120 (11/88) Access points for maintenance
ITU-T Rec. M.125 (11/88) Digital loopback mechanisms
ITU-T Rec. M.160 (11/88) Stability of transmission
ITU-T Rec. M.320 (11/88) Numbering of the channels in a group
ITU-T Rec. M.330 (11/88) Numbering of groups within a supergroup
ITU-T Rec. M.340 (11/88) Numbering of supergroups within a mastergroup
ITU-T Rec. M.350 (11/88) Numbering of mastergroups within a supermastergroup
ITU-T Rec. M.380 (11/88) Numbering in coaxial systems
ITU-T Rec. M.390 (11/88) Numbering in systems on symmetric pair cable
ITU-T Rec. M.400 (11/88) Numbering in radio-relay links or open-wire line systems
ITU-T Rec. M.410 (11/88) Numbering of digital blocks in transmission systems
ITU-T Rec. M.450 (11/88) Bringing a new international transmission system into service
ITU-T Rec. M.460 (11/88) Bringing international group, supergroup, etc., links into service
ITU-T Rec. M.470 (11/88) Setting up and lining up analogue channels for international telecommunication
ITU-T Rec. M.475 (11/88) Setting up and lining up mixed analogue/digital channels for international
telecommunication services
ITU-T Rec. M.495 (11/88) Transmission restoration and transmission route diversity: Terminology and
general principles
ITU-T Rec. M.496 (11/88) Functional organization for automatic transmission restoration
ITU-T Rec. M.500 (11/88) Routine maintenance measurements to be made on regulated line sections
ITU-T Rec. M.510 (11/88) Readjustment to the nominal value of a regulated line section (on a symmetric
pair line, a coaxial line or a radio-relay link)
ITU-T Rec. M.520 (11/88) Routine maintenance on international group, supergroup, etc., links
ITU-T Rec. M.525 (11/88) Automatic maintenance procedures for international group, supergroup, etc., links
ITU-T Rec. M.530 (11/88) Readjustment to the nominal value of an international group, supergroup, etc.,
ITU-T Rec. M.535 (11/88) Special maintenance procedures for multiple destination, unidirectional (MU)
group and supergroup links
ITU-T Rec. M.540 (11/88) Routine maintenance of carrier and pilot generating equipment
ITU-T Rec. M.556 (11/88) Setting up and initial testing of digital channels on an international digital path
or block
ITU-T Rec. M.560 (11/88) International telephone circuits - Principles, definitions and relative transmission
ITU-T Rec. M.562 (11/88) Types of circuit and circuit section
ITU-T Rec. M.565 (11/88) Access points for international telephone circuits
ITU-T Rec. M.570 (11/88) Constitution of the circuit; preliminary exchange of information
ITU-T Rec. M.580 (11/88) Setting up and lining up an international circuit for public telephony
ITU-T Rec. M.585 (11/88) Bringing an international digital circuit into service
ITU-T Rec. M.590 (11/88) Setting up and lining up a circuit fitted with a compandor
ITU-T Rec. M.600 (11/88) Organization of routine maintenance measurements on circuits
ITU-T Rec. M.605 (11/88) Routine maintenance schedule for international public telephony circuits
ITU-T Rec. M.610 (11/88) Periodicity of maintenance measurements on circuits
ITU-T Rec. M.620 (11/88) Methods for carrying out routine measurements on circuits
ITU-T Rec. M.630 (11/88) Maintenance of circuits using control chart methods
ITU-T Rec. M.650 (11/88) Routine line measurements to be made on the line repeaters of audio-frequency
sections or circuits
ITU-T Rec. M.660 (11/88) Periodical in-station tests of echo suppressors complying with Recommendations
G.161 and G.164
ITU-T Rec. M.665 (11/88) Testing of echo cancellers
ITU-T Rec. M.670 (11/88) Maintenance of a circuit fitted with a compandor
ITU-T Rec. M.675 (11/88) Lining up and maintaining international demand assignment circuits (SPADE)
ITU-T Rec. M.710 (11/88) General maintenance organization for the international automatic and
semi-automatic telephone service
ITU-T Rec. M.715 (11/88) Fault report point (circuit)
ITU-T Rec. M.716 (11/88) Fault report point (network)
ITU-T Rec. M.717 (11/88) Testing point (transmission)
ITU-T Rec. M.718 (11/88) Testing point (line signalling)
ITU-T Rec. M.719 (11/88) Testing point (switching and interregister signalling)
ITU-T Rec. M.720 (11/88) Network analysis point
ITU-T Rec. M.721 (11/88) System availability information point
ITU-T Rec. M.722 (11/80) Network management point
ITU-T Rec. M.723 (11/88) Circuit control station
ITU-T Rec. M.724 (11/88) Circuit sub-control station
ITU-T Rec. M.725 (11/88) Restoration control point
ITU-T Rec. M.726 (11/88) Maintenance organization for the wholly digital international automatic and
semi-automatic telephone service
ITU-T Rec. M.729 (11/88) Organization of the maintenance of international public switched telephone
circuits used for data transmission
ITU-T Rec. M.730 (11/88) Maintenance methods
ITU-T Rec. M.731 (11/88) Subjective testing
ITU-T Rec. M.732 (11/88) Signalling and switching routine maintenance tests and measurements
ITU-T Rec. M.733 (11/88) Transmission routine maintenance measurements on automatic and semi-automatic
telephone circuits
ITU-T Rec. M.734 (11/88) Exchange of information on incoming test facilities at international switching
ITU-T Rec. M.760 (11/88) Transfer link for common channel Signalling System No. 6
ITU-T Rec. M.762 (11/88) Maintenance of common channel Signalling System No. 6
ITU-T Rec. M.800 (11/88) Use of circuits for voice-frequency telegraphy
ITU-T Rec. M.810 (11/88) Setting up and lining up an international voice-frequency telegraph link for
public telegraph circuits (for 50, 100 and 200 baud modulation rates)
ITU-T Rec. M.820 (11/88) Periodicity of routine tests on international voice-frequency telegraph links
ITU-T Rec. M.830 (11/88) Routine measurements to be made on international voice-frequency telegraph
ITU-T Rec. M.850 (11/88) International time division multiplex (TDM) telegraph systems
ITU-T Rec. M.880 (11/88) International phototelegraph transmission
ITU-T Rec. M.900 (11/88) Use of leased group and supergroup links for wide-spectrum signal transmission
(data, facsimile, etc.)
ITU-T Rec. M.910 (11/88) Setting up and lining up an international leased group link for wide-spectrum
signal transmission
ITU-T Rec. M.1010 (11/88) Constitution and nomenclature of international leased circuits
ITU-T Rec. M.1012 (11/88) Circuit control station for leased and special circuits
ITU-T Rec. M.1013 (11/88) Sub-control station for leased and special circuits
ITU-T Rec. M.1014 (11/88) Transmission maintenance point (international line) (TMP-IL)
ITU-T Rec. M.1015 (11/88) Types of transmission on leased circuits
ITU-T Rec. M.1016 (11/88) Assessment of the service availability performance of international leased circuits
ITU-T Rec. M.1020 (03/93) Characteristics of special quality international leased circuits with special
bandwidth conditioning
ITU-T Rec. M.1025 (03/93) Characteristics of special quality international leased circuits with basic
bandwidth conditioning
ITU-T Rec. M.1030 (11/88) Characteristics of ordinary quality international leased circuits forming part of
private switched telephone networks
ITU-T Rec. M.1040 (11/88) Characteristics of ordinary quality international leased circuits
ITU-T Rec. M.1045 (05/96) Preliminary exchange of information for the provision of international leased
circuits and international data transmission systems
ITU-T Rec. M.1050 (06/98) Lining up an international point-to-point leased circuit with analogue
presentation to the user
ITU-T Rec. M.1055 (11/88) Lining up an international multiterminal leased circuit
ITU-T Rec. M.1060 (11/88) Maintenance of international leased circuits
ITU-T Rec. M.1130 (10/92) General definitions and general principles of operation/maintenance procedures
to be used in satellite mobile systems
ITU-T Rec. M.1140 (10/92) Maritime mobile telecommunication services via satellite
ITU-T Rec. M.1150 (04/97) Maintenance aspects of maritime/land mobile telecommunication
store-and-forward services (packet mode) via satellite
ITU-T Rec. M.1160 (04/97) Maintenance aspects of aeronautical mobile telecommunication service via
ITU-T Rec. M.1170 (04/97) Maintenance aspects of mobile digital telecommunication service via satellite
ITU-T Rec. M.1230 (05/96) Method to improve the management of operations and maintenance processes in
the International Telephone Network
ITU-T Rec. M.1235 (11/88) Use of automatically generated test calls for assessment of network performance
ITU-T Rec. M.1300 (10/97) Maintenance of international data transmission systems operating in the range
2.4 kbit/s to 140 Mbit/s
ITU-T Rec. M.1320 (11/88) Numbering of channels in data transmission systems
ITU-T Rec. M.1340 (05/96) Performance allocations and limits for international data transmission links and
ITU-T Rec. M.1350 (11/88) Setting up, lining up and characteristics of international data transmission
systems operating in the range 2.4 kbit/s to 14.4 kbit/s
ITU-T Rec. M.1355 (11/88) Maintenance of international data transmission systems operating in the range
2.4 to 14.4 kbit/s
ITU-T Rec. M.1370 (06/98) Bringing-into-service of international data transmission systems
ITU-T Rec. M.1375 (06/98) Maintenance of international data transmission systems
ITU-T Rec. M.1380 (04/97) Bringing-into-service of international leased circuits that are supported by
international data transmission systems
ITU-T Rec. M.1385 (03/93) Maintenance of international leased circuits that are supported by international
data transmission systems
ITU-T Rec. M.1400 (04/97) Designations for international networks
ITU-T Rec. M.1510 (10/92) Exchange of contact point information for the maintenance of international
services and the international network
ITU-T Rec. M.1520 (10/92) Standardized information exchange between Administrations
ITU-T Rec. M.1530 (10/92) Network maintenance information
ITU-T Rec. M.1535 (05/96) Principles for maintenance information to be exchanged at customer contact
point (MICC)
ITU-T Rec. M.1537 (10/97) Definition of maintenance information to be exchanged at customer contact
point (MICC)
ITU-T Rec. M.1540 (10/94) Exchange of information for planned outages of transmission systems
ITU-T Rec. M.1550 (10/92) Escalation procedure
ITU-T Rec. M.1560 (10/92) Escalation procedure for international leased circuits
ITU-T Rec. M.2100 (07/95) Performance limits for bringing-into-service and maintenance of international
PDH paths, sections and transmission systems
ITU-T Rec. M.2101.1 (04/97) Performance limits for bringing-into-service and maintenance of international
SDH paths and multiplex sections
ITU-T Rec. M.2110 (04/97) Bringing-into-service of international PDH paths, sections and transmission
systems and SDH paths and multiplex sections
ITU-T Rec. M.2120 (04/97) PDH path, section and transmission system and SDH path and multiplex section
fault detection and localization procedures
ITU-T Rec. M.2130 (10/92) Operational procedures in locating and clearing transmission faults
ITU-T Rec. M.3000 (10/94) Overview of TMN Recommendations
ITU-T Rec. M.3010 Addendum 1 (06/98) TMN conformance and TMN compliance
ITU-T Rec. M.3010 (05/96) Principles for a Telecommunications management network
ITU-T Rec. M.3016 (06/98) TMN security overview
ITU-T Rec. M.3020 (07/95) TMN interface specification methodology
ITU-T Rec. M.3100 Cor 1 (07/98) Corrigendum 1
ITU-T Rec. M.3100 (07/95) Generic network information model
ITU-T Rec. M.3100 Amd 1 (03/99) Generic Network Information Model
ITU-T Rec. M.3101 (07/95) Managed object conformance statements for the generic network information
ITU-T Rec. M.3180 (10/92) Catalogue of TMN management information
ITU-T Rec. M.3200 (04/97) TMN management services and telecommunications managed areas: overview
ITU-T Rec. M.3207.1 (05/96) TMN management service: maintenance aspects of B-ISDN management
ITU-T Rec. M.3208.1 (10/97) TMN management services for dedicated and reconfigurable circuits network:
Leased circuit services
ITU-T Rec. M.3208.2 (03/99) TMN management services for dedicated and reconfigurable circuits network:
Connection management
ITU-T Rec. M.3211.1 (05/96) TMN management service: Fault and performance management of the ISDN
ITU-T Rec. M.3300 (06/98) TMN F interface requirements
ITU-T Rec. M.3320 (04/97) Management requirements framework for the TMN X-Interface
ITU-T Rec. M.3400 (04/97) TMN management functions
ITU-T Rec. M.3600 (10/92) Principles for the management of ISDNs
ITU-T Rec. M.3602 (10/92) Application of maintenance principles to ISDN subscriber installations
ITU-T Rec. M.3603 (10/92) Application of maintenance principles to ISDN basic rate access
ITU-T Rec. M.3604 (10/92) Application of maintenance principles to ISDN primary rate access
ITU-T Rec. M.3605 (10/92) Application of maintenance principles to static multiplexed ISDN basic rate
ITU-T Rec. M.3610 (05/96) Principles for applying the TMN concept to the management of B-ISDN
ITU-T Rec. M.3611 (04/97) Test management of the B-ISDN ATM layer using the TMN
ITU-T Rec. M.3620 (10/92) Principles for the use of ISDN test calls, systems and responders
ITU-T Rec. M.3621 (07/95) Integrated management of the ISDN customer access
ITU-T Rec. M.3640 (10/92) Management of the D-channel - Data link layer and network layer
ITU-T Rec. M.3641 (10/94) Management information model for the management of the data link and
network layer of the ISDN D-channel
ITU-T Rec. M.3650 (04/97) Network performance measurements of ISDN calls
ITU-T Rec. M.3660 (10/92) ISDN interface management services
ITU-T Rec. M.4010 (10/92) Inter-Administration agreements on common channel Signalling System No. 6
ITU-T Rec. M.4030 (10/92) Transmission characteristics for setting up and lining up a transfer link for
common channel Signalling System No. 6 (analogue version)
ITU-T Rec. M.4100 (05/96) Maintenance of common channel Signalling System No. 7
ITU-T Rec. M.4110 (05/96) Inter-Administration agreements on common channel Signalling System No. 7
ITU-T Rec. M.1539 (03/99) Management of the grade of network maintenance services at the maintenance
service customer contact point (MSCC)

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